After Ding Wen got laodingtou's response, he quietly told laodingtou to make the evening meal more plentiful, one for Jiangting, the other for the rest of the team.

"The old man wrote it down." Laodingtou nodded gently and left like a ghost. Several chariots flashing across Jiangting entered the rear of the team.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting's eyes twinkled, his face unchanged, and his mood revealed countless doubts Where is his flaw?

He thinks that there is no flaw in his speech and expression before him. Even if there is, these people can't see it. As a result, Ding Wen and the old Ding tou are convinced that he has lied!


After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ting showed some uncertainty Is it because these people are not pure people?

There is nothing wrong with him thinking so. The guards who used to fight are hardly human The number of guards who survived with serious injuries was only about 20.

In Jiang Ting's perception, only a few three people are pure human beings, and the others all have a sense of disobedience And it's different from the initial sense of disobedience.

This time, he felt that sense of disobedience, there are big and small, the specific reason he did not know, but I think it may be related to his practice here.

"Yi..." The sound of a sharp blade cutting into the body sounded like the direction of old Ding tou's departure.

"Strange, I don't see any beast in the motorcade. What are they killing?" Although he was surprised, Jiang Ting didn't turn his head to see it.

He just had a quiet rest He didn't know where the flaw was found by the team, but for the time being, the team obviously won't take the initiative to find it out. When he got to cangping mansion, it was the Ding family who got the ID card.

However, the flaw of Lu must be found. It's not enough to face the team. If there is a flaw at the end of the future plan, it's really unbearable Just, what is the flaw?

"Gululu..." The wheels of the car were still rolling slowly, and the motorcade also went away along the official road.


After a few hours, it's night.

The motorcade also slowly stopped in the official road. Where they stopped, there was a huge square and temple that had been cultivated. There were also things that I didn't know what they were. It can only be seen from the statue that blue faced tusks are not good.

According to Jiang Ting's knowledge, this kind of square and temple is specially used for rest. People on the official road can rest in the temple at night or in the daytime.

The people in the motorcade have driven all the carriages into the square to form a group. At the same time, the ploughing fire is rising and something is cooking. Jiang Ting doesn't leave the carriage because he doesn't know where the flaw is. He is thinking all the time.

But, after thinking about it, he couldn't think of where he showed his flaws.

It's been a while.

"Brother Jiang, it's a cold night. Come and drink a bowl of broth to drive away the cold." Ding Wen approached the carriage and began to greet him.

"Thank you, brother Ding." Jiang Ting left the carriage with a smile The mind is still thinking.

The two of them went to the nearest farm fire They made a triangle of some kind of metal and hung it high. An iron pot was hanging on the bracket. The fire was burning under the iron pot. A faint smell of meat was spreading.

Obviously, the broth is almost ready.

After approaching the fire, Jiang Ting did not rush to see the big pot. Instead, he chuckled: "brother Ding, what kind of meat are you? How do I feel? It's a little tempting."

"Ha ha, brother Jiang is a distinguished guest, and if it wasn't for brother Jiang today, I'm afraid our motorcade would fall into the hands of the robbers."

With a laugh, Ding Wen took out a straw stump and sat down: "in order to help brother Jiang clean up the dust, I specially slaughtered two meat men who had been specially raised. They were fed a very special elixir from their urine. Once they ate it, it would be of great benefit to their cultivation."

Meat man?

Somehow, Jiang Ting's mood suddenly began to get cold, and his stomach, which had not eaten for a long time, began to feel sick and wanted to vomit.

Then he suddenly looked at the big pot, and his pupils suddenly shrank In the big pot, the meat has been boiled and is about to be rotten.

Suddenly, his fist clenched

He saw that in the big pot, there was a head cooking, and a thigh and arm beside the head. Because it had been cooked for too long, the head had already lost its face and look, only the cooked meat

What they cooked is not a beast or bird of prey, but a human!

But Ding Wen didn't know Jiang Ting's thoughts and revealed some doubts: "brother Jiang, what's the matter with you?"

"Cannibalism?" Jiang Ting's voice became indifferent.

A faint sense of killing began to rise He didn't have much sorrow in his heart, but he was a little cold. Although he knew there were many demons in the motorcade, he didn't expect that these people were openly cannibalism.

Even invited him to He didn't plan to fight against the team. After all, there are so many demons in the world. How many can he kill?However, since the team is looking for death, no wonder he.

But Ding Wen didn't find anything wrong. Instead, he looked at the iron pot with a smile: "brother Jiang's words are different. They're just flesh people. How can they be called human After all, we are in the wilderness and lack of materials. Otherwise, it would not be too wasteful to stew in this iron pot. "

Jiang Ting smiles when he hears the speech If Chai Ying is here, we can see that Jiangting is on the verge of outbreak.

It's also thanks to Jiang Ting's cultivation of this realm. But his current taboo cultivation is hard to do all at once. When he unsealed his cultivation, the two forces collide with each other and may be exposed If not, Jiang Ting is afraid to directly use the strength of the God King to crush all the demons here.

But In any case, people here will die.

Between his thoughts, Jiang Ting exhaled slightly to suppress his nausea and nausea: "brother Ding is a little ashamed to treat him with such a feast To be honest, Jiang is not a person of Xiaohe village. "

Ding Wen looked slightly stunned, then turned his head to show surprise: "brother Jiang, how do you say this?"

In the light of the fire, the surprise in Ding Wen's manner vaguely shows some ferocity belonging to demons.

"I'm afraid brother Ding's intelligence has seen through Jiang's lies Jiang is really not suitable for lying, alas. " Jiang Ting's eyebrows show a little sigh, and his eyes are staring at Lao Ding's head three Zhang away.

Although there are many guards here, only laodingtou has a three-level spirit. He wants to kill laodingtou by means of sneak attack when laodingtou is unprepared!

As long as they can kill instantly, other guards will not have the chance to escape again If you eat people in front of him, you will die!

With his current ability of practicing Qi refining Jue and the sealed Liuyun, it's not difficult to kill immediately under the attack.

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