After Jiang Ting got up and approached a carriage, he suddenly had some understanding and speculation about the so-called darkness.

In his view, perhaps only as he thought, it is necessary to completely reshape everything.

In the mood, Jiangting is close to a carriage Maybe it's his confused thinking, or maybe it's intentional.

In a word, the carriage he was approaching was not the one he was resting on, nor the one Ding Wen was resting on, but a carriage that had never been approached.

When he got close, he directly opened the curtain The carriage does have a space array. There is a lot of space in it. It has a full radius of 30 Zhang.

At the same time, it was full of naked people, men and women, crowded together like goods. Without exception, their faces were stiff, their eyes were blank, they were neither afraid of death nor eager for freedom, just like puppets.

Jiang Ting lifted the curtain, and they were not even interested in looking up, so they squeezed in quietly, motionless.

Perhaps, they have already numb, or have already lost consciousness If not, when Lao dingtou killed people before, he couldn't have screamed at all. It was because he didn't scream, and Jiang Ting was thinking about other things, that he didn't find out all the time that they killed people.

"Brother Jiang!" Ding Wen's deep voice rang out.

"I'm sorry, I have something to do in my heart. I went wrong in a daze." Jiang Ting put down the curtain, and then got on a carriage, which was the one he was resting on.

After returning to the carriage, Jiang Ting sat quietly Somehow, he suddenly wanted to see the Emperor himself.

He didn't know how the emperor killed jiuchongtian. He just wanted to know how the emperor did it. After the destruction of jiuchongtian, he not only killed himself, but also made countless people who followed him to kill jiuchongtian.

As for the so-called meat man There's no need to save it.

All the people in the carriage were numb, with no desire for life and no fear of death. Maybe they were born to wait for death Even if Jiang Ting killed all the people in the motorcade, they probably don't know what it means to escape. They just wait in the same place until they are found by a demigod and then taken away.

In this way, it's better to continue to hide until you get what you want, and then you will show your true cultivation, which will naturally turn the world upside down.

As for the team In Jiang Ting's heart, he had already sentenced them to death. However, he was not impulsive. Since all the people in the carriage had lost their desire to live, there was no need for him to rush to expose himself.

It's not difficult for him to reach the limit of Qi refining formula and touch the threshold of immortals and gods here as long as he finds a place to continue to shut down for a year and a half.

It's easy to assassinate all the people in the motorcade when the strength is up?

He is not impulsive, not to mention, he never thought he would be a good man Good people, whether in the divine realm or in this taboo play, will not live long without a strong enough background to rely on.

On the other side.

Ding Wen looks at Yang Xiu and the carriage where Jiang Ting is. He is puzzled. He doesn't understand why Jiang Ting suddenly wants to rest.

However, he didn't ask, because with the support of Yang Xiu's family, he had a lot of confidence in the safety of the next trip.

…… In a twinkling of an eye, most of the month passed quietly.

The motorcade has been going along the official road, sometimes day and night, before arriving at a rather large city.

If you are in the sky, it's not hard to see that this city, like an ordinary city, is square. There are countless Gaoge courtyards in the city, and people come and go in the streets.

This is cangping mansion!

At this moment, the sun is just empty, so there are a lot of people queuing in front of the gate to check.

After the team arrived, it was not inspected.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Just a pariah, get out of the way!"

"Get the hell out of here

Several escorts in the motorcade came forward with a look of arrogance and disdain to expel the people queuing at the gate of the city. Knowing that the main road at the gate of the city was almost completely cleared, the motorcade slowly began to enter the city.

As for the soldiers at the gate of the city They didn't have the guts to go near the team and start checking. They just waited respectfully with their heads down.

A carriage in a slightly forward position.

Jiang Ting sat on the edge of the carriage and looked at both sides quietly. Almost all of them were people in coarse cloth and hemp clothes. They couldn't see anything at all.

Looking at it, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth Rose: "interesting world."

For most of this month, he didn't spend it in vain How easy is it for him to get along with Ding Wen, Lao Ding tou and Yang Xiu?

Because of this half month, he knew more and more about Dayan Xianchao.

In the dayanxian Dynasty, although people were all human beings, there was an extremely obvious division between them.

The highest status is that nature is the legitimate son of immortals It is not uncommon for immortals to marry people here. What is rare is that immortals marry ordinary people, just like Linglong goddess and situ Changkong.On the one hand, Linglong goddess has a high position in jiuchongtian, on the other hand, situ Changkong is just an ordinary person.

Normally speaking, immortals may intermarry with people who are half gods and half immortals. The offspring of such characters are the sons of immortals, who inherit the blood of immortals and have extraordinary talent.

The next are demigods and immortals.

Of course, the so-called distinction between Shenzi and Banshen and Banxian is very general. People in taboo prefer to confuse Shenzi and Banshen and call them Banshen and Banxian. The difference is that the so-called Shenzi is the legitimate son of Xianshen, and the offspring of Banshen and Banshen are the common people.

Of course, there is also a problem involved here. For example, if half gods and half immortals are combined with ordinary people, the offspring under such circumstances are also called the offspring of the common people Another example is the combination of pure immortals and pure ordinary people.

in a word, there are many problems, so gradually, gradually, there is no longer the name of Shenzi. They are all called Banxian, and the distinction is between legitimate son and common son.

Another is that the so-called half god can be cultivated. After Jiang Ting's long story, it is found that in the final analysis, it is because these half gods and half immortals contain blood from immortals that they can be cultivated.

Half gods and half immortals intermarry with each other, and blood will continue to spread. But if half gods and half immortals combine with ordinary people, their offspring will be diluted and adulterated by ordinary people's blood, and their cultivation qualification will be reduced. Therefore, although there is no explicit regulation, half gods and half Immortals have always been extremely forbidden to intermarry with ordinary people.

And because the blood of immortals and immortals are different, there may be some conflicts between the blood of immortals and immortals Therefore, there are many intermarriages among blood relatives here.

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