Because Zhong Ming is the most powerful of the guards recruited, Lao Jiangtou directly makes Zhong Ming the leader of the guard Jiang Ting knows all these things. After all, Lao Jiang tou will report them, but he is too lazy to pay attention to them.

As for why there are no guardians of the second level gods, it's not that cangping mansion can't find the guardians of the second level gods, but that they won't come to Jiangfu After all, whether compared with the Yamen or several families in the city, Jiangting is full of disadvantages and can only recruit first-class gods.

Zhong Ming's message flashed through Jiang Ting's mind, and his face became colder and colder: "for no reason, no one will come to my Jiang house to kill people. I think it's internal? I remember that on the first day of the establishment of Jiangfu, I said that I was kind-hearted, hated blood, and didn't want anything to happen to this mansion Are you challenging the rules set by Jiang? Who killed them

The maid who was brought over quickly knelt on the ground: "master, it's not me."

Zhong Ming kept kneeling on one knee, raised his head and frowned slightly: "master, maybe There may be demons in the house. "

Jiang Ting, with a cold face, frowned: "demon? The devil who dares to enter cangping mansion should kill people in this big cangping mansion. "

When Zhong Ming saw this, he didn't explain anything. Instead, he motioned slightly toward the outside.

Then, two more guards came into the yard and carried in a A mummy, can not see the original appearance, can only see that it is wearing gray linen clothes, the clothes are not any damage and damage, very complete.

It is worth mentioning that the guards in the mansion are all dressed in black and woven with silk. They have a very high position in the mansion, just below the old river head.

The maid's words, according to the rules of cangping house, should have been wearing a blue dress, which is simple and can set off some beauty. It's just because Jiang Ting likes to wear a blue dress. In order to avoid taboo, the maid is all in pink.

In addition, there is another kind of people in the mansion, the servants recruited by Jiang ting and bought in Yahang. These people wear gray linen clothes to save money Although Jiang Ting doesn't care about money, as a housekeeper, Lao Jiang tou naturally wants to save money and be careful.

There is no special ordinary person. It is a great happiness to be a housekeeper in a mansion. Lao Jiangtou wants to do better.

Of course, Jiang Ting didn't care, even didn't care.

What he cares about is that it's the corpse Although it sounds cruel, after seeing the man's clothes, Jiang Ting was relieved.

The dead are the slaves he bought. Even if such people die, it won't hurt. What he worries about is that the guards die for no reason, or some of the slaves he didn't buy are killed. If he can't find the reason, something big will happen sooner or later.

Although many semi immortals call ordinary people Untouchables Untouchables, untouchables, no matter how humble, are the people, who are recognized by the Dayan Xianchao!

He is not interested in intriguing with the surrounding families or the government, because of the trouble!

After the mood relaxed, Jiang Ting's brow wrinkled again: "the blood essence and Qi were drained Is it true that a demon has entered the city? "

The dead slave had no scars on his whole body. The only thing he could see was that his blood essence and Qi were all sucked up.


After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting denied Even if he sealed his real strength, he also reached the sixth level God's ability in practicing the Qi refining formula. If he broke out completely, he only needed a sword to destroy all the people and the demons in the whole cangping mansion!

With his current strength, it is impossible for a demon to sneak into the mansion without his perception.

Zhong Ming's face was slightly stunned: "master, don't you think it's a demon?"

Jiang Ting took out a chair and sat down slowly: "do you think my master is playing in the past half year? My master has made great progress now. Even though he is the other owners of the family, I am confident that I will fight Where can demons enter the city at will? You can cheat my master's perception and kill people in this Jiangfu! "

"Then..." The pupil of Zhong Ming and others shrank instantly.

Jiang Ting ignored it, but looked at the maid: "the body you found?"

"Back to the master, it was found by the maidservant."

After a pause, the maid explained in a hurry: "the master didn't know. He asked me to meet in the front yard the day before yesterday, but he didn't keep the appointment. He didn't show up these days, which made the housekeeper very angry. At night, I wanted to see what he was doing, but As a result As a result, he pushed the door in and saw that he was dead. "

At the end, the maid began to tremble. She didn't know whether she was frightened or because she was sad.

Old river head suddenly turns round cold drink: "you lie!"

The maid became panic: "housekeeper, maidservant dare not lie..."

Old Jiang tou's eyes were slightly cold when he heard the words: "the master is kind. He didn't let all his servants huddle together But in each room, four people live together. He turns into a mummy in the room. How can the other three tell the future? "

The maid shook her head hastily: "I I don't know... "

Jiang Ting said directly, "which three people live with him?""Master Hui, it's xiaosanzi, Xiaoding and Dachun..."

As soon as he finished, Lao Jiang frowned: "I suddenly remember that they haven't appeared for a while Damn, did they have an accident... "

Jiang Ting immediately laughed: "Zhong Ming, you take people to look for, no matter dead or alive, bring people here!"

He really wants to laugh Unconsciously, how many people have died in this Jiangfu? It is he who has been closed for a long time these days. Does the "people" of cangping think he is easy to bully!

"Only Zhong Ming and the two guards immediately got up and jumped out of the yard.

After a while, bursts of air breaking sound sounded in Jiangfu.

Jiang Ting sat quietly in his chair Although he can turn the Jiang mansion upside down with his mind, there is no need to do it by himself since there is someone under his hand.

The money is not wasted!

Before Zhong Ming came back, Jiang Ting tilted his head slightly: "old Jiang tou, you housekeeper are really competent!"

"Master..." Lao Jiangtou turns around and lies on the ground.

Jiang Ting sees this, silent for a while, slowly open mouth: "give you an opportunity to explain."

Perhaps, he is really kind-hearted. Because Lao Jiangtou is too old, Jiangting didn't directly abandon him to be a servant.

However, it's only because of compassion!

If Lao Jiangtou can tell the reason, it will not be the case next time. If he can't tell the reason A good man will not live long!

Laojiangtou fell on the ground and quickly responded: "master, you have always been kind and kind since you established your mansion. Before, many servants wanted to ask for leave, and you would never refuse. Villains thought, master, you established your mansion with kindness. If those servants have something to do, as long as they don't break the daily work of the mansion, I will turn a blind eye."

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