In the face of Chai Ying's strange voice, Jiang Ting's voice has become strange Is there no other way to practice in the Dayan Xianchao of nuota?

"There are many skills of jiuchongtian, but there is only one way in the world. The limit after Qi refining formula is jiyijing."

After that, Chai Ying said softly: "like the Qi refining formula, this jiyijing is extremely mysterious and concise. I heard that the cultivation methods of jiuchongtian are all extended from jiyijing. I tried to change this jiyijing, but finally found that there is no way to change it. Just a little change is the most suitable method for individual cultivation, and I don't know who created this jiyijing ... I'll tell you about this method first. I'm going to the bitter and cold place in the extreme north. I heard that there are many strong men who can fight with jiuchongtian... "

Then, after a full quarter of an hour, Chai Ying finished his speech and also ended his arraignment.

Jiang Ting thought for a while, then looked at the sky Compared with his harvest, Chai Ying had heard more and more perfect news, and even got jiyijing.


After hesitating for a while, Jiang Ting looks at Nie Gao with Yu Guang, looking a little helpless He seems unable to practice.

According to Chai Ying, jiyijing is actually a secret in the human world. At least, there is no information that can't be obtained. Except that jiuchongtian may send out the Dharma, in the human world, only Dayan Xianchao and the extremely cold place in the extreme north can master jiyijing.

She even suspected that this skill might have been spilled by Dayan Xianchao on purpose. If he got it without the reason, it must have been unintentional. He would rather kill the wrong than let it go.

As for the leakage of Gongfa No one will care, and the reason is simpler. According to the analysis here, the evil things that appear have the lowest strength, which is the strength of the Ninth level God.

And the extreme that the extreme mind Sutra can cultivate is the Ninth level God

As for how to promote the God King here, she doesn't know for the moment, but she thinks it should be similar to the God realm, and she can be promoted by controlling the rules.

Although there is a great idea Sutra, Jiang Ting finds that he seems unable to practice Because, on the surface, he has no extreme intention.

Think of here, Jiang Ting can't help shaking his head: "plan can't catch up, change."

He didn't want to have anything to do with Huangji prison, because he didn't want to meet the senior officials of Dayan Xianchao so early, but now it seems Huangji prison, I'm afraid he really wants to go.

As long as he goes to Huangji prison, he can just go to practice Jiyi Sutra If not, he can only immediately burst into the extreme strength of the moment into the Ninth Heaven.

In Jiang Ting's consideration, entering jiuchongtian is the next choice.

He didn't forget the terrible emperor in his dream before It's just a little dream derived from memory. It's an illusion that doesn't exist, because his peeping can burst out that terrible power in an instant. I'm afraid he will be exposed if he really goes to jiuchongtian.

To join the so-called Huangji prison, he should be much safer as long as he does not meet the top officials of Huangji prison and the most powerful people of dayanxian Dynasty.

While he was meditating.

Hiding in the air, Nie Gao seems to have received some news and suddenly flies to the distance.

Jiang Ting immediately raised his head, showing surprise: "how to go."

He also plans to go to the Yamen. Through Ma Huan, he shows that he has changed his mind and is ready to enter Huangji prison. As a result, at this time, Nie Gao has gone.

What happened in other places? Or is there another foreign body?


Three days later.

To the north of cangping mansion, on the edge of the city, there is another huge mansion, which is the home of one of the family members of cangping mansion.

In addition to the Ding family, there is also a Wen family and a Wei family in cangping house, but they have no grudge with Jiang ting.

Inside the estate.

Ding Wen, who had been with Jiang Ting before, is quietly lying on his side in the bed of a side hall, while in the next part, there are many singers in exposed clothes dancing and playing music.

At the same time, a maid peeled all kinds of fruits for him and sent them to his mouth. It looked very happy.

Soon, singing and dancing continued for half an hour.

I saw a guard dressed with a cold face man appeared at the gate of the side hall.

After Ding Wen saw it, he gently waved: "go down."

Many maids, the dancing singer, bow down to salute and then withdraw from the side hall.

"How's it going?" Ding Wen got up and began to peel the fruit himself. It was a kind of fruit called Yanshu. After peeling it, it tasted sour and sweet. Because there was no such fruit here, it was quite expensive.

Of course, it's not a natural resource, it's just a common fruit. What you eat is a luxury.

The guard outside the gate went into the side hall and knelt down on one knee: "young master, it has been eight days since Jiang Fu died. I received the news that master Fu Zun has been studying in Huangji prison. I think the disaster of Jiang Fu has been eradicated by Huangji prison."

Hearing this, Ding Wen raised his mouth slightly: "since the disaster of Jiang Fu is gone, it's time for me to go to Jiang Fu. After all, I have some friendship with him This man is also a strange person. After he came to cangping mansion, he didn't go out of the gate. He didn't know how to communicate with the outside world. He looked like a lady who made a fragrance of nephrite. "The guard bowed his head and said nothing.

Ding Wen didn't care. He got up with laziness: "go to the treasure house to get some silk and treasures, and prepare the sedan."

"Creak..." The gate of the side hall will be closed tightly when there is no wind.

"Well?" Ding Wen looked up in an instant.

"Who!" The guard got up in an instant and drank.

It's just His voice fell, his whole body suddenly emerged a blood line, and then the blood line spread rapidly.

But in a short moment, the bodyguard's body was directly split, the blood flowed all over the ground, and the smell of blood was scattered.

"Not good." Ding Wen's face changed greatly. He took out a folding fan without thinking about it. Then he threw the fan to the place where the guard was dismembered. At the same time, he shot it at the bed beside him.

"It's no use." There was a whisper.

Then, the fan stopped in the air. Ding Wen's body seemed to be caught by a pair of giant hands. He left the bed and fell down to protect the body.

Clean clothes stained with a lot of blood, Ding Wen did not care, but drink: "who!"

"Didn't you say you were going to visit me?" Accompanied by the leisurely light language, the body shape of Jiangting appears quietly in the side hall.

"Jiang Ting..."

Ding Wenxian was stunned, and then frowned: "brother Jiang, there is no injustice or hatred between you and me. Why are you doing this?"

Jiang Ting showed a smile: "no injustice, no hatred."

Ding Wen's face slightly puffed out, and then forced out a smile: "brother Jiang, is it the Wei family or the Wen family who asked you to do it?"

"Never." Jiang Ting went to a bench and sat down.

"Brother Jiang, why are you doing this?" Ding Wen only felt that the smile on his face was hard to maintain, and his hands seemed to be unconsciously placed at his waist.

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