Leng Yan suddenly lowered his face to Ji chenxuan and said, "Ji chenxuan, you can talk to me freely. If you don't respect my teacher, I won't agree!"

"Ha ha, Leng Yan, that's also because of today's gambling. We have already said that. Don't you really come?" Ji chenxuan continued to ask.

"Yes, my master won't come!" Lengyan's face became more gloomy.

"Brother Leng won't forget what this bet is Ji chenxuan is deliberately hanging people's appetite.

It makes everyone want to lengthen their ears, so that they may miss the chance to hear it at the first time.

Behind Leng Yan's hands, in fact, there was a little cold sweat in his palm, but his voice was gentle, with a casual look, he said: "your bet is Wuling Pavilion, my bet is yueta Daochang, who won, that is the new owner of the new moon city, who lost, will leave the new moon city, is that so?"


"I'm going to..."

"My God

People in a burst of exclamation, one by one all silly, hear Leng Yan's words, and then think about what they just guessed, it is the blasphemy of this bet!

What are these two going to do? They have made such a bet?!

This is not what ordinary people dare to say!

Duanmu nuoqing's small hands subconsciously grasped elder martial brother's big hands. She realized that elder martial brother's palms were slightly sweaty. She immediately understood what kind of pressure elder martial brother was under. Just now, she thought that it might affect the foundation of the moon walk. Now she realized that Wuling Pavilion is the rhythm that wants to uproot the moon walk!

Leng Yan's eyes flow slightly. She takes a look at Duanmu Nuo Qing, but gives Duanmu Nuo Qing a comforting look, which makes the younger martial sister less nervous.

Ji chenxuan nodded: "well, Lengyan, since you still remember, let everyone present be a witness. Today, we both enter the Yanyue leaning tower at the same time. When we come out, the winner is the one who has the highest grade of forgetting worry grass. In other words, let's see who can climb the higher level of Yanyue Leaning Tower!"

"Leng Yan, that's why I asked you that your Shifu didn't come for such a bet. I really doubt that your Shifu didn't know that you would not come to the moon Taoist temple at that time, would you?" Ji chenxuan tone with sarcasm said.

"Ji chenxuan, elder martial brother Leng is my father's entrance disciple and the first disciple of the moon walk. Today, what elder martial brother Leng said, I will never go back. I can testify with my father's gold inlaid jade!"

Duanmu nuoqing took out his father's keepsake from his arms, gold inlaid jade, and raised it high.

In response to Ji chenxuan's question.

Ji chenxuan has a touch of satisfaction in his eyes. As long as he can succeed in this battle, it will be the hero of the Ji family. He is sure to become the owner of the Ji family in the future. Therefore, Ji chenxuan is very excited and says to Leng Yan and Duanmu nuoqing: "since miss Duanmu says so, I'll put my words here. I'm not afraid of anyone in your lunar dojo We don't stick to Lengyan's bets. No matter what kind of disciples we are, if we can be higher than the Yanyue leaning tower that Ji chenxuan ascended, I'm willing to give up! "

Duanmu nuoqing is disgusted by Ji chenxuan's provocation. Her face is cold and nods. She replies, "it's settled. I hope you Ji's family won't go back on it then!"

Leng Yan suddenly looks at Duanmu nuoqing. He didn't expect that his younger martial sister should be so calm. Speaking on this occasion, she is also so decent and has the style of a teacher!

Duanmu nuoqing also gave the elder martial brother a comforting look. It was clearly written on his small face that no matter when, I would support elder martial brother Leng!

Cold inflammation of the bottom of my heart without reason with some relaxed, toward Duanmu Nuo Qing nodded.

Ji chenxuan sneered: "in this case, we are waiting for the opening of the burning moon Tower! Leng Yan, I hope you are not too weak. I don't like too weak opponents. "

"Leng must go all out. I promise my younger martial sister that when she wins the bet, she will come to Wuling pavilion to eat grapes!" Leng Yan said with a smile.

People all look at Duanmu nuoqing with admiration. Although no one can see the win or lose in the competition between the two people, it is hard to guess, because they are really equal. However, their attitudes are absolutely different. One is proud, the other is doting on the younger martial sister, especially those women, who are all looking at Lengyan with peach blossom in their eyes!

Time goes back a little bit

When the distant voice of Wuxing village rang out, Jiang Ting heard it. However, Jiang Ting was inside the huge shell. Looking at so many shell monsters that had been manic outside, Jiang Ting tried several times, but still gave up the idea of rushing out. It was terrible outside. If he went out, he would not be torn!

At this time, the voice sounded again.

"Wuxing village, close down!"

"No, Kimber, I'm still in it!" Jiang Ting some crazy said."After you close the Wuxing village, you can make these monsters manic again. Now they are so manic, how can I get out?"


Without waiting for Jiang ting to continue to say anything, the voice began to ring. Then, the Wuxing village suddenly became dark, and the whole environment changed. Jiang Ting then understood what it was like for the Wuxing village to become really manic!

"No, I'm not really responsible for my life here!" When Jiang Ting saw the wind outside, it seemed that it had condensed into a knife.

But just then, Kimber's voice rang in his mind.

"Boy, aren't you? Are you really out of your mind? Didn't you get five kinds of five elements blood? What do you care about the environment of Wuxing village now? As long as you use the Wuxing blood to find duanmuhang, it will be safe! "

Jiang Ting patted his thigh. Yes, in a hurry, he forgot about it. He patronized and thought about how to get out!

Fortunately, this huge crystal shell gave him a temporary safe space and gave him this opportunity.

However, when Jiang Ting took out the collected blood of the five elements, he was stunned. No one told him how to use the blood to find duanmuhang!

"Kimbo, Kimbo, can you tell me again?"

But no matter how Jiang Ting yelled, Jin Bo's voice never rang again.

Jiang Ting really wants to use swearing, but he knows that it's useless. Before the shell is broken, it's better to find duanmuhang!

Jiang Ting quickly took out all five kinds of five element blood from his Linglong ring. Anyway, he didn't know how to integrate them. Jiang Ting simply put all five kinds of five element blood together.

Jiang Ting found that the five kinds of five elements blood had gradually merged with each other, and there was a streamer, rolling. Suddenly, these streamers flashed, and suddenly rushed out of the crystal shell and flew towards the sky.


Jiang Ting's dependence now, crystal beidun was broken through a big hole by the five elements blood.

"You are not? It's going to kill people! "

Jiang Ting quickly made a formula with both hands, and wanted to remedy it. If those crazy shells rushed in, he would be in great trouble. That would be really catching turtles in a jar!

However, when the formula fell on the hole broken by the blood of the five elements, it was found that the shellfish were not near here at all.

Jiang Ting looked at it carefully, and the five elements' blood rushed out of a channel.

"Hoo..." Jiang Ting was relieved. He thought to himself, you should have said it earlier. If your mind is not good, you will be scared to death!

Jiang Ting also walked out of the shell. Seeing that the passage was not very far away, he came to the end. After a little thought, Jiang Ting could not help but get excited. Was it so easy to find duanmuhang?

Suddenly, Jiang Ting ran along this passage excitedly.

However, at the end of the passage, Jiang Ting really had to kneel down, because what appeared in front of him was a door with an elephant trunk lock on it!

"Master Duanmu, are you so interesting?" Jiang Ting looked at the big lock on the door with his waist inserted. He had already asked for duanmuhang many times.

However, Jiang Ting found that the passage behind him seemed to be getting more and more lively. He didn't know what happened, so he quickly released his divine consciousness. This time, he was really impatient, because there were countless monsters in the passage, such as golden rat and silver civet cat in Jincun, big Mantis in Mucun, fire monkey and earth monkey in Huocun The local cloth birds of the village, and all kinds of shells of the water village

In a hurry, Jiang Ting slapped the gate and cried out: "master Duanmu, please open the door quickly, otherwise, I'll hang up. I'm your daughter who asked me to come to you!"

However, there is still no movement inside

"It's really over this time!" Jiang Ting turns around and looks at the monsters swarming in. He can't wait to die like this!

Jiang Ting thought to himself that if you don't open the door, I will be here. Even your door will be smashed!

At the moment, Jiang Ting has promoted all his means to the extreme, but he still arranges a prohibition to protect himself as much as possible.

However, when Jiang Ting raised his breath to the extreme, he didn't know that a bright red bloodstain flew along somewhere in Wuxing village and quietly landed on the big lock of the door behind Jiang ting.

When the blood fell on the lock, the lock disappeared instantly.

Jiang Ting didn't know all this, because he didn't dare to spare any energy to look at the gate behind him

However, Jiang Ting's consumption is extremely terrible. Dantian seems to be hollowed out in an instant. However, he does not give up. He insists on fighting against all kinds of monsters all the time. When Jiang Ting feels that he can't hold on any longer, he ignores anything and wants to brew Da Fan Tian Long Quan.

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