For half a month, Jiang Ting finally realized that Nie Gao had returned to cangping mansion.

Because of the attitude of Jiang ting in the government, Zhong Ming has to show his loyalty and try every means to make various ideas for Jiang ting.

It's not that he's really loyal, it's that he hopes to go further.

"There should be a delay."

After a pause, Jiang Ting turned to the other court: "it's too mean to talk about other people's behavior behind their backs. Don't be like that in the future."

"Only." Zhong Ming was surprised for a moment, but he answered directly.

Then, after a long time, Jiang ting and Zhong Ming, accompanied by several guards, returned to the other garden.

"Go down, there will be disaster in the Ding family. I don't know why. Pay attention to patrol, but don't let anything happen in the house." Jiang Ting motioned others to go down, but he went directly into the courtyard.

Then, he looked into the other court, looking slightly stunned. After half a rest, he turned into a happy look: "Jiang has seen it."

If you don't know, you can't see that Jiang Ting already knows Nie Gao's coming.

"Before in Qingzhou that side other affairs delay a while."

After a pause, Nie Gao got up and said with a smile: "listen to Fu Zun's letter, do you want to change your mind and join Huangji prison?"

"Well." Jiang Ting nodded directly.

Nie Gao looked at the outside and waved a ban: "although I know that you will agree in the end, I don't think you will change your mind in a few years. How can you change your mind in half a month?"

"I want to go further."

At the end of the speech, Jiang Ting said the impeccable reason he had prepared: "before, I thought that my ability at the moment was the best, but after seeing you, I found that your strength and breath were much stronger than mine. After you left, I thought carefully that Huangji prison was the power that our Xianchao was directly responsible for his majesty, so there must be stronger power among them So I want to practice more powerful skills! "

"You are honest." Nie Gao laughed, then showed some awe: "you still have one last chance to regret Let me tell you, if you want to join Huangji prison, it's very simple with master Jiang's strength. However, you may not know that if you want to join Huangji prison, you have to make an oath! "

God's oath?

Jiang Ting's face sank without any trace Oath, how can light stand?

Although he didn't know what oath he was going to make, it was nothing more than a pledge of complete loyalty to the emperor.

It's easy to take a vow, but after that The oath, can't break!

"I will wait for you in Yushui county."

After a pause, Nie Gao said with a smile: "as you can guess, the oath is the oath of eternal loyalty. If you want, you will come to Yushui county. If you don't, I will leave in March To be fair, you are a talent. I hope to see you in Yushui county. "

After saying that, Nie Gao laughed and left without making a sound.

Then Jiang Ting's eyes sank oath?

He went to Huangji prison just for the purpose of planning He's not interested in being loyal to someone! Even if the emperor sounds extremely capable.

So what? He Jiangting, will never be reconciled to others! I don't know who will be the master!

If you don't go to Huangji prison, you can't practice Jiyi Sutra in a proper way Do you want to go to the so-called Arctic cold land and keep company with endless demons?

Or, with secret skills, to deceive Nie Gao?

It's easy to cheat Nie Gao Nie Gao is only the ability of the seventh level God. Although March is very short, Jiang Ting's real body is the king of God. As long as you give him to practice jiyijing immediately, it's very easy for him to reach the seventh level God in March, even the strength of the eighth level God is not difficult!

If you want to hide from Nie Gao, it will be easier to show an illusion and swear something.

However, once exposed, he may not be able to stay in Dayan Xianchao.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting closed his eyes and began to ponder the gains and losses.

Once he is successful, unless he is seen through by the most powerful, he will never be exposed. Even if there are foreign objects around, no one can doubt him.

Because, he is the person of emperor extremely prison, he is in ceaseless reclaim foreign matter, have foreign matter to appear nearby, very inconceivable?

If you don't take risks, you won't go to Huangji prison To maintain his current identity, he just wants to keep it secret. I'm afraid he can only focus on jiuchongtian or the cold and bitter place in the north where Chai Ying went. In short, he has more choices.

The only problem is that it is said that people in this world are easier to understand the way, and it is hard to say how powerful the demons in the Arctic cold land are.

In this case, it's not risky, but it's very troublesome, and it's not easy to explain if there's another foreign body around.

Each of the two options has its own advantages and disadvantages, which is neither good nor bad.

After a moment of silence, Jiang tingpiantou said, "Zhong Ming, go and find out where Yushui county is."

He hasn't decided yet, but it doesn't mean he won't choose to go to Huangji prison Therefore, it is very important to know the location of Yushui county first.He is ready to spend a day thinking about the gains and losses carefully, and then make a decision. Anyway, there is no shortage of that day.


Time is like a fleeting moment.

After March.

To the west of cangping mansion, there is a county named Yushui County, about three thousand miles away. This county is more prosperous than Dongning county where Jiangting has been, but it is not as lively as cangping mansion. It is between the two.

On the edge of the county, there is a wine shop.

In the lobby of the restaurant, there are many people who drink too much. It's very noisy.

In the depths of the wine shop, there are elegant rooms on the street.

Jiang Ting is sitting in the elegant room. In front of him is a middle-aged man with a morbid and pale face.

After a glass of wine, Jiang Ting chuckled: "I thought you and I would meet in a quiet or dignified place. Unexpectedly, we would meet in this noisy restaurant downtown."

He finally chose to come to Huangji prison to take a risk Of course, in the final analysis, the most important reason why she decided to take risks is that Chai Ying had already gone to the far north. If he went there again, it would be a waste of time.

It took him three months to cultivate Chai Ying's extremely meaningful Sutra, and his strength was successfully transformed from level 6 God to level 8 God. Only characters like Jiang Ting can make great progress in a very short time. If not, no one can do it in this taboo drama.

He had arrived at the strength of the eighth level God and came back to Yushui County, but he did not You don't have to worry to improve your strength for a while and a half. What's more, it's the spirit oath to join Huangji prison!

In order to avoid the oath seriously affecting him, he is not only ready to fool him with fantasy, but also prepared another means

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