Jiang Ting manipulated the spirit with his consciousness, and with the terrible consciousness intensity of his divine Kingdom, no one could see the slightest flaw!

And after leaving the chamber of secrets, he directly crushed the spirit that he forced to ingest The spirit is gone. As far as his oath is concerned, he can't die any more, so naturally he can't be bound.

The backhand is very simple However, other people can't hide it from heaven and earth. Who let Jiang Ting be the God King? With his strong consciousness, it's not difficult to prepare in advance to hide everything.

Nie Gao is afraid how all can't think of, front foot River Court makes oath, back foot, river court directly will oath to crack.

After playing with the seal for a while, Jiang Ting puts it on the table, and then takes out some ancient books and jade slips to see Intelligence is his favorite thing to watch.

As for the emperor's attack on jiuchongtian If the Emperor didn't leave the forbidden play when he took the hand, he didn't mind helping. Who let him? He is a human?

If he had left at that time, it would not blame him In any case, no matter whether there is his hand or not, the emperor will succeed in the end. The difference between his hand or not is whether he can witness it in person.

His only curiosity may be how the emperor wins the emperor.

The emperor of heaven I'm afraid the ten emperors can't hurt the terrible emperor of heaven. What did the ten sides do? In the end, they actually destroyed the immortals and rebuilt the world.


in the twinkling of an eye, about a year has passed.

Yushui County, Huangji prison stronghold, underground palace study.

"Creak..." With some sharp voice, the door of the study slowly opened.

The two men outside turned their heads and saw a young man in green walking to the door with a pale face It's not the injured white, it's more like some kind of morbid pallor.

In fact, it's normal. This is the underground palace. No one can get the sun's light all the year round. Anyone who lives in the underground palace for a long time will have some morbid pallor.

Seeing the young man, the two men quickly bowed their heads: "imperial envoy master."

The young man said in a rather gentle voice, "what's the matter recently?"

This person, of course, is Jiang ting.

One year has passed since he broke the oath and formally joined Huangji prison. In this year, he read the records in his study.

It's not polite to say that now Jiang Ting dares to be sure that unless it's some amazing secret, if not, nothing can hide from him.

The young man on the left responded quickly: "Lord Huiyu, it's very calm in cangping mansion recently. There's no trace of evil things, and we haven't received any news about foreign bodies."


After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting stretched out: "I haven't been back to cangping house for nearly a year I'll go back to cangping mansion. I don't think I need to explain the rules here. If there are foreign matters, send them to me. "

Two men bow at the same time: "only."

Jiang Ting smiles, but does not speak. Instead, he slowly prepares to leave.

This year, he was here for nothing. He not only watched many records in his study, but also dealt with foreign matters twice and caught a visitor from Shenyu once.

In fact, Jiang Ting didn't really want to fight the visitors from Shenyu. It's just who made the visitors from Shenyu too high-profile. Of course, he didn't catch them personally. How can he beat the visitors from Shenyu at the lowest level with his superficial strength?

After confirming the intelligence, he reported the information to the imperial prison headquarters of the capital city, and then the headquarters of the capital city sent people to arrest him. As for the identity of the visitors from the divine realm, he didn't know. Anyway, it was not the human race.

It is worth mentioning that Jiang Ting now knows clearly the division of cultivation in this taboo play.

Here, there is no division of accomplishments before the realm of immortals and gods is achieved. They are all practicing Qi refining formula to accumulate until the limit of the strength of the sixth level gods.

After the sixth level God, he can try to enter the Ninth Heaven and become an immortal. Of course, he doesn't know how to become an immortal. There is no record in the study, and he has never been to the Ninth Heaven.

The way of the world is much simpler. After the Qi refining formula reaches the limit, you can turn to the extreme. Once you succeed in turning to the extreme, you can achieve the seventh level God.

And it's not so easy to transfer to jiyijing Just as in the realm of God, there is also a qualitative change between the sixth level God and the seventh level God.

The seventh level God, as long as it is not too low in talent, can be a kind of God domain means. Here, the God domain does not refer to the endless God domain, but is similar to the absolute control of God domain means of the kingdom of God.

In the divine realm, a seven level God who controls the divine realm is a qualified seven level God. If he cannot control the divine realm, he is a disabled seven level God, which is not worth mentioning.

And Jiang Ting When he was the seventh level God, he had already built the kingdom of God, so he didn't need to use the simplified method of the kingdom of God, and his opponents were all arrogant. Therefore, as the most powerful method of the seventh level God, he hardly used the kingdom of God, and he didn't see his opponents use it.Even so, it's hard to hide the strength of Shenyu's means After all, this is a simplified method of the kingdom of God, and it costs much less than the kingdom of God.

In this taboo play, Shinto is called Shenyu, Xiandao is called Xianyu, and many people call it domain Although there are many titles, they all mean one, an absolute means of control under the kingdom of God.

It sounds very simple, but in fact it's not so simple. If you want to succeed in the conversion, it's a sign that you are in control of this absolute control.

Moreover, Jiang Ting also found that it is more difficult for the seventh level God to be promoted to the eighth level God here than in the endless God domain.

He wasn't sure about the specific reason, but he had a guess. Maybe it was because of the gas refining formula In the realm of God, there are six difficulties from the first level God to the sixth level God. In this taboo play, although the difficulties have not been removed, it is much easier than the realm of God. Perhaps it is also because of the simplicity and ease. The breakthrough of the three realms of seven level God, eight level God, nine level God is more difficult than the realm of God.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Jiang Ting Although he still only keeps the strength of the seventh level God, it's not that he can't break through, but that he doesn't break through. If he really wants to, he can reach the extreme of the Sutra of the supreme intention in one month at most, the Ninth level God.

That is, the realm of the nine immortals!

At this point, I have to mention that the strength of the seventh level God corresponds to the Xiaoyao immortal or Xiaoyao God in the taboo play. What is Xiaoyao? Free from the confinement of Shouyuan, it is called Xiaoyao.

That is, the lowest immortals.

The eighth level God is called Xingyun immortal or Xingyun God in this city, which means that he can turn his hand to cloud and rain to control the vast stars.

The Ninth level God, as mentioned above, is the king of the nine immortals or the king of the nine immortals The king among the immortals!

And the king of God .

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