In the face of the emperor's smile, Linglong goddess's voice became cold, and many flames also rose in the mountain and river hall.

With the words, the breath of Linglong goddess began to improve.

"Break the border It's hard to understand your desire to kill your father. " The emperor's smile still exists, but it becomes strange. I don't know whether it's joy or helplessness and anger!

"I was an ancient god, but now I just want to regain my divinity. Isn't that what you always hope for?"

Voice down, Linglong goddess breath of ascension began to accelerate: "you kill him, I will kill you, how fair!"

Looking at the exquisite goddess whose breath is still soaring and is about to break the border, the emperor of heaven is silent.

After about three breaths.

At the moment when Linglong goddess was about to break the boundary, the emperor of heaven suddenly stretched out his right hand and pressed: "contaminated with human nature, the divine nature is unclean, and it is in vain to be an ancient god."

Linglong goddess's breath soared and was suppressed.

"I said, I will kill you!" The wings of Linglong goddess began to move at a terrible speed.

The emperor of heaven was silent.

After a long time, the emperor looked at the ten directions behind him: "I always thought that all your plans were just like this. It turned out that your plans were like this However, if the emperor wishes to destroy countless creatures even though he is seriously injured at this moment, why is it difficult? "

"One leaf blinds the eye!"

With whispering, Shifang struggled to stand up again: "didn't you find that I brought Terrans and demons, but the losses caused by many ancient gods were pitifully low! If they really and thoroughly use their lives to win it, and the ancient gods have no solution, the people and Demons here, even if they are assisted by many evil things, will not be able to reach the mountain and river hall at all! "

The emperor of heaven was indifferent: "contaminated with human nature, I'd like to send you to Shanhe hall by death Death is not a pity. "

"You see it through."

With a whisper, Shifang burst into laughter: "unfortunately, you can't see the truth from the leaves of the blind eye As the emperor of heaven, do you still have your original divinity! Like other ancient gods, you have human nature now

The emperor looked slightly stunned, then slowly looked down at his hands.

Shifang didn't know where to find a chair to sit down and sneered: "I don't know what God's father daughter relationship is, but I know that your family relationship with Linglong goddess has been mixed with a lot of human nature. Now Linglong goddess abandons all human hearts and restores her divine nature. She will kill you, but will you follow her divine nature to kill her?"

Without waiting for an answer, Shifang was even more smiling: "of course, you can also abandon human nature like Linglong goddess It's a pity that you have already been contaminated with the heart of our human race. I'm sure you can't abandon human nature and restore divinity, let alone kill her! "

The emperor of heaven said in a quiet voice: "it's not wise for you to put your hope on the emperor's choice."

Ten sides look unchanged: "not hope your choice, but, I believe in the heart of my people! Believe me, Terran faith

Tiandi looked at Shifang and sighed after a long time: "you won But I'm curious. Is it worth it for you to reshape the universe? "

"It's not worth it or not, only to do it or not." Shifang is still sitting on the chair Maybe it's not that he doesn't want to get up, but that he doesn't have the strength to get up.

The emperor of heaven looked at the ten directions for a long time, and then he looked at Linglong goddess. He didn't see any action. Linglong goddess's breath suddenly dropped.

Even half a breath time, Linglong goddess's breath returned to before.

Then the emperor of heaven said slowly: "father and daughter, just fight for life."

After that, a wisp of invisible power began to spread. As soon as I saw it, a series of broken spirit forces began to emerge between heaven and earth. The strong in the realm of God King could feel it, and a terrible time rule began to spread.

Chai Ying is a whisper: "good life, strong rules of time."

"Different..." Jiang Ting made a sound in an instant.

However, he couldn't tell the difference. Anyway, he just felt that there was a slight difference between the time rule and the rule he controlled.

Moreover, the appearance of the time rule at this moment is clearly reversing the time of heaven and earth However, he can clearly perceive that time is still passing normally.

Without waiting for him to understand, the whole body of the emperor in the mountain and river hall began to show some holy splendor, and his body shape began to become illusory.

At the same time, a weak spirit floats in the mountain and River Palace Situ Changkong!

Linglong goddess turned into a human race in an instant, looking at situ Changkong's weak spirit and the illusory emperor of heaven.

But the emperor's face became melancholy. He looked at the spirit of situ Changkong and then at Linglong Goddess: "gather his spirit from time at the cost of the emperor's life Hehe, it's a bit unwillingness to exchange the life of the emperor for his own Go to reincarnation... "

Voice slowly dispersed, the emperor's body also into nothingness, disappeared, I do not know is dead or gone.

Ten square see, Leng Leng, then suddenly closed his eyes, as if to perceive what.A moment later, Shifang stood up and said with a smile: "people's heart Ha ha, the people you are infected with are bigger and more terrifying than the emperor expected. "

The Linglong goddess hears the words and looks ten directions.

Ten square see this, the corners of his mouth up: "with his strength, if the injury recovery, re coagulation situ Changkong's spirit at most is into deep sleep, but not, disappear, make a choice of him, spirit without trace, even so simple truth can't understand."

When Linglong heard the words, she was silent for a long time before she uttered a complicated voice: "divinity Be careful, when you have a flaw, when you have a feeling of concern, you are no longer God... "

After that, Linglong approaches the spirit of situ Changkong, opens the nether world with a secret method, and disappears in the mountain and river hall with situ Changkong.

The war is over.

"Ha ha, the emperor of jiuchongtian finally died!"

"Damn it, emperor, how dare you use us!"

"Yes, not only use us, but also fool us as demons before!"

Outside the mountain and river hall, the demons are dancing.

The emperor of heaven is dead, but people and demons are still alive.

Shifang takes endless demons and countless people into jiuchongtian. The rest are the most powerful among demons and human race. They are nothing in front of the emperor of heaven.

But now, the emperor of heaven died at the cost of resurrecting situ Changkong, and the emperor's ten sides also lost their fighting power because they collided with the emperor of heaven twice in the relay!

Next, the battle between man and demon?

Shifang sat on the chair, his face became cold: "magpie! Nanmen Taoist! Cherry

Ripples emerge, the disappearing cherry appears slowly, and the never appeared magpie and Nanmen Taoist also appear in the mountain and river hall.

Three, the strong above the God King.

"The emperor of heaven is dead, I'm afraid you won't succeed!" The devil roared.

Among the demons, there are not many above the God King, but there are not!

But in the blink of an eye, nearly ten demons appeared.

One of the demons even called in: "three, the emperor has lost his fighting power. Why don't you join us? When the emperor of heaven dies, as long as we occupy the Shanhe hall, we will be the new emperor of heaven! "

Obviously, they didn't want to fight with the three gods.

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