After Lin Shan provided the countermeasures, many gods spent half a year to negotiate a suitable strategy and regulations, and then left one after another to prepare for implementation.

As for the hundred nationality Congress What is the hundred nationality Congress? Never heard of it.

Of course, they didn't forget Lin Shan, who initially provided countermeasures and scripts.

"Terran friends, this script is provided by you. Don't you consider playing it?"

"Yes, such a wonderful play. I'm sure that other gods will join in when they get the news."

"That's not true. They are so bored that they have to look for life and death every day. It's strange not to mix in such a lively drama."

Facing the enthusiasm of many gods, Lin Shan showed some embarrassment: "no, my real body is still closed, it's not convenient to go out."

He wants to get involved in The problem is, he's not qualified to get involved. Where did he get his real body to get involved in the drama!

Although it was a pity that many gods and kings did not care too much, they left quickly.


soon, only Jiang Ting, Chai Ying and Lin Shan were left in the bustling hall.

Sensing that other people and other people had left, Jiang Ting immediately got up and laughed: "brother Lin's method is really wonderful. It can make so many gods and kings agree and even participate in it."

Lin Shan did not dare to be proud: "where, just a flash of inspiration, suddenly thought of some ways."

Although, he was very proud.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting felt strange at the bottom of his heart, but his face sighed: "Alas, it's a pity that brother Lin and we are both the king of gods. If we don't, we can't use the secret treasures as a reward if we change to the younger generation with lower accomplishments."

Chai Ying, who knew Jiang Ting's plan, immediately showed her displeasure: "brother Lin is similar to us, thanks for his secret skills and the treasures that can be easily made. Isn't that insulting brother Lin? After all, what's the difference between those broken things and the stones on the roadside?"

"Oh Lin Shan's face showed a little embarrassed smile.

At the bottom of my heart, he roared: "no, insult me with treasure, throw anything..."

He finally knew that all the ghosts and demons were very enthusiastic, but none of them offered any reward It turns out that for the king of God, those things are similar to the stones on the roadside.

On the surface, he has the same strength as the people and the strong here, so no one thanks He felt that countless peerless treasures that could not be seen in his hometown were so far away.

"This man is very interesting. I would like to see what he's thinking if I didn't worry about the strange things caused by soul searching." Chai Ying's mood became strange.

The method of soul searching is not too simple for the God King Although Chai Ying doesn't know what Lin Shan is thinking, she can feel Lin Shan's change of mind.

Jiang Ting laughs and doesn't answer, but whispers: "brother Lin Shan, Jiang suddenly remembers that I once evolved a secret skill a long time ago. Although it's useless for the king, it's still useful for you, brother Lin."

"I don't know what the secret is?" Although Lin Shan wanted to agree directly, he pretended not to care to avoid showing his flaws.

If he knew he had been seen through

Jiang Ting didn't show any emotion and didn't care: "it's nothing. It's a secret skill that I created when I watched reincarnation in the past years. Once cultivated, it can continuously increase the power of the spirit. Once used, it has quite good lethality..."

Without waiting for the reaction, Jiang Ting pretended to exclaim: "of course, this is not the most important power and the most important effect of this secret skill. Once you have a rest, this skill can condense the destiny. If you are in the lower world, once you are finished, it is easy to be a so-called son of the destiny


Hesitated for a while, Lin Shan nodded slightly: "although Lin does not need, but since it is brother Jiang's enthusiasm, it is better to be respectful than obedient."

His heart is roaring He didn't know what the secret art was, but even the existence of Jiang Ting said it had great power. For him, wasn't that power breaking through the sky? What's more, there is the effect of destiny which is completely incomprehensible?

Jiang Ting's face remained unchanged: "I'll teach it to you now. Once you practice, it's easy to ignite the fire and gather the spirit with the improvement of brother Lin at this moment."

With a flick of his fingers, a streamer of light poured into the bottom of Lin Shan's heart.

Then Lin Shan felt that he suddenly realized a secret skill. As for the specific power, he couldn't see it. It was too profound. The only thing he could know was that because it was directly taught by Jiang Ting, he seemed to have mastered it. When he went back, he could know the power by a little experiment.

Then the two sides exchanged for a while again. Lin Shan felt the keepsake and left the bronze hall.

When Lin Shan disappeared, Chai Yingcai shook his head: "there are too many flaws in this man. I can know his change of mind just by listening to his heartbeat. If he hadn't covered up for him before, he would have been exposed."

Jiang Ting shrugged: "the demand can't be too high, his strength is too weak, it's very good to pretend that he doesn't care and is free and easy in front of us."Chai Ying is a bigot: "I don't believe you created the secret skill you gave him in reincarnation."

"In the past, when I was in reincarnation, I was always fighting against the erosion of reincarnation. I didn't have the mind and strength to create secrets."

Jiang Ting shook his head and then chuckled: "a secret skill that came up at the meeting of the hundred ethnic groups before is indeed powerful, but the most important thing is to act as a coordinate. If he really practices it, he will surely gather a very special mark, and that mark is the coordinate."

To put it simply, Jiang Ting left a way in that secret skill. If Lin Shan doesn't practice, he can feel where the coordinates are Then, he went straight after the coordinates. No matter where Lin Shan came, he could reach by the coordinates.

Of course, Jiang Ting also has his pride. Although he only spent half a year creating that secret skill, he didn't lie. That secret skill can really unite destiny

Jiang Ting doesn't know how to explain destiny. Anyway, it's a kind of rule, and it's also related to the rule of heaven. He doesn't control the rule of heaven, so he can't explain the principle of destiny.

All he knew was that fate had a more idealistic effect, which was to turn misfortune into good luck and good luck Of course, it's of no use to the king.

Maybe it's because he's more relaxed at the moment, or maybe it's because the word "destiny" reminds him of the time when he didn't break through the God King in the past He remembered something, whether it was a small thing or a big thing.

"What's the matter?" Chai yingben is ready to leave. When she detects Jiang Ting's thinking, she asks directly.

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