After Jiang Ting calms down, Chai Ying also returns to normal and orders the disciples of the magic Moon Palace to leave.

"No Many of the disciples of the magic Moon Palace retreated, and the men and women of the other guards also followed the departure of the magic Moon Palace.

Huadiegu, calm down.

Jiang Ting sees this, and his mouth is slightly puffed After he and Chai Ying came back, they went to the lower boundary for a walk.

Well, they are in the lower world. According to the prepared script, they perform a magnificent love Generally speaking, they were childhood friends. Then Chai Ying was robbed by a bully. He practiced by chance, killed the bully and was robbed by another strong man. He tried to cultivate and save people

Generally speaking, he is either saving people or on the way to practice saving people

As for the two people's feelings, when they seal the memory in the lower world, there will be blood in the future. But after the memory is restored, he only feels that it's dog blood Whose bully robbed people and did nothing, just waiting for him to practice slowly to save people.

It doesn't matter how much time is spent in the lower realm. The time of the divine realm has passed for nearly 30 years.

Chai Ying is a brilliant smile: "this script is good, let him write another one after a while."

"It's too bloody. It's totally out of line with common sense. Whoever's bully robbed people is waiting for me to save them "

said," Jiang Ting again make complaints about it. "And it's too fake. When you are in the lower bound, you are also a proud master of high qualification. You are snatched away every time.

Chai yingbai looks at Jiang ting.

"Cough..." Just as Chai Ying was about to say something, a rather old cough sounded.

Chai Ying face instant Su: "Deputy palace master."

It's like the little girl's posture before is just a fake.

"Master of the palace." With hoarse voice, the old woman God King appeared in huadiegu.

Chai Ying asked directly, "what's the matter?"

The reason why she completely ignored the clan affairs was that everything was handled by the old woman.

The old woman showed a little smile: "it's nothing serious, but a little guy came to find the king of Jiangting. He said that he was a disciple of the king of Jiangting. He had been waiting in the sect for about five years."

"My disciple..." Jiang Ting suddenly thought of Xu Po.

After all, Xu Po is the only one who has his disciple status in the divine realm.

Old woman God King voice hoarse as before: "do you want to bring that little guy?"

Jiang Ting's eyebrows slightly picked out: "they really came to find me Thank you, vice palace master. Let him come here. "

The figure of the old woman disappeared in a flash.

Jiang Ting turned his head: "in the lower world, you seem to like konghou. In the divine realm, you never play."

"If you like, I'll spend some time delving into it." Chai Ying did not give a positive answer.

When she was in the divine realm, she didn't have time to study musical instruments. Before she became the king of gods, she couldn't feel at ease. She had been fighting with her disciples all the time Where can I go to play the piano in my spare time? I just learned to play because of boredom in the lower world.

"I like it." Jiang Ting nodded without hesitation.

Although in the samsara of the lower world, he and Chai Ying sealed their accomplishments in order to ensure their participation in the play But when he came back, he thought of his experience in the lower world and felt that life was full of dog blood. Chai Ying spent some time studying the instrument konghou, and he could go on a few trips.


After about half a cup of tea.

Chai Ying did not know where to find out the konghou, wuxianqin, qixianqin and other musical instruments and began to study.

Xu Po also appeared in huadiegu.

He was not near the lake when he was near it.

Jiang Ting walked out of the pavilion and quietly looked at Xu Po, who was only in the sixth level divine realm. His thoughts were slightly complicated.

Xu Po also looks at Jiang ting with a complicated face. He doesn't know whether to say hello or to question.

After a while.

Jiang Ting took the lead in whispering: "although the realm is a little lower, I think I also understand a lot of common sense of the divine realm. I'm surprised that you should come to see me."

Xu Po was silent for a long time and saluted slightly: "master."

"It's not in vain for thousands of years. No matter whether you are happy or hate, at least..."

After a pause, Jiang Ting said: "according to my estimation at the moment, if you haven't fallen for a thousand years, according to your talent and skills, your cultivation should have a level 8 God, how can you be a level 6 God?"

Xu Po lowered his head and whispered: "it's not easy to get supplies. After leaving his hometown, he has to fight for life and death every day. Pills and other resources all need to cost God's stone. Opportunities are not everywhere. Hunting demons and beasts also needs to supplement supplies..."

To put it simply, it's hard to cultivate materials. He can't save too much of the materials obtained by hunting monsters and other means, except for the expenses After all, not everyone is Jiang ting.

The premise of Jiang Ting's material cultivation is that he has unparalleled alchemy attainments.

"Si Xiang Zhen Ling Jue Da Cheng is short of materials. It seems that you haven't killed people wantonly to get treasure."After a pause, Jiang Tingmei said: "with your whole body's evil spirit, your strength may not match Tianjiao, but it's not far from Tianjiao. If all the four spirits show up, once the Kendo is great enough for Tianjiao to fight, why don't you find a force to rely on?"

It's human nature to find a force and use that force to obtain resources.

Xu Po was silent for a while and shook his head: "at first, he did that, but after he knew the master's identity, he didn't do that anymore. He was worried about adding trouble to the master."

If any faction knows that Xu Po is the master and Jiang Ting is the master, then it will hold the banner in the name of Jiang Ting

Jiang Ting looked slightly stunned, then laughed: "compared with a thousand years ago, you are much more mature I can feel that your heart is very complicated. I don't want to come here to see you. If you want to ask anything, it's OK to say so. "

Xu Po was silent for a while, and his eyes suddenly turned red: "in those years, why didn't you save my father? At least he was your friend in your seclusion."

"You should have known why you can survive in the divine realm for thousands of years."

Without waiting for a response, Jiang Ting took out a chair and sat down: "I was in xiayucheng, but I didn't live in seclusion. I had my own business to do. You can think that I was refining my heart, or that I had other plans. If I didn't save him, there was no reason, I would not save him. That's all."

Xu Po's eyes are more and more red.

After a while, the red color of his eyes began to fade: "master is still as sharp as he was thousands of years ago, and his words are merciless."

"I hate trouble, not to mention preaching."

After that, Jiang Ting got up and said, "the magic Moon Palace does not recruit male disciples, such as tiandaofu, Shura hall, Shendan Association, or any other sect. If you want to join, I can write a letter."

If Xu Po wants to join a powerful sect At least the power in the Terran, even if it's just a waste wood, Jiang Ting can push people in.


After a pause, Xu Po saluted slightly: "I just want to get an answer from the master. With the growth of my knowledge, I can see that the master didn't want to accept apprentices, although I don't know why the master suddenly changed his attention But if it wasn't for the skill and kendo given by the master, I'm afraid the disciple would have died long ago. How can I avenge my father? "

Jiang Ting hears the speech and looks at Xu Po's eyes, showing three points of surprise His apprentice was worthy of being able to make him change his mind.

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