Facing Jiang Ting's inquiry, he replied with a heartless smile That look, gentle and elegant, just like a young man.

Jiang Ting frowned slightly: "then you?"

"You should be curious about what I want to do. Now that you want to leave the divine realm, I can tell you."

After that, merciless body flash appeared beside the river court, looking at the nothingness in the distance: "one step away is beyond the whole heaven and earth, and that nothingness can only be resisted by sound rules. If you want to survive in the nothingness, you have to control the complete rules."

After that, he sat down in the same place and his eyes became gloomy: "those who are infinitely strong in the divine realm will not agree to mend the rules of heaven and earth If you don't repair the divine realm, you have to leave the divine realm to understand the sound rules. Do you understand that? "

Jiang Ting's expression remains unchanged: "only by controlling the sound rules can we leave. If we want to control the complete rules, we must first leave the incomplete heaven and earth of the divine realm. The meaning is not complicated."

Ruthless eyes more and more cloudy: "no solution, this is no solution of the cycle!"

Jiang Ting's face remained unchanged: "so, what's your purpose?"

"My purpose is very simple. From the beginning, I just wanted to leave this imperfect world. So, I calculated the GUI nationality, calculated the world, and found the lost meaning of time and space of the GUI nationality from the past and the future with the supreme power. I wanted to repeat the world with the help of taboo drama, and then bring the power of taboo to forcibly complete the world."

With some hoarse voice, the ruthless eyes became gloomy: "unfortunately, when the manpower is exhausted, we can only try alternative plans I control time and cause and effect. When I want to control Guixu, I find that I can't control it any more! "

The implication is very simple, the ruthless action is obviously a failure Jiang Ting didn't know how to fail, but he knew that he must be involved with the strong in the divine realm.

All who can achieve the king of God, there is no fool, he does not know the ruthless plot, but what about the other strong?

In his mind, Jiang Ting looked as usual: "is the alternative plan related to Guixu?"

"That's right."

Heartless and happy again, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "it's very easy to leave the divine realm and resist the erosion outside I've mastered all the rules I need. The only thing I lack is Guixu. I'm looking forward to your coming back to Guixu. "

Voice down, merciless body disappeared, he has left the river of time.

Jiang Ting's brow slightly wrinkled: "Guixu..."

Chai Ying frowned: "what a big plan he made..."

"I feel like he has a lot of secrets to tell."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head: "but it doesn't matter. I'll try to see if I really can't resist. If what he said is true, I'm afraid I need to think of a way to go back to the ruins."

After that, Jiang Ting strides boldly.

In a flash, Jiang Ting felt that the power of the rules he controlled began to degenerate and unstable, and the power of the rules was melting like ice and snow.

At the same time, he found that Lin Shan's imprint became extremely clear in an instant.

The place where the mark is located is a shining star. He once wandered on the edge of the world and knew that what looks like a star is not a star at all, but a world, an unknown world!

Lin Shan's mark is in the world, and he can't reach the world under the rule melting!

Although it's OK for the time being, Jiang Ting knows that once the power of the rules completely melts, he will be completely assimilated by nothingness in an instant. Of course, he may be reborn by the time tracing method of huadiegu. He can't decide which one.

In a moment, Jiang Ting retreated.

One step difference, but it is very different, he just returned, like ice and snow melting rules instantly restored, he once again into, God King!

Chai Ying said in an instant, "how about it?"

"Merciless does not lie, once out of the scope of God, the rules will melt, I'm afraid it's because the rules are incomplete."

After a pause, Jiang Ting said, "I don't know what else he's hiding However, if I want to leave the divine realm, I'm afraid I really need to control the rules of returning to ruins. "


after a moment of silence, Chai Ying said with a smile: "you will not lose anything if you try. You need to control your life before you take control of Guixu. I just take this opportunity to try other rules. I don't know what's going on in other worlds. It's no harm if you are stronger."

"In this case, I go directly to the nether world. If I want to control the rules of my life, I have to go there."


Before the passage of reincarnation.

With ripples, Jiangting appears here.

And this time I came to Youming, I rarely saw the ghost emperor.

After glancing around, Jiang Ting didn't directly enter reincarnation, but whispered: "Jiang wants to enter reincarnation and feel the rules. The time is uncertain. I don't know if his majesty is willing to."Reincarnation channel, after all, is the reincarnation channel controlled by the GUI nationality. If he wants to enter it and feel the rules, if he doesn't say hello to the ghost emperor, he will inevitably have some accidents.

"As long as there's no random reincarnation, whatever you want." The quiet voice of the ghost emperor echoed in the passage.

I can't see anyone but his voice Oh, no ghost.

"Thank you very much." The River Court thanks a, immediately don't hesitate, fly a body to jump and then enter reincarnation.

He has long been able to unite the true spirit, and this path of reincarnation does not threaten him at all.


In a twinkling of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

Reincarnation channel, terminal.

"Time and fate." With a whisper, Jiang Ting slowly got up.

In front of him, there is a vortex Not the entrance of reincarnation, but the end.

If there is a spirit who can gaze at the consummation of reincarnation and arrive here, just enter this exit, and a new reincarnation can begin.

And he, too, is here to comprehend the past.

The road of reincarnation is for reincarnation.

Export is for the past and the beginning of a new life.

He has been here for a thousand years.

A thousand years is very long, but for him who tries to understand the rules, it's very short It is worth mentioning that it is not too troublesome for the king to control the new rules. The only trouble is that it takes a long time.

The Ninth level God wants to control the rules and promote the king of God, so he needs to understand the true meaning of the rules. But the king of God doesn't need it. The king of God already understands the true meaning of the rules. For the king of God, if he can find a good place to understand, the only difficulty is to spend time to control it slowly. In short, he can find a place to understand, and then he can rely on time.

Only the king of God can do this If you want to understand the rules of reincarnation at the end of reincarnation, I'm afraid you'll be killed by reincarnation before you begin to understand it!

According to Jiang Ting's estimation, it may take him tens of thousands of years to understand the rules of death It's just that some things are often so coincidental.

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