Under the constant cohesion of Jiang Ting, he soon reached the limit of what he could do. For thousands of years in the small world, the outside world is only one breath!

Under the huge time gap, the most obvious thing is that the mountains and rivers of the small world are constantly changing, and countless plants and monsters are growing very fast in Jiangting's view.

But he didn't care, just quietly watching.


Soon, half a year passed.

Now the small world is changing with each passing day.

Because Jiangting didn't put human beings in it, the monsters on the planet, countless powerful monsters Of course, the strength is not too high. After all, the power contained in it is limited. Moreover, under the huge time difference, the power absorbed by the small world from the divine realm has to provide the Millennium consumption of the small world

The power in the small world is actually very weak in the lower world.

But it's not important. What's important for Jiang Ting is that after countless monsters and plants die, the real spirit that belongs to the living beings is attracted by reincarnation, and then comes back to life again according to the rules of death.

Again and again.

He felt as if he had caught something, but as if he had caught nothing He knew that the mysterious feeling might be the return to the ruins.

No foreign enemy, he is not worried, he quietly watching.


in the twinkling of an eye, ten years have passed.

In the small world, we don't know how many years have passed. Under the huge passage of time, maybe billions of years have passed.

The small world is still evolving. Jiang Ting even saw that many of the countless monsters have turned into demons. Although they are weak, their wisdom is not inferior to that of human beings. However, those monsters in different shapes do not know that their world is very small, and there is a person staring at them outside the world.

Jiang Ting, standing in the starry sky, quietly looks at the small world and whispers, "what's wrong?"

He felt There is only one chance.

Although reincarnation and death are totally incompatible, if he can understand the opportunity, he can immediately gather the rules of returning to ruins!

And that opportunity, he looked at the constant changes and reincarnation of the small world, and felt that the opportunity was hidden, but no matter how he looked at it or how he observed it, he couldn't find it.

It's just a step away from the door, but I just can't get out!

He is still looking at the small world.

In his eyes, the creatures in the small world die when they are born, and the plants flourish to the extreme and then wither. Even because of the huge gap of time, the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter exist at the same time in his eyes.

Only his great mind can carefully distinguish the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and even countless withered plants and trees.


again, decades have passed.

"There's a clue." With the light language, Chai Ying appears at the side of the body.

Jiang Ting did not turn his head back and quietly looked at the small world: "No."

Seeing this, Chai Ying ponders for a while, and her mind spreads Because Jiang Ting directly released the restrictions, Chai Ying also saw the small world, a small world with a terrible time gap.

A moment of a river, a breath of a year!

After observing for a long time, Chai Ying frowned slightly: "is the passage of time too fast? In my opinion, the life in this small world is the master of the cycle of life and death almost all the time, and the withered yellow and green of plants and trees exist together. "

Because the time gap is too big To them, life and death happen too fast, too fast, even too fast to distinguish.

After all, a thousand years of small world, God's domain just passed.

"I don't think so. I feel that the opportunity to return to the market Before his words, Jiang Ting's face was slightly stunned, and suddenly he thought of something.

Chai Ying didn't make a sound She knew that Jiang Ting might have suddenly realized something.

After about three breaths.

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed: "what I should have thought of, what I should have thought of When there is no boundary between life and death, when there is no existence, life and death will be the end of everything, that is, to return to the ruins! "

Between the words, Jiang Ting suddenly took a shot.

In an instant, countless demons in the small world looked up, just to see that the world was broken, and the endless power of terror began to spread.


"God is angry, help..."

"I don't want to die..."

Countless wise demons began to howl.

For the small world, time is very slow, but for Jiang Ting, it is very fast. He claps it with one hand. In only half a breath, the small world disappears completely.

What remains is nothing but black nothingness.

Then he slowly closed his eyes and whispered: "originally, this is Guixu..."

With whispering, the rule of reincarnation appeared in Jiang Ting's left hand, and the rule of death appeared in his right hand. Then his hands closed, and the two rules instantly merged into a new rule.

That rule is full of the terrible atmosphere of the end of all things, but also full of endless vitality, which is very strange.Jiang Ting opened his eyes and looked at the rules in front of him with a smile: "Guixu..."

He waved away and hugged Chai Ying: "thanks to you. If you hadn't come to remind me suddenly, I'm afraid I would have been hard to find that opportunity after observing for hundreds and thousands of years..."

Chai Ying's face turned red, then fell into indescribable

Ah, bah, it's just holding for a while.

"What did I do?" When Jiang Ting let go, Chai Ying's face turned reddish.

"You said that life and death exist together, and there is no solution to everything."

After a pause, Jiang Ting explained: "before I looked at everything existing together, I felt what I found, but I couldn't see what it was. I thought that returning to ruins might be related to extinction, so I ignored the vitality in the small world."

After that, Jiang Ting explained with a light smile: "you remind me when you arrive, which makes me pay attention to the green in the small world and the vitality of the small world. Therefore, I suddenly react Life and death do not have solutions, they do not have differences. Whether they live or die, the end of everything is Guixu. "

Chai Ying thought for a while and shook her head: "I don't understand."

Jiang Ting also didn't care: "you don't control it, so you can't understand it. But just remember this. If you want to control Guixu in the future, once you control reincarnation and reincarnation, when you merge, think about what I just did, it will make you much easier."

Rules and regulations are not explained clearly. If they can be explained clearly, there will not be only some gods in the vast and endless realm.

Mysterious and mysterious What is mysterious and mysterious? What is clearly explained and explained is not the Tao.

The word "Tao" is not clear. The word "Tao" is not clear! Mystery and mystery is the way, the rule!

Chai Ying, who knew everything clearly, said softly, "what's the use of Guixu rules?"

"Compared with the other supreme rules, the Guixu rule is not mysterious. It is neither deathless nor killing."

After a pause, Jiang Ting showed a little strange: "because of this, and other supreme rules, Guixu represents the ultimate life and death. I'm not sure whether the emperor of heaven in the taboo play can kill me, but in the divine realm, I'm sure that even those mortal realms in the divine realm can't cut off my vitality."

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