In the face of Chai Ying's action of blocking her sight, she shows three inexplicable smiles, but does not say anything. Instead, she directly condenses a small ball made up of rules, which makes Jiangting inject the power of Guixu rules.

There are few kinds of rules in the ball, as long as the rules of time and another rule that Jiang Ting doesn't understand at all, but he can feel that the rule is no less than time, which is clearly a supreme rule Maybe, that's the cause and effect controlled by ruthlessness!

After gazing at him, Jiang Ting didn't say a word. His mind moved and he began to mobilize the power of returning to the ruins No matter whether he and ruthless end up fighting or fighting, at least at the moment, they haven't torn their faces.

Qiao Yan looked at Chai Ying bitterly for a while, then he didn't understand: "brother, are we going to leave?"

Mercilessly turned his head and showed a little flattering smile: "yes, we want to leave here, leave this divine realm."

Qiao Yan became worried: "then he and I Brother, you promised me... "

"Don't worry."

After a pause, he laughs mercilessly: "when I collect enough strength to return to the ruins, I will kill Chai Ying and let you and Jiang Ting get married together."

Qiao Yan is overjoyed: "really?"

Chai Ying's eyes were cold: "what a vicious mind."

Jiang Ting's wrist turned to stop condensing and returning to the ruins, and his eyes showed a little anger: "this is not like your temperament of merciless God."

He didn't want to cause trouble in vain. He wanted to send him away, so he simply gathered the strength of returning to the ruins into the regular ball But when he didn't exist, he didn't have the power to fight back?

Although he can't fight ruthlessly, returning to the ruins is enough to ensure that he won't die. Even if he and Chai Ying are killed on the edge of the long river of time this time, as long as they are reborn as returning to the ruins and then enter other time lines ahead of time, what can be merciless?

He constantly shuttles through time. He doesn't believe that the causal rule can calculate his whereabouts in other time lines in advance

heartless smile: "ha ha."

Then, the power of a strange rule suddenly emerged.

Jiang ting and Chai Yinggang counterattack, look suddenly a Leng.

Ruthless shot, just, attack, not them.

Qiao Yan's smile is still maintained in the face, and then, countless cracks appear around her body. In a short moment, she turns into powder under the force of merciless rules.

The powder did not disappear, but under the action of the rule of force, condensed together, into a drop of blood.

Chai Ying became dignified: "what are you doing?"

"Do you really think that the combination of the three rules of time and cause and effect can make up for the imperfection of the rules and leave the divine realm? Naive. "

With her indifferent voice, her heartless face became indifferent: "if it's really so simple, where do I need to spend countless time and means to let her pull back from her buried past Jiang Ting, I told you from the beginning that you are a talented person. Although I am making use of you, you can still get a lot of benefits. I don't want to be an enemy with you. How can I overestimate your wisdom? "

Seeing this, Jiang Ting, silent for a while, waved his hand slightly and began to gather the strength of returning to the ruins again.

Heartless see, looking at the blood bead show some very obscure not to give up, then slightly shook his head, curving a bullet, blood bead a flash into the rules of the force of the ball.

Chai Ying stared at the ball for a long time, then with countless fear out of the voice: "live up to the name of ruthlessness, little girl, admire."

"I gave her a chance. She's useless."

With a whisper, he looked at the nothingness beyond the divine realm mercilessly: "since her recovery, I have taught her wholeheartedly, and even told her that if she can be promoted to the divine king, I will kill Miss Chai Ying and force Jiang ting to be with her It's a pity that she failed to be promoted to the king of God after all. If she could control the rules, she would not die again. "

While Jiang Ting continued to gather nothingness, he looked at the ruthlessness and felt that the whole person was a little frightened Heartless, if it is, heartless.

Who can think, merciless from the beginning of the so-called obsession, the so-called want to let Qiao Yan come back, the fundamental purpose is not to save people, but to kill people.

What's wrong with Qiao Yan and Qiao Yun's brother and sister?

That's not necessarily The brother and sister feelings between Qiao Yun and Qiao Yan in the lower world must be true. Unfortunately, although Qiao Yun is heartless, heartless is not Qiao Yun.

Endless time, enough to wear out everything.

Chai Ying's eyes became more and more scared: "if she could do it, what would you do?"

Ruthless did not answer, but continue to quietly look at the nothingness: "if there is no meaning, the future is not if, she did not do is a fact, if she can do, no meaning."

Chai Ying, her eyes are even scarier Indeed, it is meaningless to put forward a hypothesis that is no longer possible.

Maybe if Qiao Yan can do it, he will deal with Chai Ying as he once promised? Unfortunately, that's just if.

Jiang Ting quietly condenses the power of returning to the ruins: "outside the divine realm, it seems more dangerous than I imagined."

Looking at the rule bead mercilessly and quietly: "it's really dangerous. If not, why should I spend a lot of money to revive her from nothingness, and then use the blood of my close relatives to stabilize the rule."After a pause, heartless suddenly showed a little playful smile: "it seems that I didn't tell you before The rules of the divine realm are incomplete. Although the three supreme rules can persist for a long time, they still can't cross the void. They need the blood of close relatives to stabilize the rules. I don't know who will be the last one to leave? "

Jiang Ting's action of uniting and returning to the market is quiet.

"What do you mean?" Chai Ying looks a little heavy.

"You two seem to have no blood relationship?"

After that, he pondered more ruthlessly: "of course, it doesn't matter. Although you don't have blood, you've got an affinity after all. For each other, your blood still has the ability of no less than blood, which is enough to stabilize the rules for you in nothingness. Maybe you can choose to kill each other and leave the divine realm alone."

Chai Ying's face froze A fool can hear the heartless words are alienating.

It's just, I have to say, ruthless estrangement is very successful It's a fact that we need the blood of our close relatives to stabilize the rules. Otherwise, we will not be so determined to kill Qiao Yan, and gather the blood into the ball of rules.

And Jiang ting and Chai Ying can see that he wanted to leave this God realm with incomplete rules at the beginning. If he fought, now Jiang Ting has the ability of two supreme rules You can tell at a glance which is weaker.

Just at this time, Jiang Ting suddenly raised his hand to Chai Ying.

Jiang Ting's action is not hidden. Chai Ying can see it naturally, and her mood is suddenly cold Hide or not?

Don't trust, worry about Jiang Ting will hide.

If you trust, don't hide After all, maybe it's just ordinary holding hands.

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