In the face of Jianyu's words, Chai Ying doesn't answer, but she suddenly gives birth to some uneasiness.

As if she knew what she was thinking, Jianyu whispered: "the power between heaven and earth is vast and endless for human beings and even for the alien race. All their lives, they can't see all the power of heaven and earth. However, this power is not endless, but has the limit of heaven and earth. They are mercilessly above God. Jiang Ting is the king of God, and they forced to leave God "The realm takes away the power that belongs to the realm of God."

Chai Ying's face was slightly heavy: "if you tell me that the divine realm will be destroyed because of their departure, it is needless to say that no one will believe it."

"They have made a taboo."

With the light language, Jianyu shakes his head slightly: "merciless and Jiangting, the power they take away is at the extreme of heaven according to the contrary heaven and earth. The man's observation shows that there is about one thousandth of the power in the divine realm."

Chai Ying's face recovered a little: "you shouldn't be looking for ruthlessness. Compared with ruthlessness, Jiang Ting's power is so slight and insignificant."

"They have left. We can't leave the realm of God to pursue them. I don't come here to ask for sin today. You don't have to."

After a pause, Jianyu sat down at the edge of the lake: "if I say that Jiang Tinghe is merciless, it won't take too long. There is no doubt that he will die. You can believe it."

Chai Ying looked up in an instant.

Seeing this, Jianyu whispered slowly: "the ascending people of the lower world can carry the power of the lower world into the realm of God, and they still need to experience the thunder disaster test of the lower world Jiang Ting left the divine realm with the power of the divine realm. How could the heavenly way of the divine realm have no response? If not, everyone, like Jiang Tinghe and merciless, will leave the divine realm when they have some strength. I'm afraid that the divine realm has already exhausted its strength. "

Chai Ying's face changed.

Jianyu saw this, and his eyes showed a little emotion: "for us, we have seen too many, too many. For countless years, there are really less than 2000 gods in this realm? Most of the other dead kings, except for a few who were tired of living, went to the world of origin and died at the hands of the way of heaven. "

Chai Ying looks more and more ugly.

After a while, he said: "it's just the way of heaven, but I don't have that great ability. If I want to, even if I am in the divine realm, I can crush the way of heaven of many galaxies around the magic Moon Palace!"

"Although I'm not in the forbidden play, I agree with what the emperor of heaven and the ten sides of the emperor once said."

Without waiting for an answer, the sword rain revealed some inexplicable and quiet words: "the rules of the first Palm dare to play with time, just like the God King, but the rules of the first Palm dare to ignore the way of heaven? The way of heaven, the way of heaven, represents the whole heaven and earth. The way of heaven, the way of God, represents the whole God. "

Chai Ying's forehead is covered with cold sweat The way of heaven is really nothing in a small area, but if the whole divine realm starts to target, and a certain creature starts to be targeted by the way of heaven, which is gathered together in the whole divine realm, she doesn't know what it will be, she has never seen it.

But Jianyu got up slowly: "I said that if I come here today, I will not be guilty, let alone making trouble As soon as you get married, you will tell Jiang Ting by induction that you will find a way to come back. If not, there will be disaster until you die. He is not the only one in nuota's divine realm who yearns for a higher future. "

Chai Ying thought of something and raised her head: "against heaven and earth?"

"Shenyu's counterattack is merciless with preparation, maybe less than 10% can live. If he is unprepared, he will surely die." Accompanied by whispers, Jianyu's body disappears without trace.

Chai Ying stood still, speechless.

He did not expect that there was such a saying But when you think about it, it's right.

It's just the lower world. The most powerful people need to go through all kinds of calamities if they want to leave. What's more, the realm of God? They leave without thunder robbery and obstruction. Can they really leave as simple as that?

Perhaps, Jiang ting and merciless two people, at this moment have already begun to rob it.

After a moment's silence, Chai Ying sinks down to touch the feeling. She doesn't know whether Jiang Ting will come back or not. She just wants to tell the truth and how to choose. She shouldn't interfere.

A moment later.

Chai Ying's face suddenly turned white Perception is still, but he can't feel Jiang Ting's sitting, vague, as if very far away, but as if very close.

Summon past? Not at all!

Has Jiang Ting entered the so-called origin? Yes, she has been back so long that he should have entered other worlds.

Perhaps when Jiang Ting summoned him before, he was already on the edge of the world of origin? It was because once she entered the origin world, I was afraid that she could not be subpoenaed, so I suddenly gave her a notice of subpoena at that time, and then ended the subpoena without waiting for her answer.

After a moment of silence, Chai Ying clenched her fist slowly: "merciless .”



Jiang Ting stopped before a gathering place: "Heishan town."

In front of him is a gathering place, which does not cover a large area. From his point of view, it is really just a gathering place, with only a few thousand people.

There was no splendid mansion, at least not for the time being.

As for the people in the gathering place, they were indeed people, and for the time being they did not see any other race.This place is called Heishan town. I think the mountain range in the distance is Heishan?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting walks slowly into Heishan town. At the same time, he keeps listening to the comments on the street, collecting information that may be helpful to him.

Not far away, two big men with all their blood came face to face.

The man on the left didn't pay attention to Jiang ting. He said to the right: "tut Tut, the Ning family is a big hand."

The man on the right nodded approvingly: "isn't it? It's said that from Heishan city to Heishan, the town on the way, as long as you meet the newlyweds, one of them will be regarded as one, and you will be rewarded ten coins."

A nearby man sneered at the two big men: "cut, what a big hand, you are just being used by the Ning family. It's said that the young lady of the Ning family died early, and he wants to gather people's hearts, and then reverse life and death to let his daughter of the Ning family live."

"How can it be that reversing life and death is against the principle of heaven and earth, and Ning family is not afraid of provoking the scourge of heaven and vanishing." The two men were shocked and their voices became much smaller.

With the conversation, the two men went away slowly.

Jiang Ting still listens quietly without changing his direction.


About half a day later, at the end of Heishan town.

Jiang Ting's step stops here, glances at the stalls and some shops on both sides, turns around with a cool look, and walks slowly again with a leisurely attitude.

In the past half day, he has received a lot of news, but not too much.

The mountain range where he came before is really called Heishan. Heishan town is not a gathering place for ordinary people, but a gathering place for supplies.

Because there are many dangerous and fierce beasts in Heishan, many people will go to Heishan for adventure training. Heishan town is where the people who go to Heishan for training supply materials.

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