After the robust man entered the side hall, Jiang Ting just felt it and decided that it was his goal, Zhang Chengan.

Although determined, Jiang Ting is not anxious to start: "Zhang Chengan?"

"It's really Zhang."

Zhang Cheng'an nodded slightly, then frowned and scolded: "noble guests come to our door, why don't we hold a banquet? I don't want to die!"

"Forgive me, I'm going to prepare..." One by one, Zhang's servants responded with panic.

Jiang Ting got up and said, "don't worry."

Zhang Chengan felt a little uneasy: "what's your name?"

"Jiang ting." Jiang Ting did not hide.

Zhang Chengan stepped back and his eyes narrowed slightly: "we, know each other?"

He sensed an extremely abnormal atmosphere come with evil intent.

"I don't know."

After a pause, Jiang Ting chuckled: "it's just an assassination about you . seal

Speaking of the end, the rule of time was forced by Jiang ting. In an instant, everything was frozen.

"Chop!" After that, Jiang Ting did not hesitate at all, and Liuyun cut out directly.

In a twinkling, Jiang Ting's figure appeared in front of Zhang Cheng'an's body, and his sword was filled with cold light and cut out directly Then, Zhang Chengan was directly beheaded by him.

It was also at this time that the ban on time was lifted and Zhang Chengan's consciousness was restored In fact, it's normal. Although it's just a flash, in fact, Jiang Ting has already used the strength of five qinglingshi to form a final situation.

Zhang Chengan looked at his body cut off by his waist, and his face was inconceivable: "how can it be..."

"Bang..." The body that is cut by the waist hits the ground, countless bloodstains spread.


"Kill someone..."


The servants in the side hall screamed, or they were too scared to move, or they ran out of the side hall.

Jiang Ting didn't care about the servants. Instead, he showed a little dumb: "didn't he die?"

He banned it for a long time, and then cut a sword. In his expectation, it should be a last ditch strike, making a net profit of ten qinglingshi But the target is not dead.

Although Zhang Chengan has been beheaded, he is still alive.

"If you want to kill me, you can't..." Zhang Chengan began to roar, and then his body instantly began to burn, but in an instant he turned into a living person, and his blood also turned into a huge fire.


No Jiang Ting's sword is not so easy to pick up.

The huge fire just appeared. A huge sword rose and stifled the flame. It was the sword that Jiangting had cut out before.

The meaning of matchless Kendo!

Jiang Ting raised his foot and stepped forward: "just add another sword."

Although it was unexpected, he didn't care too much It's enough to mend one sword if one sword doesn't die. Anyway, Zhang Cheng'an has been suppressed by his sword intention and can't fight back with rules.

"Don't Don't kill me... " Zhang Chengan's eyes became frightened and his upper body struggled to retreat.

Because of the suppression of the sword, the flame disappeared, the blood of the side hall reappeared, and Zhang Chengan's body recovered as usual The only thing that didn't disappear was the fire that was lit in that moment.

Jiang Ting's steps have not been left behind. He quickly approaches and the Liuyun sword plunges down

"No..." Zhang Cheng'an starts to roar. He sees that the sharp point of the sword is thrusting towards his head. Once he is hit, he will die because he is now suppressed by the sword.

He didn't want to die.

In particular, he was killed when he didn't understand anything!

By the way assassination! assassination!

How fast is Zhang Chengan thinking? Just a little thought, I remember that the reason why Jiang Ting came was that he took over his assassination, not because he had a grudge. As long as he paid enough interests, he could save himself.

It's a long story, but with the speed of thinking in a regular environment, time doesn't even pass!

"Don't kill me, I'll pay three times as much . no, ten times! " At the moment of life and death, Zhang Chengan spoke at an extremely terrifying speed.

Then, in his panic, he stopped less than half a minute away from his eyes.

In a flash, Jiang Ting flicked his fingers and a force of rules penetrated into Zhang Cheng'an's body Also because of the power of that rule, Zhang Chengan felt that all his rules were completely suppressed.

So simple and easy to suppress his rules? Who is the person in front of you? But he didn't know In order to suppress his rules, Jiang Ting used the power of a Qingling stone!

Looking at Jiang Ting again, he tilted his head slightly: "ten times the reward?"

Between the words, the cloud goes directly into the ground.

Zhang Chengan nodded hastily: "yes Yes, as long as you don't kill me, I'll give you ten times the reward for the assassination. "

How dare he hesitate at the critical moment of life and death?

"Who dares to come to my home and be presumptuous?"

"To die!""Kill him!"

There was a roar, and countless figures approached from outside the side hall.

Jiang Ting squatted on the ground, body slightly forward smile: "your Zhangjia disciples reaction speed is not slow."

Looking at Jiang Ting's face, Zhang Chengan felt that the smile was cold

The other strong men in Zhang's family fell in front of the side hall, their faces stiff and full of disbelief.

They are aware of the outbreak of fighting here, coupled with the reaction of their servants, they have directly attacked and killed What did you see?

The ancestor of his family was beheaded, his upper body half dead lying on the ground, it is difficult to struggle, the murderer directly ignored them.

What's going on?

If it's someone else, they'd like to do it, but in the face of a character who directly hit his father in an instant They are not stupid. How dare they die?

Where is the anger when it comes? All that remains is fear.

Jiang Ting still ignored the others, but slightly tilted his head: "your head is worth 15 Qingling stones, ten times the reward is 150 Qingling stones Well, you give me 150 pieces, and I won't kill you. "

"One hundred and fifty?" Zhang Chengan's face became stiff He wants to pay for his life, but the problem is that he can't get it out.

Jiang Ting's eyes are slightly cold: "is there a problem?"

He doesn't have time to delay with Zhang's father Although he temporarily suppressed the rules of Zhang's ancestors at the moment, with the passage of time, the suppression will surely weaken rapidly.

According to his estimation, he could only suppress it for one hour at most. Once the time passed, Zhang's father could use the rule of fire to rally his body and recover as usual.

Although he knew that Zhang's father could not bring out 150 pieces But it doesn't matter, how much you can take. When the injury doesn't recover, qinglingshi is not too much.

"No . no problem... "

Zhang Chengan responded quickly, then struggled to look out of the side hall: "go Go and get one hundred and fifty Qingling stones

Outside the side hall, Zhang Jia's strong look suddenly became stiff.

After a while, one of the leaders showed a strong smile: "Laozu, there are only 37 Qingling stones left in my family."

Zhang Chengan began to roar: "are you a fool? Offset with other supplies! "

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