There are three ways to break through the third boundary of the rules. He is not willing to go for the method of swallowing spirit.

He would rather not break through for the time being than be at the bottom.

And the rest of the way . tianqingwanli, the strongest, Tianxin, medium strength, better at controlling other rules.

What he would like most, of course, is to pour thousands of miles into the sky Just don't say that the sky is pouring thousands of Li, even for him, the next level of heaven's heart, he knows it all.

What's the meaning of "Heaven inclines thousands of Li"? What is Tianxin?

Without a clue, how to break through?

It's not that he doesn't like Tianxin. According to his understanding, Tianxin is better at controlling other rules. If he uses good skills, he will be weak There is no difference between high and low in the three ways. It all depends on how to use them.

But for him, the most powerful Tian Qing Wan Li is more pleasing to him.

However, both roads are full of confusion.

"I really can't. I have to go one step at a time." Thinking again for a long time, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and disappeared on the top of the mountain.

Since you can't make a breakthrough in your cultivation, go to qiantianmen first He did not forget, three thousand thunder flag!

If he gets another map in qiantianmen, he can start to look for the treasure of heaven and earth However, how to get it needs to be carefully considered.


Three days later.

Jiangting is walking on the ground like an ordinary person, and the sight is quietly looking at the top of the mountains in the distance.

There was no early stage in that mountain, but there were many monsters, dense forests and so on.

But what Jiang Ting looks at is not the mountains, but the sky above them There is a wonderland stretching over ten thousand li.

Innumerable palaces seem to exist in ancient times. From time to time, we can see innumerable figures and some spirit animals coming in and out of the palaces.

In that vast area, there are not only palaces, but also countless fields, soil and medicine gardens forced to float by big means. All the plants are precious gods and immortals. From time to time, there are rare animals flying between palaces.

In addition, the endless thin white fog No matter who sees the moment there, the word "fairyland" will appear subconsciously.

There, just like a vast city, a city built in a fairyland.

Even though Jiang Ting has seen a lot, he has to say that he is worthy of fairyland.

As he walked forward, he quietly looked at the sky. The corner of Jiang Ting's mouth Rose: "qiantianmen It's kind of interesting. "

That swept the sky, is the heavenly gate, a Wonderland!

Not to mention the strength, compared with the divine realm, the residence of the sect's power in the world of origin is undoubtedly more brilliant and magnificent just by looking at its appearance At least in the realm of God, Jiangting seldom sees anyone who will build a supreme palace in the sky.

And today, I see.

Even if he could not clearly perceive the strength of qiantianmen, he would even mistakenly think that he had reached something extraordinary.

At this point, I have to mention that before he got close to qiantianmen, Jiang Ting always worried that qiantianmen might be extremely powerful. But after he got close to qiantianmen, he found that it was him who was worrying.

Because qiantianmen is not strong It's really not strong.

If we ignore the unique rule of the origin of the first realm, simply say the rule of the second realm, this heavenly gate is not as good as the magic Moon Palace.

Besides, there are at least three gods in the magic Moon Palace Cheng Wenxi, Chai Ying, and Jiang Ting, the old woman who still don't know the name, are the real gods of the magic Moon Palace. If you count Jiang Ting, they are four!

And this heavenly gate There is only one God King.

Yes, just one!

In addition to a large number of rules, Jiang Ting feels that qiantianmen has only one rule and two boundaries. If there is no special person like Ning Ningyu, Jiang Ting feels that he can push the whole qiantianmen!

Of course, it's just a feeling that he didn't make a rash move. Instead, he approached slowly and kept invading with hidden thoughts He came to qiantianmen not to fight, but to see if he could find another map.

What's more, he didn't forget that Qianshan, the man of heaven's destiny, was in qiantianmen. If he did something to qiantianmen, who knows what would happen? Not to mention, in qiantianmen, Tianjiao, who is suspected to have three rules, is not good for making trouble.

As the saying goes, a dead horse runs in the mountains Jiang Ting walked towards the fairyland for three days, but the distance didn't seem to shorten at all.

However, his mind was to sweep all the qiantianmen, and found the treasure house of qiantianmen.

Unfortunately, after all, there is a rule and two realms in qiantianmen. Jiang Ting does not dare to observe it in a big way. Shennian can't get into the treasure house. There are also several places suspected of forbidden areas that he does not dare to observe.

After a while, Jiang Ting quickened his pace and walked towards a valley in front of him. He was ready to go to the valley and so on.

He found that there seems to be some kind of Dabi in qiantianmen. It is said that the chief can enter qiantianmen's treasure house to get treasure, and Qianshan is one of them.He's going to wait until Dabie is over. When qiantianmen opens the treasure house, he's going to follow him into it, and then he's going to leave secretly with the map However,

I have to mention that qiantianmen has ruled the surrounding areas for a long time, or maybe it is because the zongmen are in Dabi and need to invite the four sides to observe the ceremony In a word, qiantianmen didn't open the zongmen formation, which also made Jiangting observe a lot of news in a silent way.

If he had not worried about bringing in the awareness of the rules in qiantianmen, he might have found more secrets, though he didn't care about them.

Soon, Jiangting reached the valley, and then entered the valley.

In a dark place, Jiang Ting's mouth was slightly raised, and his body disappeared in a flash, leaving only a phantom with a little breath.

Well, this phantom has no attack power. It will be broken when touched


High altitude, north of qiantianmen.

A hundred Li high platform is suspended in the sky, in which two people are constantly fighting.

In the distance of the high platform, there are magnificent temples.

When no one found it, there was one more person in the square of one of the temples. He liked green clothes like other people.

"I dare to be arrogant even if I'm just a disciple outside. Elder martial brother Jiang killed him!"

"Show me the secret of Panax notoginseng! Come on

"Xuantianfeng will win!"

Just as Jiang Ting entered the crowd without a sound, there came a lot of roars. These people were all disciples of qiantianmen and were watching the battle.

And the two men who fought Well, Jiang Ting doesn't know anyone.

In addition to the square where he is, there are many squares around the platform, where many qiantianmen disciples gather.

After a glance, Jiang Ting looked up at the high altitude above the platform, where several people were standing in the clouds Those people are different from other disciples. They are all in the same realm.

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