While playing with stones in Qianshan, Jiang Ting suddenly sensed an abnormal breath on the right side There, someone's hiding!

It's not the passer-by . who is it?

Is he the same person who sneaks in here, or is he the man of qiantianmen?

Jiang Ting didn't know, but soon he didn't pay attention to it and continued to look at Qianshan He saw that Qianshan had decided to choose the black stone as a treasure.

The black stone may have a secret He doesn't care. He's just waiting for Qianshan to find the map.


soon, about two days passed.

Where is passer-by a? Jiang Ting doesn't know.

Jiang Ting only knew that during this period, Qianshan chose another jade vase that looked ordinary. He could not see the secret of that jade vase.

Hua Yan also chose a necklace A necklace, not inferior to Liuyun.

They just move forward aimlessly, without any regular order.

Move on for a second.

Qianshan suddenly said: "Hua Yan, look at the umbrella..."

Looking along Qianshan's line of sight, I just saw that an umbrella about ten feet in size was lying open on the ground, and the body of the umbrella was full of the smell of the five elements.

The rules of five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are full of them.

Hua Yan's eyes showed some Yearning: "what is this umbrella?"

Qianshan shook his head: "I don't know, but I don't think it's very simple. You can just choose one. How about this umbrella?"

"Let me see." Hua Yan quickly approached, and then played a power.

The umbrella trembled slightly, then shrunk abruptly, leaving only the size of the palm.

In the dark.

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed as he looked at the umbrella The umbrella is not simple. Jiang Ting smelled a strong smell of threat on the umbrella.

Just a treasure, has it brought such a huge threat?

Qianshan suddenly revealed a touch of surprise: "what is this?"

Hua Yan didn't look up: "younger martial brother, you found this umbrella first. I feel that I can't even exert one tenth of my power. Do you really want to give it to me?"

Qianshan shook his head: "I don't like to use umbrellas It's like a map. "

Jiang Ting, who is still observing the umbrella, suddenly deviates Just see, a map quietly on the ground, he is to see, the flicker on the map in constant change.

Even without starting, Jiang Ting has intuition That's another map! Before, the map was obviously pressed on the ground by the umbrella, obscuring the view.

Even if he didn't see it, now the umbrella is for Huayan, and it can reappear.

But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that Qianshan is reaching for the map . as long as the mind rushes into the map, it can know the existence of 3000 thunder flags!

"Sure enough, if I have it myself, I'm afraid I can't find it without decades." Jiang Ting instantly regained his mind, and then showed up without hesitation. His power burst out and he grabbed the map.

He came to qiantianmen for more than three months, for this map?

Now that we have the map, the things belong to him And he has a feeling that he can't let Qianshan touch the map.

There was a lot of life that day. Once Qianshan got the map Even if his strength is far more than Qianshan, I'm afraid that under the influence of destiny, he may not be able to capture it.

Because of the appearance of Jiangting, Qianshan and Huayan come back to God and exclaim: "Jiangting?"

They have not forgotten Jiang Ting After all, they were in Yinguang city before. Because of Jiang Ting's informant, if they were not lucky, they would have died in Yinguang city. How dare they forget?

Hua Yan quickly recovered and drank: "younger martial brother, stay away, his strength is not inferior to that of the elder!"

Qianshan nature is not stupid, on the spot a tumble to avoid the direction of Jiangting grab, for fear of the disaster of fish.

What Jiang Ting didn't expect was that because of the escape of Qianshan Mountain, a breeze was brought out, and then the breeze blew, and the map drifted along the breeze to avoid the direction Jiang Ting grabbed.

Even, the breeze with the map, toward the mountains.

"I'm special..." Jiang Ting has nothing to say but to swear at the moment.

However, his reaction was not slow. Instead, he drank coldly: "seal!"

He will get the map, and he won't let Qianshan touch it Well, he doesn't believe it when he blocks the time directly. Everything is frozen and still. Can a map escape him?

Everything, even Guanghua, stagnates because of the stillness of time.

"Who dares to break into the treasure house?" There was a roar of anger in the sky.

Obviously, Jiang Ting's book has been exposed.

"Will you have time?" Jiang Ting didn't care, so he grabbed the map As long as you get the map, only one heavenly gate can't stop him.


"Buzz Strange sounds are heard in the world where time is frozen.Then Jiang Ting saw that the umbrella he got from Hua Yan began to tremble, and the rules of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth began to spread and burst out.

With the change of the umbrella, the time freeze in a small area was broken. Not to mention, Jiang Ting also felt a light suppression, the suppression of his rules.

Jiang Ting frowned: "what is it?"

Although he knew that the umbrella was not simple, he didn't expect that it was not so simple and could break his time?

"Hua Yan, the five Yun umbrella is the most valuable weapon for killing. Let go of the control immediately, take the treasure house as the inside information, and let the five Yun umbrella explode by itself to kill the thieves!" A roar of anger was heard in the sky.

"Oh, oh I see! " Hua Yan nodded busily.

"Buzz..." The strange sound became more and more strange.

The gold, wood, water, fire and earth became invisible and visible, and then turned into five lifelike dragon people, who came directly to the river court. At the same time, the real body of the five Yun umbrella trembled slightly, casting a light curtain to protect the flower face and Qianshan Mountain.

Jiang Ting's eyes were slightly cold: "beyond measure!"

"Qiang..." With the sound of the sword. Liuyun sword floats on the top of the sky, endless sword light begins to sweep the sky and the earth, and the five dragons are dismembered one after another However, no matter how the sword light broke out, even if it was constantly chopping the Wuyun umbrella, the body of the umbrella did not leave any trace.

Kill the most precious?

Jiang Ting didn't fight with Wu Yun umbrella. When Wu Yun umbrella was cut by sword light, his figure flashed directly on the map and waved the map to him.

With the influx of divine thoughts and the information of 3000 thunder flags Sure enough, this is another map.

The treasure of heaven and earth, three thousand thunder flag has almost fallen into the hands, as long as the two maps are closed, you can be ready to search for treasure.

The corners of his mouth smile slightly, and then Jiang Ting waves the map into the storage space.

Thanks to his hiding in qiantianmen.

"Where are the thieves?" There was an earth shaking roar of anger.

Then, the endless brilliance spread, and countless fires rose in the treasure house.

Also at this moment, the seal of the treasure house suddenly rose, Qianshan and Huayan, as well as the five Yun umbrella were directly sent out of the treasure house A middle-aged man with half naked upper body and flaming eyes appeared in the treasure house.

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