Jiang Ting was just about to tear apart the ten thousand li sky and begin his first experimental evolution of the world. At the moment of his hand, he remembered that it was still within a million Li radius of Fengyun ancient city.

If he tore the world apart, he would be provoking the seemingly gentle young master of Mo Shang. If he provoked hostility, it would not be beautiful.

It may be nothing, but he won't gamble.

Anyway, now that Luo Xue is not at his side, even if you Ji and others attack and kill him, he can escape at will, safe and sound.

Think of here, Jiangting body flash, into the moonlight, soon across more than three million miles.

"That's far enough."

With a whisper, Jiang Ting looked up at the sky and drank coldly: "broken!"

"Boom..." giant earthquakes and landslides.

A terrible hand close to a hundred thousand li square suddenly appeared in the sky and earth, and the hand clenched and tore.

"Boom..." The air of endless nothingness rolled down, and the heaven and earth nearly a hundred thousand li were torn down from the sky by Jiangting.

From a distance, it seems to destroy heaven and earth.

But Jiang Ting didn't care too much. It seems that he just tore the world apart and shook the earth. In fact, it just looks like it.

In fact, he doesn't use too much power, only less than 10% of the divine power. It seems that the power is terrible, but the actual power is not as terrible as his ability to condense the attack to the size of three feet.

The power of attack never depends on the external power, but on the power contained in it Only those who don't know anything will think that the more powerful the situation is, the more terrifying it will be.


Fengyun ancient city is a palace in the sky.

Inside the Crystal Palace.

Lying on his side, Mr. moshang suddenly looked up at the sky. He just saw that the sky beyond endless distance was torn, and countless nihilistic Qi was rolling down.

Even more because the torn world is too vast, as long as people with normal eyes can see clearly.

"God Is the sky going to fall The maids began to shiver.

"Someone's trying to evolve the world."

The voice falls, the young master on the road slowly closes an eye to lie asleep: "boring get tight."


Millions of miles away.

Jiang Ting stood on the ground, looking at the giant hand still showing up in the sky, and at himself, looking slightly stunned How to evolve?

Open up a space in the body?

He's not sure.

But he doesn't care. No matter whether it's right or not, take your time. Anyway, he has a lot of time.

Between his thoughts, Jiang Ting's mind sank into his mind. As soon as he turned his mind, his hands dispersed. At the same time, there was a transparent space in his mind.

Suddenly, the heaven and earth torn from the sky by him has been moved into his mind by his big rules.

Staring at the world in my mind for a while, Jiang Ting frowned: "No."

After drawing the world into his mind, he clearly felt uncomfortable, as if It seems that he had a good mind, but suddenly suffered an invasion, which made him instinctively bored.

The world of evolution is certainly not in the mind.

But if it's not the mind, where is it?

Thinking for a while, Jiang Ting's eyes brightened The kingdom of God!

He thought of the kingdom of God that he had blown up.

Also because of the thought of the kingdom of God, Jiang Ting's mood became gloomy Before the emergency, the planet in his kingdom of God has also been self-protection with the kingdom of God. There are still people in his kingdom of God.

Thanks to his entry control rules, the so-called belief has long been unable to affect his divine power. I'm afraid that because the believers on that planet protect themselves, his power will also have a big problem now, right?

But in a flash, he was depressed by Jiang Ting: "against!"

With the endless flow of time rules, he revealed the kingdom of God that had already exploded, reversed countless time rules, and reappeared countless palaces of the kingdom of God.

But in a short time, the kingdom of God reappeared Apart from the believers, the kingdom of God is no different from before.

Looking at the kingdom of God for a while, Jiang Ting's mind turned. The heaven and earth that he moved to his mind disappeared and entered the kingdom of God.

"Boom..." As soon as the heaven and earth entered the kingdom of God, Jiang Ting felt that the whole heaven and earth of the kingdom of God were shaking, as if they were rejecting foreign heaven and earth, and as if the kingdom of God was about to be destroyed again.

If Jiang Ting didn't pay attention, there would be a big problem, but now he is looking at it, how could there be a big problem?

"Turn the kingdom of God into the world?" With a murmur that even Jiang Ting himself was not sure, he began to suppress it, and was moved to the heaven and earth of the kingdom of God to merge with the kingdom of God at an extremely terrible speed.

Three days.

It took him three days to finally merge the torn heaven and earth with the kingdom of God He didn't see the evolution of the world, but the kingdom of God, because he integrated into the heaven and earth of about 100000 Li, and his kingdom of God also increased the scope of the heaven and earth of nearly 100000 Li.

Compared with the previous narrow kingdom of God, today's kingdom of God is extremely large."It's a success, isn't it?" Jiang Ting got up and looked around.

Well, heaven and earth are still the same. There's no change in their power of rules.

If you have to make a difference The world torn by him has been healed again. I don't know whether this is considered?

Obviously, his first attempt to evolve the world failed.

And the failure is very thorough, nothing.

Even if the kingdom of God is integrated into the world of origin, its essence is still its kingdom of God, not a certain world.

Jiang Ting was not discouraged, but began to look at the world: "what did I ignore?"

Once the evolutionary world succeeds, it can break through the three rules It's normal that he will fail. If the three rules are so simple that he can break through, the three rules will be worthless.

After looking at him for a long time, Jiang Ting was suddenly surprised He discovered the difference between the kingdom of God and the real world.

Reality is direct, there are creatures, there are thousands of families, there are flowers and trees Everything you can think of or can't think of can be found in the real world.

What about the kingdom of God?

Strictly speaking, there is nothing in his kingdom of God.

Apart from the palaces made of precious materials, his kingdom is like a desert He never managed his kingdom carefully after all.

For him, the kingdom of God has never been a paradise for believers The kingdom of God is only a means for him to fight against the enemy. He is not a Protoss in the realm of God, and he does not need to rely on believers to grow up.

Before the kingdom of God, there were believers on one planet, but now there are no believers on that planet.

Maybe that's the difference?

"What's worse is flowers and trees?" Jiang Ting is not sure, but he doesn't care. Instead, he chooses to try.

With a change of mind, Jiang Ting escapes into the kingdom of God, perceiving the absolute control of heaven and earth, and his mood suddenly gives birth to some strange things.

As soon as he came in, he found the most fundamental difference between the divine realm and the outside world.


In his kingdom of God, there are only rules that he controls, and there are no rules that he does not control.

Without hesitation, Jiang Ting began to seal: "secret prison duanque Jue!"

With his seal, countless rules were forced into the kingdom of God by him.

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