Jiang Ting had planned to enlighten the creatures in this world on a large scale, and at the same time, he gave them accomplishments to cultivate But when I was ready to start, I suddenly found that heaven and earth were shaking, and there was an endless noise in the distance.

Looking up, his face suddenly became hazy The world, it's destroying.

Well, to put it simply, his world has just evolved, and his level is too low, and that squirrel has been given the cultivation of fanliyijing by him.

Before the end of heaven and earth, the law is still in order. The squirrel keeps getting stronger and stronger, and when it runs out of power, it's gone But now, Lingqi is controlled and revived by Jiangting, and then the squirrel will hang and explode.

Under the explosion of the terrible cultivation in fanliyijing, the world can't bear the terrible cultivation of the squirrel. With the increase of aura, every move of the squirrel has the power to destroy the world.

So, the world is going to be destroyed.

The solution is very simple. Just kill the squirrel.

However, the root cause hidden danger brought by the squirrel Jiang Ting saw He opened wisdom, he gave cultivation, a little random has been so terrible, if he taught it on a large scale, what would it be?

There will be terrible strongmen on a large scale in this world, and don't forget that the world is evolved by him. When the world reaches its unbearable limit, there is no place for the creatures in this world to soar.

"Boom..." The world, completely collapsed.

Because Jiang Ting has always been born when he thought of the hidden danger The world is gone.

"I'm special..." With a murmur, Jiang Ting's body dispersed.

With his disappearance, the whole world trembles slightly, and everything returns to nothingness.

The outside world.

Jiang Ting took a look at the sky, his mouth slightly puffed His accomplishments in the three realms disappeared.

The world of his evolution has disappeared completely, and I don't know how many creatures have perished.

Originally, a world with a high probability would be on the right track, because of the little squirrel, because of the little cultivation of all forces, it was directly destroyed.

Continue to evolve the world?

Jiang Ting was not in a hurry, but bowed his head and thought The most fundamental problem has not been solved, and even if he re evolved, he could not succeed.

What should he do to make the re evolved world really on the right track, instead of being destroyed suddenly.

Making people?

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly narrowed The human body is not complicated.

With his strength, it's very easy to condense countless Terran bodies with rules, and then plug a few Terran souls in.

Soul? The spirit is very simple. There are many people in the origin world, and there must be more villains. It's very simple.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting put down the idea again The sky can only evolve on the basis of a piece of heaven and earth in the world of origin. The spirit is also the spirit of the outside world and cannot be used.

He doesn't make spirits, let alone make them come out of consciousness.

And because of this thinking, Jiang Ting found a more serious problem It's easy for him to enlighten wisdom, but he can't enlighten it all the time.

What he wants to do is to let the creatures in the world, just like the human race, be born with wisdom and learn!

Only in this way can we pass on the world's heavenly way and make it come into being!

Is it passed down from generation to generation?

"Yes, it's passed down from generation to generation No matter what I give, it's temporary. If it's temporary, it's impossible to make a breakthrough. The only way to succeed is to let the world exist all the time and pass on forever! " Accompanied by whispering, Jiang Ting completely realized.

He has a plan.

It's a waste of time, but if he guesses correctly, at least 90% of them will succeed and let him make a breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting doesn't hesitate, tears a little bit of heaven and earth into his body, and then starts to evolve with the help of the rules of time.

Soon, heaven and earth were born and the earth evolved.

Jiang Ting, who has already had experience, does not hesitate to urge reincarnation and reincarnation, and the sun, moon and stars appear.

After that, the evolution is accelerated by the rule of time He didn't expand heaven and earth, but prepared to let heaven and earth creatures grow first with the passage of time.

Because the world is too narrow, the outside world only less than half an hour, the world has become beautiful, all kinds of animals and plants.

This time, Jiang Ting didn't stay in the same place. He absorbed the power of heaven and earth, and turned into moonlight.


Half a year later, Jiangting's world has once again expanded to the limit, hundreds of millions of miles, which is terrible.

Looking at the world, Jiang Ting once again escaped into the world He needs to go into that world and open up wisdom. If all of them are creatures who drink blood, how can they be passed on?

After entering the world, Jiang Ting appears directly in front of a wolf pack.

It's a wolf. It's normal. It's gray brown.

"Ouch The wolves approached with kindness.

Even if Jiang Ting didn't show the slightest breath, the wolves didn't want to attack.Jiang Ting waves his hand to isolate many wolves, and then moves his hand to open up wisdom for the wolf king.

"Ouch..." Wolf king bowed his head and rubbed his thighs to show kindness.

Jiang Ting didn't know what the wolf king was talking about, but presumably it was the Father God?

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting put his finger on the top of the wolf king's head: "go, your people drink Maoru's blood at this moment. It's not done by intelligent creatures. Go to educate your people and pass on your knowledge."

"Father..." Wolf king answered instantly.

Because of the touch of Jiang Ting's fingers, Jiang Ting can speak out what he said with the help of the hidden idea in his body, and can also hear the wolf king's howl.

"Go and educate your people." Jiang Ting disappeared in a flash.

He didn't leave Now, he can't leave the world. He just hides it.

"Ouch!" The wolf roared at the wolves.



the wolves howled and the wolves approached.

"Ouch!" The wolf king sat down like a human being, and the howling of the wolf was a little irritated.

The wolves stood still, as if they didn't understand.

Jiang Ting saw this, and the corners of his mouth suddenly drew.

Then he shook his head, closed his eyes and began to fall asleep. At the same time, he urged the rules of time to speed up the passage of time There's really not much he can do.

If you want to give the method of cultivation, you should let the wolves become the wolves with wisdom. More importantly, he can't intervene.

Time rule, start to speed up Because Jiang Ting is also deep in this world, no matter how fast he accelerates, he will need to go as long as this world goes by.

The only good thing is that the outside world doesn't have much time to go by, that's all.


The mountains and rivers change, the stars change.

In a twinkling of an eye, 100000 years have passed Jiang Ting closed consciousness, enough to hide in the sky, the body has been sleeping for 100000 years.

Just after time, Jiang Ting opened his eyes.

And then, for the first time, he filled the world with divine thoughts.

After that His face looked ugly when it stopped.

The world is coming to an end.

Wolf A lot of wolves.

The whole billion Li world is full of wolves. The intelligence of those wolves is not too high. They only look like three-year-old babies, but they

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