So, people all stare big eyes, all want to know, duanmuhang this mysterious never appeared lady, who is!

Leng Yan naturally is clear, then quickly turn around to leave, not long time, a direction, came a burst of footstep sound, people follow this footstep sound to see past, see, Leng Yan accompanied a very beautiful woman came over, this woman Yunbin smooth, not too much carving, but, the whole body up and down temperament is natural, give a kind of noble I feel that the facial features on my face are also exquisite, especially a pair of eyes, which are extremely flexible.

Jiang Ting once lamented that he didn't look at anything else. With these eyes alone, he could conclude that Duanmu nuoqing, the ancient and strange woman, was the daughter of this woman!

However, Jiang Ting looks at duanmuhang a little bit in a circle. Is duanmuhang against the Ji family like this, and has anything to do with this lady?

Duanmu hang saw the woman coming. Instead of being calm and reserved, he welcomed her with a smile, stretched out his broad hand and took the woman's slender hand.

This scene, so that the presence of people, eyes almost fell off, the original, has always been unsmiling Duanmu farm owners, even so calm and free to sprinkle a handful of dog food!

"Duanmuhang." The woman opened her lips lightly and called duanmuhang's name casually.

"Yo er." Duanmu hang also called the woman's name softly.

The woman nodded, her eyes flickered with gratitude, and said to duanmuhang, "thank you for giving me this opportunity. Today, I think I can make a complete end with the Ji family!"

"It should be." Duanmu hang just said these three words, and then, with this woman, came to the opposite of Ji Tianze.

When facing Ji Tianze, duanmuhang's expression suddenly cools up. His big hand clenches his wife's little hand and asks coldly, "Ji Tianze, do you remember this man?"

Ji Tianze in see this woman, face instantly changed, become a bit incredible, at last, with ferocious, from the teeth of the ruthless out of a few words.

"Ji you, you are Ji you!"

Ji You's appearance makes Ji Tianze's past in his heart clear gradually, and reminds him of his father, the last owner!

Duanmuhang's wife also nodded coldly, raised her head to Ji Tianze and said, "Ji Tianze, yes, I'm Ji you. In those years, you took the whole family of Ji family to hunt down our sister and brother. You can't imagine that today, we can make a comeback!"

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that your wrist is really good. You can even climb the high branch of duanmuhang. You must have tried your best to please duanmuhang!" Ji Tianze Yin ruthless said, completely did not have the usual season home owner's demeanor.

"Ji Tianze, now, Ji you is my wife. You'd better be careful when you speak!" Duanmu hang in hear Ji Tianze with such insulting words, then coldly cut in.

For a moment, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Jiang Ting can't help frowning slightly when he hears Ji You's name. It turns out that Duanmu hang married a Ji family member. However, listening to this situation, it seems that Ji's family also has a lot of gratitude and resentment towards Ji you.

"Brother Leng, this Is Mrs. Ji a member of the Ji family Jiang Ting can't help asking Lengyan around him.

Leng Yan nodded. Only he and Xunyu Dharma protector knew about the master. Now, Jiang Ting asked, Leng Yancai said in a low voice: "you don't know, my teacher's mother Ji you is the legendary character of that year, Ji Yang's sister, the sister of my father and mother."

"What?" Jiang Ting suddenly loses his temper. Unexpectedly, his master Ji Yang has a sister? Why didn't he tell himself that?!

Leng Yan immediately patted Jiang ting and continued to say in a low voice: "what are you doing so loudly?"

Jiang Ting spat out his tongue and swallowed a mouthful of saliva before he said, "elder martial brother Leng, I'm really surprised. This I want to slow down

Leng Yan said with a smile: "unexpectedly, there are things you can't accept!"

Just at this time, Ji Tianze opened his mouth, raised his hand to Ji you and said: "originally, the discord between Wuling Pavilion and Duanmu farm owner is caused by you, a woman. In this case, my Ji family is going to clean up the door!"

Ji you gave a cold smile, not angry, but slightly on one side of his body, looking at Ji Tianze opposite him with some contempt, and said: "master Ji, as early as 20 years ago, our sister and brother left the Ji family. We are not the people of the Ji family at all. How do you talk about cleaning up the family? Don't be conceited. Look, today, who will come to you to settle the bill! "

Ji you says to Ji Tianze, then says to the back of the crowd: "come out, it's time for you to show up!"

Anybody else?!

People can't help but follow Ji You's eyes.

The crowd has been in a circle for a long time. When they see that all eyes are focused on this position, the people here automatically push to both sides, forming a path.

At the end of the path, a man in a black gown appeared, with a hat on his head covering his face.Others don't know who it is, but Jiang Ting laughs. It turns out that the master has received his own message and has come to the Wuling Pavilion in the new moon city. He has also come to the door of the Yanyue leaning tower. However, he can meet Ji you, which makes Jiang Ting very surprised. However, Jiang Ting is also a little strange. Why is it such a coincidence?!

Just as Jiang Ting is thinking about it, Ji Yang has taken off his hat, revealing his true colors.

Now, Jiang Ting's eyes are wandering on the faces of Ji you and Ji Yang. They are really similar, especially their eyes.

Melodious. It seems that Ji Yang and Ji You's parents are very attentive in naming their two children. They are flexible and have some moral meanings. However, the experience of these two brothers and sisters is not melodious, and they are somewhat bumpy

"This man It's really... "

"This is Ji Yang!"

"It's really Ji Yang!"

"This is Ji Yang who has disappeared for 20 years!"

"Unexpectedly, today, I can see Ji Yang!"

People are all talking about the name of Ji Yang, the crowd completely boiling, such as a sea of surprise!

It's all because of Ji Yang.

This is not surprising.

Ji Yang is the only person who has been on the fifth floor of Yanyue tower for a hundred years. He makes the fifth floor of Yanyue tower shine.

This is the first myth.

Ji Yang is the super genius of the Ji family. This Ji chenxuan can't compare with it at all. At that time, there was a legend that Ji Yang would step into the blood refining period and become the first martial arts practitioner to step into the blood refining period on Yanyue island. The Ji family is bound to become the absolute power of Yanyue Island, surpassing the Xiao royal family.

This is the second myth.

It is because of Ji Yang's brilliance that Ji Yang becomes the most dazzling person in the Ji family. However, because of his infatuation with a woman of unknown origin, he makes enemies with the whole family and finally leaves the Ji family.

This is the third myth.

Because of this woman's tragic death, Ji Yang and Ji's family are irreconcilable. Even Ji Yang's relatives are implicated. But Ji Yang would rather die than surrender. He vowed that he would come back to recover the blood debt in the future, and then he disappeared.

This is the fourth myth.

The disappearance of Ji Yang triggered a fierce battle between wulingge and Ji family. It was said that the battle was a duel between masters. However, no one saw the process, and no one knew the result. It was just that in so many years since then, the master of Ji family and duanmuhang, the master of yueta Daochang, were closed.

This is the fifth myth.

Therefore, Ji Yang, who has so many myths, will not be forgotten. Even if the Wuling Pavilion does not allow anyone to mention Ji Yang's name with its iron wrist, the name is still engraved in people's hearts and never forgotten.

Ji Yang came to his elder sister Ji you step by step, saluted his elder sister respectfully, covered up his excitement and said: "elder sister, don't be hurt!"

Ji you can't help it for a long time, tears have been circling in the eye circles, holding his brother and nodding desperately.

"How are you, brother? My sister is very good. The owner of Duanmu farm takes good care of me. Moreover, my sister's injury has been healed. " Ji you said in a trembling voice.

Ji Yang turned around and bowed to duanmuhang and said softly, "duanmuhang master, thank you for taking care of my sister for so many years!"

Duanmu hang pressed Ji Yang's hands slightly and said with a smile: "Ji Yang, I saw your sister's insistence and your willingness to die. I'm very moved. I'm willing to take care of your sister. Besides, your sister is my wife now. Isn't it right for me to take care of her? Don't be so polite. You should call me brother-in-law. "

"Hum!" When Ji Yang's brothers and sisters are very excited, Ji Tianze hums coldly, interrupts the atmosphere, and says with an incomparable roar, "Ji Yang, how dare you come back to Wuling Pavilion. In this case, that's great. Today, I'll clean you up in front of so many people!"

Speaking, Ji Tianze's aura has been surging up, and his vigorous Qi has produced a lot of pressure, such as the rolling of waves.

"Ha ha, my Lord, you don't need a ox knife to kill a chicken. Don't you see that Ji Yang is only the fifth level cultivation in the gas refining period? Over the years, his accomplishments have fallen a lot. I don't know what kind of courage he came to Wuling pavilion with. Is it hard to live outside and tired of living? " An elder of the Ji family sees that the master wants to do something. He can't help but talk. This man happens to be Ji chenxuan's father.

Ji Tianze noticed that Ji Yang's cultivation was really bad, and he couldn't help laughing contemptuously.

"By the way, Ji Yang, what did you say at that time? Didn't you say that you wanted to take a disciple and defeat the Ji family of Wuling pavilion? Why are you here alone today? "

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