In the face of Jiang Ting's retort, the burly man did not get angry, but laughed, as if Jiang Ting's temperament was right for him.

A small young man spoke slowly: "since the flag is collected for you, you have it I don't know. Will you take it out and let me wait for the treasure? "

Jiang Ting's eyes were cold for a moment.

Seeing this, the burly man raised his eyebrows slightly: "it seems that he still has some ideas about the flag. You might as well take it out If you don't have a chance with the big flag, it's better to let other people in exchange. This should be regarded as an unwritten rule? "

Jiang Ting heard the speech, his eyes flashed, and he understood it.

If he can refine Then, these people will naturally retreat.

If it can't be refined, the three thousand thunder flag is precious to him, but it can't be used at all. It's just a decoration. It's better to exchange it with someone who may be predestined!

The so-called unwritten rules You don't have to abide by the rules, but if you break them, you will only get angry. People who don't get along with others will not get friendship.

"Since the big flag was born here, there must be at least one person in a million miles here! Jiang Ting, don't you want to Feiying's indifferent voice rang out.

"Lord." Qianshan is close to Feiying. His face is relaxed.

It's quiet here We dare not speak under the three rules, but we are not talkative.

Jiang Ting glanced, then took out three thousand thunder flags and said with a smile, "why don't you dare? Ten feet is the limit. Anyone who wants to treasure, just come to treasure! "

All the people here suddenly narrowed their eyes, and all the three rules, including the burly man, appeared at the same time.

Unfortunately, 3000 thunder flag did not respond at all.

After watching for a long time, the young man who proposed treasure assessment sighed: "it's a pity that the most precious treasure in heaven and earth is easy to get, but fate is hard to find Since you are willing to identify, you have no chance to come here. I don't know who will be the one who has the chance here. "

With the long voice, in addition to the burly man, the other three rules have disappeared.

The treasure of heaven and earth is really precious Even if it's a piece of treasure, it's just a treasure! Therefore, since they are sure that they are not predestined, they will not feud with Jiang ting for no reason.

Although they can all feel that Jiang Ting is only responsible for one world, but Even if there is only one world, it is also the rule of three realms! For a treasure that can't be used, how can they make enemies with swords and soldiers?

"Try it, Qianshan." Flying shadow suddenly opens his mouth.

The burly man turned his head and said, "Qianshan I've heard a lot about you

Qianshan saluted in a hurry: "have you met the elder, do you know the younger?"

Flying shadow look slightly changed: "Gu Yan Nan, do you want to stop?"

The burly man, also is Gu Yannan, his eyes show a cold light: "are you threatening me?"

"I dare not."

Feiying denied it for a moment, and then revealed some haze: "I am daozong, and you are alone in the south, as if there is no injustice or hatred."

Gu Yannan grinned: "no grudge, I just can't stand your calculation of Huadao sect and other sects."

Flying shadow's face suddenly sank: "Sir, is this a declaration of war? Or is it to destroy? "

"Declaration of war? Don't make trouble. If I want to break the plan, I'll explain it directly instead of talking about it here. "

After a pause, guyannan said with a smile: "don't use huadaozong to oppress me. The ancestors of huadaozong are not so small-minded. I can't beat you. Can't I deal with you?"

"What are you going to do?" The flying shadow looked more and more heavy.

"Guess what?"

The voice fell, lonely wild goose south side head, with a strange voice: "boy, you have a lot of courage, since huadaozong, futu holy land, there are a few sect old things to make plans, you are still the first to dare to intervene."


When he heard the message, Jiang Ting responded immediately. Gu Yannan's plan should refer to Qianshan This person carries so many fates. It's obvious that the most powerful are planning something.

The holy land of putu? He hasn't heard of it, but he is no less than huadaozong.

Feeling puzzled, Jiang Ting direct voice: "your meaning, Jiang Mou do not understand."

Gu Yannan said, "don't be afraid since you've stepped in As long as you don't kill Qianshan, those people at the top of the mountain will strictly restrain their own people in order to ensure that they don't disturb the destiny Don't get me wrong. The reason why I told him is very simple. I didn't have the courage to destroy his plan, but I still dare to add obstacles. "

After that, Gu Yannan retreated quietly.

And Qianshan, also inspired by Feiying, is close to Jiangting.

He looked at the big flag floating on the palm of Jiang Ting's hand, exhaled slightly, and his mind sank into it.

"Boom..." The sound of thunder, ban, began to manifest.Sure enough This thing was originally prepared for Qianshan. How could it not be with Qianshan!

Just as Jiang Ting was about to suppress it, Gu Yannan suddenly made a move, and endless ice and snow came The 3000 thunder flags that were about to burst out were immediately suppressed.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting did not hesitate to put three thousand thunder flags into his body I'm kidding. If Qianshan continues to stir up, who will suppress it then?

Once the 3000 thunder flag shows its power Don't mention much, once return to before thunder prison state, Gu Yan south also can't suppress.

You don't see, before Gu Yan South didn't dare to force close, but from the normal way close!

Feiying's mouth rose slightly: "it seems that this big flag is predestined to the son of our Taoist sect."

Gu Yannan was surprised: "isn't it the song and Qing Dynasty that you are the sage son of Taoism? It's fast enough for Qianshan to improve its strength Well, I remember. Song Qing heard that he had known Qianshan a long time ago. Unfortunately, because a woman was going to kill him, Qianshan killed him instead? "

Song and Qing Dynasties?

Jiang Ting's pupils suddenly shrank These two words have always been hidden in his heart, even he did not dare to think about them.

Not for the others, just for that, I think, so I am, he thought in his heart, not to say will disturb that person.

In an instant, he put everything down.

He turned to show his eccentricity: "I seem to have seen it before, but it's just an ordinary place. Now I think it's my mistake."

"Before he went into the world, he tried to break through, so he met me."

After a pause, Qianshan shook his head: "master Jiang Ting, with your accomplishments, I don't know why you plotted against me before, but I have a destiny with the three thousand thunder flag. How can you give way to me?"

Without thinking, Jiang Ting said, "exchange things for things. You can exchange heaven and earth for treasure."

If Qianshan can really take out another treasure of heaven and earth, he doesn't mind exchanging it for It's not easy to be offended.

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