In the face of Luoxue's happiness, Jiangting directly inquires about Luoxue's position at the moment.

"Are you coming to me?" Luoxue's voice became pleasantly surprised.

Jiang Ting nodded directly: "well, but I know your position. If you break through now, you'll leave a coordinate in your place. I'll find the coordinates and save the flight time."

It almost depends on Luoxue to recognize the 3000 thunder flag He went to Luoxue naturally.


the origin realm is the Jingyu, which is located somewhere.

There is a dangerous place in Jingyu. In this dangerous place, the rules are disordered. Even if the strong people in rule 2 are here, they may die if they are careless.

In the deepest part of that dangerous place.

Luoxue holds the lovely white fox and leans against a disordered stone wall. In front of her, there are ten men and women with different body shapes It's one color, two rules.

A fat man whispered: "girl, you can't keep this white fox. Why do you want to die?"

Luo Xue looked up and said, "it's like you killed me! How long has it been? Twenty years! If it's not for the chaotic rules here, you want to prevent me from leaving? Ridiculous

Where no one else can see it, she is constantly depicting some kind of big array.

About ten minutes later.

The fat man was in a hurry: "since you know that the rules here are disorderly and you can't escape, what are you going to do? Keep dragging on, you will die sooner or later

A young man with a cold face suddenly frowned: "Qingyun, I feel some kind of leading array She's looking for help. "

"Snow! You are looking for your own death The chubby man, known as Qingyun, was furious in an instant.

Several people's faces became even more distorted: "you've been trapped for more than 20 years, and you still don't know your fate Do you want to die? "

"All of you are rubbish. If you fight alone, your ten lives are not enough to die!" Holding white fox's Luo snow face shows disdain, jade whip virtual shadow is emerging behind her, as if to fight at any time.

"Now your hope is broken!" A man with peach blossom eyes showed his ruthlessness and suddenly struck out a knife light.

"I'm afraid you can't do it!" Luoxue's eyes became sharp.

That jade whip empty shadow toward knife light smoked past.

"Bang Bang..." The dull sound is repeated, the jade whip is forced to retreat some, and the knife light is also broken by the jade whip.

"The rules are getting more and more confused. I'd like to see how your reinforcements come!" The more sarcastic people are.

Luo Xue's face changed in an instant when she heard the words Isn't it? The rules here are in disorder. Because they just collided, the rules become more chaotic.

Although the leading array she laid is extraordinary, it's because of the confusion here Jiang Ting, can you still come?

A woman sighed: "it's just a white fox. Why do you have such a bitter hatred with us?"

"Ni..." White fox is in Luo Xue's arms, his eyes show some humanized fear.

Luo Xue cold drink: "to my hands of things, there is no reason to let out!"

"I'd like to see how long you can hold on to it." The first voice of the blue cloud became angry.

Under such a confrontation, it was about ten minutes later.

"Boom..." The rocks behind Luoxue suddenly burst The rubble was not far away.

The man who surrounded Luoxue was shocked: "what's the matter?"

You know, although the rocks here are very common However, because of the confusion of the rules here, under the washing of the rules, although these rocks and soil have no mysterious ability, they can not be easily destroyed.

At least, in this environment, no matter who they are, they can't simply destroy a huge mountain wall.

"Miss Luo, you seem to be in a bad situation. Do you need me to help you?" A gentle voice rang out.

Luoxue scattered the jade whip and was overjoyed: "Jiangting."

After half a breath, a ripple rises, and Jiangting steps out of nothingness and appears here.

As soon as he appeared, he found that the rules here were very confusing, which made him very uncomfortable Of course, it's just uncomfortable.

Qingyun was even more irritated: "you can come to such a chaotic rule. I don't know what you call it because you are not a nobody."

"Jiang ting." Jiang Ting did not hide his identity.

"Jiang Ting?" The ten glanced at each other and looked at each other.

After a while, one of them was not sure: "I remember that huadaozong issued a hunting order hundreds of years ago. It seems that he is the one who hunted down?"

"It's him that looks right!" Another person responded.

With a cold sneer: "boy, I advise you to go back. If not, we don't mind catching you and taking you to huadaozong to get a reward!"

"Catch me and go to huadaozong to get a reward?"After a pause, Jiang Ting slowly raised his head: "it's up to you?"

The atmosphere of the three realms of rules began to spread.

"Three rules!" All the people exclaimed in an instant, but also subconsciously suddenly retreated, eyes showing countless panic.

If it's rule II, there are ten of them here. Even if they are the most arrogant, they dare to fight But if it's three rules, they're not even as good as ants.

Jiang Ting converged his breath and turned back: "Miss Luo, when I was searching for my mark, I seemed to hear that they had been here for 20 years?"

"Yes, they have blocked me for more than 20 years for this little fox. If it were not for their large number of people, I would have killed them long ago!" Rochelle's face turned vicious.

Jiang Ting asked: "then I will kill them?"

"Run away!" There are many rules in the world, and the flying fish rises up and tries to escape They don't think they can fight one rule, three boundaries.

A bad situation is the difference between clouds and mud. There is no comparability Is it a false statement that even the supreme pride can't fight across the border with its own fighting power?

"Want to escape?" Jiang Ting turned around again and laughed.

He can't play the old three rules, but he can't deal with the two rules?

With his turn, he reached out and grabbed ahead The terrible rules of time break out and the counter current of time starts.

Of course, he can't reverse the time of the whole world of origin, he just reverses the time of those people's bodies.

Under the rule of time, those people have clearly fled, but under the rule of time, they have started to go back The most terrible thing is that because Jiang Ting can't know how to reverse the time of the whole origin world, the memory of those people still exists.

They can only feel that the time around them is beginning to regress uncontrollably.

Everyone roared: "Damn, the rules here are chaotic. How dare you break out like this!"

"It's just you who dare not move the rules, not including Jiang." With the cold hum, the rule of time breaks out.

In a flash, one of the ten people, one by one, was forced back by the rules of time, and then fell to the ground by Jiang ting.

Ten people, looking at Jiang Ting's eyes, became shocked.

Can't you even run away?

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