Although Jiang Ting is extremely powerful, it is 3000 thunder flag, which makes his strength have a qualitative leap However, because his real strength is not strong enough, so he can not do in the world of origin.

What's more, he can't push 3000 thunder flags for a long time Even if he can't resist the ban under the 6000 world, it doesn't mean that he has the qualification to fight with the strong man in the 6000 world. It can only be said that his strength has been further improved because of the 3000 thunder flag, and his self-protection has also increased countless.

That's all.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting shakes his head and doesn't think about it. Instead, he looks back at the long river of time and the regular three realms that seem to have never moved, just like sculptures.

Whether it's the fight between the human and demon families, or the rebirth of the nether world, if you want to intervene, his strength is far from enough Now, the fastest way to improve our strength is to get enough of the world origin as soon as possible, so as to evolve more of the world.

In the world of origin, unless he goes to grab the most precious treasure of heaven and earth, or refine his mind, it will hardly help him to improve his strength.

Perhaps this is also the reason why there are almost no three realms of rules in the world of origin Because they are busy evolving the world, or refining their hearts in the world.

"Closed loop world Let me see what the so-called closed-loop world looks like. " With the whispering, Jiang Ting urged the time rule to go deep into the long river of time.

In a flash, endless, like mercury in general thread appeared.

Jiang Ting looked at him and soon found that he had found the target he wanted That's an arc.

That world, there are problems, big problems!

Because he can see the beginning of the line.

Under normal circumstances, the lines he sees have no end point or starting point, which means that time has no end. However, he sees that he has found a world that can see the beginning and the ending point.

Closed loop world! It may not be a complete closed-loop, but it can be explained by closed-loop. He is not ready to enter the end-to-end world He hasn't entered the closed-loop world yet. It's easier for him to find some simple world to enter.

With the change of mind and spirit, Jiang Ting's body dispersed and turned into the most essential force of rules, rushing towards the line.

In a flash, Jiang Ting found that it was a lower boundary The weak lower bound, the most powerful, can't even compare with the first level gods in the divine realm, so it's very fragile.

He didn't delay. He continued to approach.

When he got close to the world, he found that His real body, can't get in.

If his real body enters, the world will be burst by his real body in an instant If he wants to go in, he can only seal the real body out of the world, and then project an avatar to bring consciousness into it.

But in a flash, Jiang Ting took back the time rule and looked around: "no wonder there are so many people and Demons here, ha ha."

With the special perception of quitting the time rule, he can see that in the long river of time, there are countless Terrans and Demons lying densely The bodies of those people are like phantoms.

However, he knows that each of them represents a real body of three realms. Their real bodies have remained in the river of time, and their consciousness has entered some worlds.

Maybe it's playing in those world, or entering some closed-loop world to seek the origin of the world.


No, it's not dangerous!

These real beings seem to be in the world But it just looks like it. In fact, the real bodies of these people do not exist in reality because of the long time.

It doesn't exist in reality, and it's not illusory If you want to attack those people, you have to attack them head-on for a long time. Only by breaking the river of time can you attack those people's real bodies.

Jiang Ting didn't know how long the attack would last, but he knew that even if he was carrying 9999 worlds and holding the treasure of heaven and earth, he would not be able to spend the whole time.

After all, the river of time essentially represents the endless world. Attacking the river of time can mean attacking countless worlds at the same time.

Perhaps, the existence of transcendence dare not start?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly and presses down his thoughts. His consciousness peels off from his real body and directly escapes into the world.

With his actions, his real body reappeared and sank into the river of time, and the world he entered also began to sink. But in a moment, his real body was hidden in the river, and the world he entered was hidden in the river of time.


a world only a few million miles away.

As the world turns, Jiang Ting's consciousness comes.

"Boom..." Endless thunder roars on the top of the sky Only Jiang Ting can hear the thunder.

The top of the sky.

Jiang Ting looked at the earth and whispered: "millions of miles, it's just a world too small to be small What about the way of heaven? "

He found that in this world, there is no way of heaven.It is true that there is no way of heaven, and the power of cultivation in this world is different from what he knows. Besides, he has not found anything for the time being.

If you can't see anything, how can you break the so-called closed loop?

He had planned to find out everything with the help of heaven, and then he was planning to release As a result, there is no way of heaven!

Soon, his eyes left the earth and scanned the top of the sky

He can feel that the sun, moon and stars of this world, just like the origin world, can be seen, but actually can't reach.

So it seems puzzling In short, although the sun, moon and stars exist, in fact, they are between reality and illusion. Even if they transcend the whole world, they cannot reach the location of the sun, moon and stars.

No matter how not, no matter how close, can never touch the sun, moon and stars.

Of course, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that without the way of heaven, the sun, the moon and the stars can't be touched It is impossible for him to know the situation of the world and nothing, so as to get the origin of the world?

Is that the end of the world?

He is not a good man, but he is not a devil He doesn't like extermination.

After a moment's silence, Jiang Ting sighed: "originally, I was going to use the projection of these forces to directly and quickly release the closed loop. Now, I'm afraid it won't work."

Then, in a flash, Jiang Ting's figure dispersed.

Where no one can see, Jiang Ting's power begins to radiate. The way of heaven, which does not exist at all, appears out of thin air because of his power.

After that, Jiang's consciousness sank into heaven In an instant, through the way of heaven, he knew the general situation of all things in the world.

Just as he was about to explore deeply, the way of heaven collapsed.

The ground.

With a streamer that no one can see, a meteor falls in the wilderness.

The wilderness is quiet.

Jiang Ting lost interest and frowned slightly.

The world, want to lift the closed loop so much trouble.

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