Because Jiang Ting was caught by Huo Qing, the demon king's strange smile and red pity's scream came out at the same time.

Jiang Ting's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Bailijing whispered: "scholar, don't be silly. Go to the bottom of the earth. Our chance of winning is too low, and it's just a ghost. Since you can gather noble spirit, how can you be fascinated by it?"

"I'm not confused by her. Why don't you believe it?"

After a pause, Jiang Ting looked at the steps: "Jiang has no strength to bind a chicken. If Huo Qing doesn't let go, I can't go down Why don't you let Hong Lian come out? "

The demon king's voice became cold: "boy, what tricks do you play?"

Jiang Ting whispered and looked indifferent: "if you ask her to leave, I'll come down."

Huo Qing's eyes stare like a bell: "scholar, are you crazy?"

"I don't think you dare to play tricks... Jie Jie..." The demon king began to laugh again.

After half a breath.

"Roar..." A tiger roared in the square.

Then countless white fog billows, and the tiger demon king who appeared last night appears again. At the same time, there is red pity who is bound by the chain It's just a ghost body, but now it's full of scars.

Jiang Ting's brow quietly wrinkled.

"Evil." Bailijing's eyes showed cold light, and the sword behind quietly came out of its sheath and flew into the air.

Tiger demon king body forward, sneer: "dare to start, I now let her go."

Without making a sound, Hong Lian looks at Jiang ting with a touch of complexity As if unexpectedly, Jiang Ting trusted her so much.

Jiang Ting looked at her and whispered, "she should have your ban in her body, right?"

"Prohibition?" The blood red eyes of the demon king were a little confused, as if they didn't know why to ban.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting pondered for a while and said softly, "I'm afraid you have the means to leave in her body. If not, you couldn't easily pull her into the ground last night."

The demon king sneered: "that's true. What can you do?"

Jiang Ting looked calm: "lift the ban, I'll just go underground."

The demon king's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Jiang Ting see this, smile: "you still worry that I cheat you?"

"Human beings are the most cunning." The demon king nodded his disbelief.

"Ha ha."

Then Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "even if you are under the ban, you can know that I have gathered a noble spirit If I break my promise, my noble spirit will disappear. What's your fear? "

"So it is." Demon king's eyes show some recognition of humanity.

When Jiang Ting saw this, he felt a little sarcastic His noble spirit is not the noble spirit in the ghost world.

The demon king did not know what he thought, but looked at Xiang Honglian and his eyes were red.

But in an instant, the chain broke, and at the same time, a fluorescence flew out of Honglian's body Lose that a fluorescence, red pity whole person all became unreal some, float to fall.

She suffered a lot in the daytime. Even if she got out of trouble, she didn't have much strength.

But she didn't care. Instead, she couldn't lie on the ground. Her eyes were stunned: "I'm free..."

It's free She could feel that the bonds in her body had disappeared.

The demon king sneered: "scholar, it's your turn."

"Indeed, it's my turn." Jiang Ting chuckled, and then his eyes suddenly turned cold: "the promise of a gentleman is only for a gentleman. It's just a demon to you. Why should you keep your promise?"

Voice down, a touch of light ripples emerge.

The demon king was furious: "you..."

However, by the invisible ripples, the demon king's condensed body suddenly became illusory, and the white fog could be seen.

One hundred Li Jing's eyes flashed: "Xuanqing, LINGJI, one sword, ten thousand methods, break!"

"Qiang Qiang..." Long swords were thrown out all over the world.

Huo Qing is a little excited: "go to die!"

The knife is shining.

Before the demon king's condensed body could react, it was penetrated by countless long swords and split into two directly by Huo qingbu Dao.

"Damn you Deep underground, the demon king roared with anger.

Jiang Ting doesn't care, but approaches Hong Lian in an instant, so as not to be mended by Bai Li Jing or Huo Qing.

Bailijing showed some helplessness: "you are too impulsive to break your promise. Even if you destroy the demon king's will this time, his real body is still there."

Jiang Ting chuckled: "let's go underground for a trip?"

At the same time, the mind frets, and Haoran Qi appears again.

"Your noble spirit is still there?" The hundred mile scenery was in a daze.

"Haoran gas, follow one's heart, to the evil, do not have to abide by the promise, my Haoran gas, will not dissipate." Jiang Ting looks the same In fact, his noble spirit is not ordinary noble spirit at all.

"Didn't it dissipate?" Huo Qing is a little confused Well, he couldn't see Haoran Qi from the beginning. Even if Jiang Ting just urged Haoran Qi to frighten the demon king, in fact, he couldn't see it at all.I just saw a ripple, that's all.

Soon, he came back to himself: "get out of the way, let me cut this kid!"

Red pity's look slightly changed, and quickly floated to the back of the river court.

"I've said that I'm not confused. Why don't you believe me?"

After a pause, Jiang Ting urged Haoran to be angry: "you see, it's OK for her. She's not an ordinary ghost in your mouth."

"Bang dang..." The sword in bailijing's hand fell to the ground, full of consternation.

He saw that Jiangting urged Haoran Qi to cover Honglian, but as a result, Honglian was not damaged at all.

But how could it be?

Naturally, he didn't know that under the control of Jiang Ting, unless he wanted to, Hao Ran Qi would not hurt anyone After all, ghosts are also the creatures of the ghost world.

The reason why Haoran Qi became the pronoun of evil retreating was due to the influence of Qi luck of the Zhou Dynasty.

Huo Qing was stunned in the same place. Although he could not see Haoran Qi, he could see something from the reaction of bailijing.

Red pity then takes the happy color to rise, pounced on the River Court body: "young master."

The corner of Jiang Ting's mouth suddenly puffed He really doesn't feel anything about her

"Impossible..." After a long time, bailijing came back and fell into the state of doubting life.

Jiang Ting was too lazy to continue to explain and said softly, "let's leave Wuxin temple first."

"Leave? Don't you kill the demon king? " Huo Qing and bailijing come back in a moment.

Although they are still puzzled However, since even Haoran gas will not be red pity hand, they naturally will not say anything more.

"Even if there's something wrong with the seal, it's hard for the demon king to be born in a short time. We'd better leave first and find more helpers to help him."

After a pause, Jiang Ting said: "as long as we try to get the residents nearby to move away, he will not be able to eat people. There will be no problem in a short time."

A hundred Li scene suddenly appeared: "one leaf blinds the eyes That's true. We didn't expect that before. "

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