The attack of the Great Han was defeated by Jiang Ting's backward movement. Even if he wanted to change his moves, it was too late, and this was not the end.

After avoiding, Jiang Ting's wrists made a force, and the whole person got up in an instant. The blade tilted toward the sky and cut away. The place he aimed at was the man's neck.

"Yi" sound If a man's head falls to the ground and his head is cut off, he will die naturally.

"Huhu..." Jiang Ting stood up and began to breathe, and his heart began to beat wildly His body was too weak. At that moment, his action was too violent, which led to blood gushing and consumption.

Jiang Ting was not surprised to kill that man It's true that his physical reaction can't keep up, but so what?

His vision is not comparable to that of these people Even Huo Qing, he can kill in seconds.

Of course, we need to distance If close, restricted by the human body, Huo Qing's knife, he can't react.

But if it's distance, give him time to react Unless he is a strong man who can't break through the defense, if not, he can see all the flaws in his eyes As long as he has enough distance to kill, he can break it!

As long as you give him time to react, even if Huo Qing is the best swordsman in the world, he can kill in seconds Rules of the terrible vision of the three realms, at a glance!

It's a long story, but in fact, it's less than a breath since the big man took the hand, Jiang Ting took the knife, and he fought back.

Jiang Ting did not relax, but looked in the direction of Zhao Quan, his eyes showing cold light.

Then he clenched the sword and began to wave it, constantly increasing the strength of the sword with the help of inertia

After about three breaths.

The two men are about three Zhang away from Zhao quan I'm afraid they will attack next moment with their martial arts attitude?

Once again in the past.

"Die The two men leaped up, their faces were ferocious, and their swords began to show cold light It can be predicted that as long as their weapons fall, Zhao Quan and his wife will surely die.


Not so.

In that two people leap and rise of the moment, Jiang Ting eyes cold light burst out, whole body force, big knife is directly thrown out by him.

"Huhu..." The air broke.

Because of the inertia, the strength of the long sword is not small. In addition, Jiang Ting burst out all his strength The speed of throwing dagger is very fast.

Leap of two people subconsciously turn head, just see Jiangting throw out the big knife.

Two people immediately laugh: "ha ha, just a scholar also want to deal with us?"

"No, isn't Lao Shiqi dealing with him? How can he have time to attack us How can it be, you killed old seventeen Another person said at the end, only to see the man who was the leader, his face also became shocked.

"No, hide!" With the initial voice of the man, they were shocked at the same time They are not fools. Since the old seventeen was killed, it obviously proves that Jiang Ting's story is not simple.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The distance between the two sides is not too far, coupled with inertia and the power of Jiang Ting, the sword has arrived And the two men were in the air at the moment, with nowhere to borrow, and could only watch the dagger approach.

Because of flying a certain distance, the blade's strength decreased, its speed slowed down slightly, and it also fell downward.

However, instead of relaxing, they became more and more afraid.

"Don't..." The voice of two people changes color, the astonishment of eye eye eye reaches acme.

Gayne The knife is towards their necks, and look at the falling posture Predictably, they will be wiped by the blade.

Just a scholar, how can anyone have such terrible eyesight?

They don't understand, they are confused, they are afraid It's just, it doesn't work.

Blades don't change direction because of their will In their astonished eyes, the blade fell and two big heads fell to the ground.

"Gululu..." Blood is pouring in.

In front of the two, Zhao Quan, whose knees are red and swollen, is also unstable because of knee injury.

The swelling and injury of the knee is caused by the previous fall.

Before they started to run away, the two men pursued, and they fell to the ground because of fear It's just that they didn't wait to die in the same place. Instead, they got up and continued to run. That's why they were able to open up some distance.

If not, even if Jiang Ting has the heart to support, Zhao Quan and Zhao Quan are already.

And now they look at the corpse in front of them, face stiff, afraid, not one.

Jiang Ting sees this, low drink: "go quickly."

After hearing the speech, Zhao Quan and his wife came back and helped them run towards the distance The danger hasn't been relieved. Many big men over there are still besieging Huo Qing.

When the big guys make a move, they will be dead if they stay where they are.When Jiang Ting saw them leave, he immediately looked back at Huo Qing's battlefield At a glance, Huo Qing has killed six people with his knife. As a price, Huo Qing also has many scars on his body.

In his spare time, the leading man scolded: "yes, it's the first sword in the world. It's really special."

"You can't kill me, and you will all die in the end." Huo Qing continued to wave his sword.

Because the speed is too fast, Jiang Ting can't see the track, only can see the shadow of many swords collision.

Red Lian's anxious voice rang out in the umbrella: "young master, let's run away first?"

"Run away?" With a whisper, Jiang Ting turned and picked up his umbrella Before he took the knife, he didn't have time to carry on with the umbrella.

"Young master, Huo Qing can solve those people The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, you first guarantee own safety Hong Lian's voice became more and more anxious.

"I don't know how the sun's suppression of ghosts manifests itself."

After a pause, Jiang Ting clenched his umbrella: "however, as long as you can block the sunlight, you can isolate the suppression of the sunlight With the blood of these people, they should be able to help you fight against the sun. "

Hong Lian's voice became shocked: "young master, you..."

No wonder she is Because the tip of Jiangting umbrella was directly inserted into the headless corpse on the ground.

You know, Jiangting's umbrella is not fragile After all, it's tung oil umbrella!

The umbrellas are all made of wood, and the central keel is from the wood core of the tree. Although the tip is not sharp, it is not difficult to insert it into the corpse under the force of Jiang ting?

And Jiang Ting looked at the umbrella, face unchanged: "absorb this man's blood, protect yourself with blood, you should be able to force against the sun action, if you can do it, you will help Huo Qing kill other people."

"Young master, you If I am like this, aren't you afraid? " Hong Lian's soft voice is full of disbelief.

"Why should I be afraid?"

After a pause, Jiang Ting showed a gentle smile: "you won't hurt me, will you? Whatever you do, as long as you're still you, that's enough. "

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