In the face of Yinsha's worry, Wang Fan comforts him and stares at Jiang ting.

At the end of the speech, countless threads of blood appeared in my eyes, just like a fire It seems that he is telling the anger in Wang Fan's heart.

Jiang Ting gave a big look and said with a smile, "silver evil is not hurt. Did you delay your destiny

Wang Fan gritted his teeth and said hoarsely: "you can still laugh Sure enough, I shouldn't doubt that you are lawless! If not, how could she be hurt by you at the moment! "

Jiang Ting stretched out his hand and shook his finger slightly: "you should thank me. If I hadn't been merciful, I would have cut her head and neck instead of her abdomen. She is dead, and ten lives are not enough!"

Wang Fan did not answer, but with both hands: "heaven and earth four methods, seal!"

With a series of decisions, a six pointed star light rises at the foot of Jiangting.

Bailijing was shocked: "these are the four methods of heaven and earth It is said that many people have not been able to practice successfully. "

Jiang Ting did not hesitate to urge the power of the ghost, and his body appeared three feet away, avoiding the six pointed star.

With his avoidance, the six pointed star rose into the sky and turned into a light curtain It can be predicted that if Jiang Ting did not escape before, the light curtain would surely trap him in it.

Seeing this, bailijing quickly turned back and drank: "Wang Fan, use killing moves!"

Wang Fan heard the speech, silent for a while, and slightly clenched his teeth: "heaven and earth four methods, chop!"

A ripple filled the air, but suddenly, a huge sword of ten feet in size floated in the sky.

With the appearance of the giant sword, Jiang Ting's eyebrows wrinkled slightly He felt a sense of being locked in.

In short, this sword can't be avoided. No matter how he evades, the giant sword will follow We can only defeat the huge sword.

In that case

"I don't think I can do anything with you?"

After that, Jiang Ting waved: "broken!"

In an instant, Jiang Ting absorbed 50% of Hong Lian's strength, assisted by Haoran Qi, and then condensed a three foot green front.

"Hao Ran Qi How could it be... "

With exclamation, bailijing stares at Jiangting: "Haoran is angry You are in such a state of mind, how can you gather noble and upright spirit! "

"Frog in the well." With a cold hum, Jiang Ting waved again.

The three foot green front broke through the air.

With a bang, Sanchi Qingfeng took the lead in hitting the giant sword.

Then, in the fright of bailijing, Wang Fan and others, the three foot green front sent out a fierce breath that they could not understand After that, Sanchi Qingfeng destroyed the sword.

As a price, the three foot green front has become much more illusory.

After a while, Wang Fan revealed his inconceivability and drank: "you killed Huo Qing and colluded with ghosts. Why does Haoran gas still protect you! Why can a man like you be so proud of Yunyang? "

"The frog at the bottom of the well dares to take the wheel of the vast blue sky?" With Jiang Ting's impolite voice, the illusory three feet green front flashed and turned into a sword light, cutting toward the hundred Li scenery.

"Damn it." Bailijing was so surprised that he quickly put his sword in front of him.

"Ding..." Three feet green front hit the body of the sword.

"Don't..." Wang Fan suddenly turned back, and then busily cited: "the four methods of heaven and earth..."

Before the words were heard, Sanchi Qingfeng, controlled by Jiangting, pierced bailijing's long sword, and then instantly passed through bailijing's neck

"Gululu..." In a burst of blood, bailijing fell to the ground and was killed by Sanchi Qingfeng.

"How could..." Wang Fan, who is still trying to rescue, suddenly falls to the ground with a soft body. His face is full of disbelief and a little confused.

Jiang ting good time voice: "still don't roll, is to let me even you a kill?"

"You You... "

Wang Fan got up and pointed angrily at Jiang ting. After a while, he said angrily, "you are so cruel and cruel

Jiang Ting was not angry: "don't forget, your life was changed by Honglian for you with five lives. You have no right to say that I and Honglian are cruel."

Wang Fan said: "when I kill you, I will give my life to the five prisoners!"

"Let's go first!" Yinsha suddenly got up, caught Zhou Xu in his left arm, grabbed Wang Fan in his right hand, and pushed him to leap inside with a little bit of his feet. He ran away at a very fast speed.

Obviously, the death of bailijing made Yinsha calm down Jiang Ting will kill people.

As Wang Fan was taken away, the vast spirit of Haoran began to go away. After a while, the spirit of Haoran disappeared completely, and they did not know where they had escaped.

"Young master." With some confused voice, Honglian comes out of Jiangting's eyebrows and appears in the outside world, looking at the headless corpse of bailijing on the ground.

Jiang Ting's voice became gentle again: "what's the matter?"

Hong Lian reproached herself: "yes I'm sorry. If it wasn't for my concubine, I wouldn't fall out with them. ""What nonsense?"

With an unhappy voice, Jiang Ting tilted his head slightly: "bailijing In fact, I don't want to attack him, but who let him take a bite of evil and you confuse me? It's not a pity that he wronged you so much. "

Hong Lian didn't say anything else. She just threw herself in Jiang Ting's arms.

Jiang Ting holds Hong Lian in his arms, but his mood is very calm. Instead, he quietly looks at the direction Wang fan leaves Today, he and Wang fan are at loggerheads.

And he, the reason why will let Wang Fan leave, is because Wang Fan has a role.

He needs Wang Fan to attract the sight of the demons in the imperial capital. After all, without Wang Fan, the demons in the imperial capital may stare at him all the time because of his noble spirit, which is quite unfavorable to him.

The most important thing is Hong Lian's strength is still too low. Although he can easily deal with Wang Fan, who knows what will happen under the effect of destiny?

If you don't kill Yinsha, just kill bailijing, the most fundamental thing is Bailijing is not familiar with Wang Fan, but Wang Fan and Yinsha are very close.

It's hard for him to deal with the fate. If he really killed Yinsha It can be predicted that under the influence of fate, Wang Fan will definitely have a breakthrough on his deathbed and explode something. At that time, he will not only kill Wang Fan, but may even be defeated by Wang Fan.

But Wang fan is worried Although his previous attack was extremely fierce, don't forget that he absorbed half of Honglian's strength just after he gathered the three foot green front!

If he wants to deal with Wang Fan, he needs more powerful power.

These two reasons, regardless of the order, the size, and the overall consideration, so he did not play hard.

After a long time, Jiang Ting estimated that the feeling in Hong Lian's heart should begin to become calm.

So he patted Honglian on the back: "can you capture the essence of bailijing?"

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