Because of Hong Lian's strange appearance, Jiang Ting noticed the terrible Zhou Qi luck that had suppressed at least thousands of magic methods and demons. He hardly thought about it, so he flew directly to the source. He wanted to see what could trigger such a powerful Zhou Qi luck.

If it's an ordinary body, it's a journey of eleven Li. He said he had to walk for a whole day.

But under the blessing of Honglian's ghost power, even if he takes care of recovery, it only takes less than half a quarter of an hour to cross ten li.

Even in the sky, he could see a valley a mile away. Near the valley, there were thousands of soldiers.

Around the valley, most of them are swordsmen and archers. Moreover, many archers, whose arrows are already on the string, do not shoot. It seems that they are encircling something.

But he clearly saw the destiny in the valley In other words, Wang fan is in the valley.

After seeing clearly, Jiang Ting's face became strange: "is this killing Wang Fan and Yinsha? It's kind of interesting. "

He already knew the source of the vast fortune The source is the orange yellow cloth in the hands of a big man above the valley.

That should be the imperial edict of this big week, right?

"Scholar Jiang Ting?" A whisper suddenly sounded ten feet away Voice, it's a woman's voice.

Jiang Ting's face was suddenly cold: "who?"

A faint sword light appeared in his palm Unexpectedly, can conceal his perception, that person, is not simple.

"I've met a hermit, Miao Kong." With a burst of Sanskrit sound, a monk who looked like he was seventy years old appeared ten feet away Male face, female voice!

His face is old, his cassock is shining with inexplicable light, and his value is floating in the air. It seems that he is extremely frightening However, Jiang Ting's eyes can see the essence!

The essence of the monk is a dragon Dragon has begun to condense the real dragon form, Jiaolong!


After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting's face became playful: "I remember, the Grand Master of the state protection of the great Zhou Dynasty, as if he had just called himself miaokong?"

Miaokong's face is kind: "I'm joking. I'm the only one in Dazhou who protects the country. There's no difference between the master of protecting the country or the great master of protecting the country."

Vaguely, countless Sanskrit sounds reverberate behind miaokong.

Jiang Ting looked at him for a long time and praised him: "it's no wonder that I didn't find it before. It's a good way."

"The hermit joked."

After a pause, miaokong whispered: "I'm also curious about the hermits If the hermit is willing, we might as well go to the valley and have a look. When the valley is over, let's find a place to have a chat

"Good." Jiangting urges Honglian's power to hide his body, and then flies directly to the sky of the valley with miaokong.

What's Zhou Qi Yun? He is not afraid of Only a small part of Haoran Qi is needed, he can be immune to the suppression of Da Zhou Qi. And because Haoran Qi consumes the power of Hong Lian at the moment, he can hide his body for a long time.

When he got to the top of the valley, he saw Yin Sha and Wang Fan standing in the valley, while Zhou Xu was ugly Many soldiers are surrounded. It seems that the situation is very unfriendly.

Because of miaokong's explanation, he also learned about the changes behind these soldiers.

And now Feng Hai forced Zhou Xu to leave the valley and return to the imperial capital with him, but Zhou Xu still didn't agree Because of Zhou Xu's special identity, Feng Hai does not dare to rush to kill.

Therefore, the two sides are still deadlocked.

…… ..

below, the valley.

A candle beside Feng Hai burned out.

Looking at the incense candle, Feng haihailu pondered: "Your Highness, have you made a decision?"

"Feng Hai, the truth you know is just being cheated!" Zhou Xu can't help but drink low.

"General Mo, just acting on orders."

After a pause, Feng Hai gently waved: "the crown prince is young and blinded by traitors. He can't tell right from wrong Go and take the crown prince out of the valley, and kill the rest

"No!" With a big drink, ten big soldiers stepped into the valley with cold eyes.

Yinsha immediately grasped the sharp blade and stared at the soldiers entering the valley.

Look at Zhou Xu again. His face changes for a while. He drinks low: "Yinsha, kill!"

Yinsha's eyes relaxed slightly. She was really afraid that Zhou Xuhui would compromise because of Feng Hai's army She was sure that Zhou Xu would die of some strange diseases on his way to the capital.

And if Zhou Xu compromise, once Zhou Xu is not in the valley, she and Wang Fan will die here.

But if Zhou Xu didn't compromise Although they are dangerous, even if they die, they still have a chance of survival. After all, Zhou Xu is the royal family.

Even if Feng Hai has the imperial edict in hand, who can bear the responsibility if he really kills Zhou Xu?

Zhou Xu, the prince! He is also the most beloved son of the prince!In his mind, Yinsha rushed out to kill with a sharp blade.

"To die." The ten soldiers fought back.

However, Yinsha, after all, is the commander of the dark guard. He has all kinds of martial arts. Even if he is not as good as Huo Qing, he doesn't show off much The ten soldiers, just about ten breaths, were killed by Yinsha.

Then Yinsha flew back to Zhou Xu and Wang Fan's side to protect them with a sharp blade.

Feng Hai's eyes became gloomy: "Your Highness, do you want to disobey the holy order?"

“…… After a moment of silence, Zhou Xu raised his head and said, "are you miaokong

Feng Hai did not speak.

Zhou Xu shook his head slightly: "where were you when my wife was attacked and killed by robbers and demons? Now it's not easy for us to turn the corner, so you are in a hurry to jump out Ha ha, if I really follow you back to the capital, I'm afraid I will die suddenly at some time. You can take your corpse back to the capital. "

Feng Hai's eyes became more and more gloomy: "Your Highness the crown prince is joking."

Zhou Xu didn't care, but stepped forward slowly: "after my mother's death, I'm no longer a child in the past How can I kill you? Ha ha, Xu is standing here, you wait, who dares to fight! "

Feng Hai looked angry: "you!"

Zhou Xu said with a smile: "Xu is the favorite of his father. If you really kill Xu here today, even if you are ordered by the emperor's grandfather, what will happen? Once the news reaches my father's ears, all of you will be buried with me in the end! "

The voice is not loud, slightly immature But it was this tender voice that made countless soldiers here step back subconsciously.

Feng Hai, too.

His edict is really true After all, there is a wonderful space. Any imperial edict will appear.

But the edict, the ghost, the edict Zhou Xu is the emperor's direct grandson and the prince's direct descendant. Who dares to kill him?

Zhou xuruo was killed here by them As Zhou Xu said, after the event, one of them was counted as one, and they could not run away. Even if they wanted to kill them, it could only be because of some kind of accident. After the event, they threw out a few abandoned sons to be buried with them. This is Zhou Xu's way of death.

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