After entering the central hall of Kushan temple, Jiang Ting looked at many monks, with a light smile and a sword light.

"Good courage!" The monk who was attacked suddenly became angry.

Then a light of Buddha rose Obviously, compared with the Shami who guards the mountain gate, the monks here are not simple.

Unfortunately, with Jiangting's sword light approaching, his Buddha light was instantly broken, and then the sword light smoothly wiped the monk's neck and killed him on the spot.

The corpse turned into a mummy in an instant.

More than half of the monk suddenly became angry: "evil devils and crooked ways, you dare to break into my Kushan temple and seek death!"

"Martial uncle How can you be so proud! " The rest of the monks became suspicious and faintly afraid.

Noble spirit, breaking the law In this ghost world, people who practice Taoism and Buddhism are most afraid of Haoran Qi and Dazhou Qi, because both Dazhou Qi and Haoran Qi can suppress them without fighting back.

"This benefactor is surrounded by Yin Qi and blood evil spirit. I think it's what the Taoist sect said three days ago, benefactor Jiangting."

With the gentle Sanskrit voice, an old monk came out of the main hall: "you are not the opponent, step down."

Many monks smell speech, eyes show a lot of consternation, but still back toward the rear.


After a pause, Jiang Ting's eyes began to sneer: "how can you retreat from the Kushan temple, which is only a few miles away?"

"Qiang Qiang..." All of a sudden, more than a hundred sword lights rose.

And this wave of sword light also consumed more than half of Honglian's strength and mind.

"Hide The old monk's face was startled.

Unfortunately, it's too late.


"No Don't... "

"For Why... "


Scream, repeatedly, in the sound of a broken air, over a hundred sword light began to crisscross around.

There must be endless blood in the sword No matter how these monks resist, but as long as the sword light is close, under the suppression of Haoran Qi, no matter what Buddhist dharma will disappear in an instant.

The old monk was furious: "Jiang Ting!"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Ting looks up slowly.

With his rising head, the scream came to an end There are no living people here except the old monk.

Of course, there might be people hiding around, but Jiang Ting didn't care.

The old monk's body began to tremble and his eyes were ready to crack: "why did you do it to my Ku Shan Temple?"

No wonder he All of a sudden, Jiang Ting called on the door, and even without saying a word, he destroyed the whole door of Ku Shan Temple However, although there may still be many people alive in the Kushan temple.

But is it different from being destroyed? Most of the high-level combat power was killed by Jiang ting. Even if there are still some survivors, they are just some people like Shami with very low strength.

"No reason. Is that your last word?" Countless sword light back to Jiangting's body, at the same time, it brings endless spirit.

Red pity is like taking a tonic, instantly see, strength to enhance a lot.

"Last words?" The old monk looked at the corpses all over the ground and waited for death.

But to his surprise, Jiang Ting didn't do it.

Silence for a while, the old monk whispered: "I Huiming, benefactor, why don't you continue to do it."

Jiang Ting found a bench and sat down: "although Jiang is not a good man, he generally respects good people, although you will die However, with your safe attitude to death, Jiang is willing to let you leave his last words. "

"Before the closure of the mountain, I thought I had never been a disaster, and I had benefited one side, which was praised by the people."

After that, Hui Ming sat on the ground: "if you are guilty, I have nothing to say But almsgiver, why did you do it to my Ku Shan Temple

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "I said, no reason."

Sword light, up.

Huiming was silent for a while and sighed: "the noble spirit of benefactor is not as vast as I saw, but better like some kind of practice I have been summoned by Liuyun sect. The benefactor wants to get into the imperial capital to get rid of demons. I didn't think about it. Now... "

"I'll leave you my last words, not to make you talk nonsense." Jiang Ting's face turned cold.

"Shua" sound, the sword light broke the air, a touch of Haoran gas wrapped the sword light.

Huiming subconsciously prepared to urge the Buddha light to resist, but when she realized Haoran's spirit, she scattered the Buddha light with a little frustration.

Sword light into the body, soon, Huiming into a mummy.

"Kushan temple, no more?" When the sword light turns around, Hong Lian's voice becomes stunned and unbelievable.

"They've been controlled by Haoran pressure. It's too serious."

After a pause, Jiang Ting whispered: "their road is too defective."

Isn't it? If he hadn't come to this ghost world, Jiang Ting never knew that the world would have such a terrible restraint.Even if the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth coexist However, the restraint was only a slight suppression, not at the moment. In the spirit of Hao Ran, Wan FA had to retreat.

The world's problems are too big.

Of course, he is not interested in the way of the world. His only interest is to re solidify the way of heaven, lift the closed loop and get the origin of the world.

"Young master, I have become the king of ghosts for thousands of years!" The voice of Hong Lian was suddenly overjoyed.

"Ghost King..." Jiang Ting looked around, his eyes became inexplicable.

The so-called Millennium skill is really rich As for how big he was, he didn't know. All he knew was that Hong Lian's current skills were far from the most elementary level of all abilities.

Of course, the so-called ordinary force is only the ordinary force of the origin.

In the world of origin, if there is no rule, it is everything!

The so-called gods, immortals, Buddhas and so on, in the world of origin, are just the general name of the road before the rules, and have no meaning.

"Let's go to the next one." Between the words, Jiang Ting's body flashed, and soon left Ku Shan Temple, leaving only mummies on the ground.

"Martial uncle..."



With the sound of sadness, there are many monks around the temple.

Compared with the monks killed, their strength is very low.

"Elder martial brother, what should we do Wu Wu... " In a sad cry, many monks are looking at a much older monk.

The elder monk's eyes pretended to be strong: "we Let's go. If the devil comes back, it seems that we're not dead, and we'll certainly do it hard. "

But he didn't know. It wasn't that Jiang Ting didn't see them. He just didn't want to kill them.

After all, as long as you destroy the high-level and middle-level combat power, you will be killed. As for the low-level combat power be of little.


after leaving the Kushan temple, Honglian reappears.

Just a glance at Jiang Ting found that, compared with before, Hong Lian's body temperature has begun to appear, more and more close to normal people, he has not seen other ghost kings in the world, whether this is the normal change of the ghost king, he is not sure.

"Young master, where shall we go next?" The voice of Honglian is softer and softer.

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