Facing the obstruction and sharp blade of soldiers, Hong Wen explains and brings Wang Fan and Yinsha close at the same time.

One of the soldiers at the head drank coldly: "the gate of the imperial palace is closed. The left prime minister has something to do. We will discuss it again tomorrow!"

Hong Wen kept on walking, and his eyes were slightly cold: "this matter involves the foundation of our country, and you dare to stop the prime minister!"

"Stop, if you dare to step forward again, you will regard Zuo Xiang as trespassing into the palace!" The soldiers at the head drank hard.

Hong Wen's figure suddenly stopped, and then his eyes were slightly cold: "the prime minister said that this matter is related to the foundation of our country. If you miss this matter, you can't afford it!"

The soldier's face sank slightly, then turned his head: "you, go to the palace to see your majesty immediately."

"No A soldier approached the gate and opened it slowly.

Soon, the gate opened a one person wide entrance.

"Well, if we don't worry about being stopped by the evil, it's not bad for us to take the opportunity to enter the palace now." With a sigh, Wang Fan came forward.

Many soldiers look slightly changed: "what are you going to do!"

"The four laws of heaven and earth, seal!" Wang fan is a seal.

All of a sudden, a six pointed star array rises and turns into a light curtain. All the soldiers here are trapped in it.

Hong Wen showed anxiety: "you hurry up, at most a quarter of an hour will be found."

"Zuo Xiang, please come here Yinsha, let's go. " Wang Fan took the lead and entered the palace through the open gate.

Yinsha entered the gate, looked at the direction, and whispered: "this way..."

Yinsha is really familiar with the imperial palace. All the places he goes are dark places, which are very suitable for hiding.

…… ..

the palace, above the city wall.

Miaokong and Jiangting stand on the wall quietly.

Two people quietly looking at the bottom, Jiang Ting is smiling: "master, it's your turn."

"Well." Miaokong nodded gently, then nodded to a soldier not far away.

Seeing this, the soldier immediately raised his head and drank: "Assassin!"


"There are assassins who dare to enter the palace."

"Search the assassins quickly. If the assassins disturb your Majesty's rest, we will be responsible for our death!"

With a roar of anger, the whole palace, instantly become boiling.

Below, in the shadows.

Wang Fan and Yinsha, who are still sneaking around, suddenly change their looks How could it be exposed so quickly?

Yinsha quickly gritted his teeth: "come on, this way."

Just as they were about to change direction.

"I am merciful." With the sound of a Buddha's trumpet, a Buddha's shadow appeared in the sky, and with a burst of Buddha's light, they were directly exposed Also instantly fell into the sight of many soldiers.

Wang Fan's face changed greatly: "Damn it, that demon has been prepared for a long time."

Now he doesn't know Miaokong has been waiting for them to sneak into the palace for a long time.

"Just an assassin, what a big dog's gall!" One by one, the dark guards of the Imperial Palace in black jumped up.

There is no shortage of martial arts experts in this palace.

"Kill More than hundreds of soldiers appeared from nowhere and attacked with sharp blades.

"It's over." Silver evil eyes emerge endless sadness.

The palace is not so good.

If you don't expose it Once exposed, no matter how strong the skill, will die.

There are all kinds of dark guards in the imperial palace. One of them is a martial arts expert!

"The four methods of heaven and earth, disease!" Wang fan is a fast seal.

Then, Wang Fan grabbed Yinsha's wrist and suddenly rose up into the sky.

"Shoot the arrow out of your capacity!" A great general guarding the palace drinks cold in an instant.

"Huhu..." With bursts of air breaking sound, hundreds of arrows instantly cut through the sky.

Wang Fan did not care about the others and drank low: "Yinsha, block the arrow."

"Good." Yinsha holds the sword tightly.

But this time

"I am merciful." The Buddha's shadow in the sky is another Buddha's voice.

Then Wang Fan felt that the huge Buddha light was coming If in other places, he has Haoran Qi in his body, Tao and Dharma, he doesn't care.

However, this is the palace.

The Buddha's shadow is miaokong himself In the name of the protector of the country, although he can't ignore Haoran Qi, it's very difficult to suppress him.

Therefore, in the light of the Buddha, Wang Fan, who just flew up, fell directly to the ground.

"Kill The dark guards and soldiers surrounded each other The number of people has exceeded a thousand.

…… ..

city walls.

Miaokong sighed: "these two people are really extraordinary in strength."

Isn't it The combination of Wang Fan and Yinsha, even in the face of dark guards and soldiers, is constantly fighting back at the moment, and there is no fear of death for the moment.

Jiang Ting stood with a negative hand: "master really doesn't do it in person?""This is the palace."

After a pause, miaokong was full of compassion: "although my Dharma cultivation is extraordinary, I can't be reckless in the imperial palace It's already the limit to condense a shadow suppression. If you continue Even the name of the protector is not enough. "

To put it simply, miaokong is a demon. In the name of the great master of protecting the country, miaokong can suddenly unite the Buddha's light without exposing himself. If he makes more efforts, he will have to expose his real body.

Jiang Ting chuckled: "master, do you think they will die?"

Miaokong's eyes rarely showed some violence: "they have been exposed, more dark guards and soldiers are approaching, they will die."

Jiang Ting chuckled: "Yinsha will die, but Wang Fan will not."

Miaokong was surprised: "why?"

Jiang Ting smiles and doesn't explain How can a man of destiny be so easy to kill? If so, why didn't he do it himself.

He is waiting for There is no limit to the fate of heaven. As long as the fate of heaven is temporarily dim due to the continuous elimination of death and robbery, it will be the time for him to strike and kill.

If he moves ahead of time, his strength is too strong, who knows what will happen?


Palace, study.

Zhou Huang, still reading quietly.

A eunuch outside the door said, "Your Majesty, Wang Fan and Yinsha have sneaked into the palace."

The emperor of Zhou was silent for a while and said softly, "what else?"

The eunuch then hastily replied, "a guard has seen that Jiangting, who is known as evil and devious, and the great master of protecting the country are watching from the wall of the city."

"Interesting Is it because you don't want to be reckless in the palace, or is it because... "

With a whisper, Zhou Huang got up and went to the door of his study: "half a quarter of an hour, if the assassin does not die, you will die."

"Creak..." Emperor Zhou opened his study and quietly looked at countless palaces.

At the moment, Zhou Huang's eyes are more and more profound.


Wang Fan, Yinsha and many soldiers have been fighting for a long time.

Because there were too many soldiers, they could not go deep into the palace. Yinsha was dying now, and Wang Fan was full of scars.

Wang Fan's martial arts is not very good. He will encounter death crisis several times, but every time, he will avoid death because of various accidents and coincidences.

The city wall.

Jiang Ting quietly looked at Wang Fan: "it's time."

He could see that Wang Fan's destiny had begun to dim Of course, it's not that the destiny is consumed, but it's just that it's becoming weak for the time being, and it's not necessarily that it can continue to resolve the robbery for Wang Fan.

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