Jiang Ting flies into the air, his voice is indifferent, and a touch of sword is spreading.

Miaokong saw this and said quietly: "so what?"

Jiang Ting turned his wrist and gathered a long sword: "if you don't show your real body, you can't beat me."

The sword is pure condensed by the meaning of the sword, which can be compared with the ordinary sharp blade.

"Why did the hermit do it?" Miaokong's eyes show a little anger He didn't want to be real.

"I slaughtered Taoism and Buddhism just to improve Honglian's cultivation, that's all Working with me? You're not qualified. " With the cold voice, a sword light split out.

Endless Buddha light rises.

"Bang Bang..." Buddha's light, constantly retreating.

Miaokong also flew into the air, and his eyes became angry: "Damn it!"

He didn't expect that after Wang Fan was killed, Jiang Ting was so decisive that he didn't have any preparation.

"Jiang Ting, you are presumptuous!"

"If you dare to attack the protector, who will give you the confidence?"

"We're not going to let go yet!"

Another light of Buddha rises in the mansion Obviously, they are all "eminent monks" under Miao empty handed.

"By you? It's ridiculous. " Jiang Ting took a look at it and controlled the light of the sword which had not dissipated. He rushed directly into the residence of the protector.


"How could..."

"No Don't "

with the sound of screams, the endless smell of blood rises Not everyone can resist Haoran gas.

In the spirit of Haoran, the so-called eminent monks, even with the help of the Dharma protector's residence, are not the enemies of Jiangting.

Miaokong's eyes slowly returned to calm: "the hermit is right. Do you want to be right with me anyway?"

As if he had not seen the casualties and blood in the mansion.

"Noisy." Jiang Ting's body flashed and appeared on miaokong's side. His sword went straight out Haoran gas also blooms to the limit at this time.

Miaokong even if subconsciously burst out of Buddha light, but it was no longer too late, on the spot was restrained by Haoran Qi, long sword, directly cut his waist.

Miaokong's body was cut in two.

The great demon of stealing the country died like this?


"Ang..." With an angry dragon chant, a black dragon of at least 30 feet appears in the sky above the imperial capital. With the dragon's appearance, miaokong's body turns into blood mist on the spot.

Jiaolong's huge pupil stares at Jiangting: "you are bad at my big plan, damn it!"

There's no cover up for anger.

…… ..

even at night However, such a big movement still shocked countless people.

"What's that?"

"Help, there are monsters..."

"Run Run... "

The sound of panic came from innumerable rooms, and it can be seen that innumerable people began to quickly clean up the soft gold and silver, trying to run away.

Around the palace, countless soldiers and dark guards began to gather around the city wall.


Zuo Xiang's mansion, deep hall.

Many Taoist and Buddhist strongmen who are still waiting for the result of Wang Fan and Yinsha look at the dragon in the sky.

After a while, a Taoist said, "is that miaokong? How could he be real? "

On the other hand, he was surprised and uncertain: "yes, according to his secret method, he turned into a real person at the moment. Isn't it a failure What is he going to kill, Jiang Ting

The monk said with a sneer: "dog bites Hehe, Jiang Ting has done a good job. He has made wonderful cavitation into his real body. His strategy must have failed, but I don't know who will die in the end. "

Another monk seemed calm and said softly: "strange, before that demon sent someone to pick up Jiangting, and I heard that several demon kings under the demon's hand were working with Jiangting. They were obviously cooperative. Now how could they suddenly fight each other?"

………… ..

the palace, the study.

Zhou Huang left his study and stood with his hands on the fence outside the study It is worth mentioning that because of the geographical factors of the study, standing outside the study, you can almost have a bird's-eye view of the front half of the palace.

With such a great geographical advantage, Zhou Huang stood at the door, naturally he could see the battle between Wang Fan and many dark guards. At the moment, he could see the dragon flying into the sky.

In the eyes of the emperor of Zhou, the dragon is no longer far away from the complete transformation of the dragon. If the real body of the dragon does not appear, it can continue to transform the Dragon safely, but now it is on the verge of success or failure.


"Quick, quick, where is the dark guard and the blood guard, protect the holy driver!"

"It's just a devil, dare to come here, I'm the emperor of Zhou, and I'll be a savage!"

In many angry voices, countless shadows began to leap in the Imperial City, and countless elite characters appeared in all directions, rushing to the position of the study.They have only one purpose, to protect Zhou Huang.

But the emperor of Zhou didn't see it. Instead of being so-called fatuous, he quietly looked at the dragon in the sky with a touch of deep eyes and the River Court floating in front of the dragon.

Several shadows approached the study and knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty, this place is full of danger. Do you want to go into the secret room to escape?"


With a whisper, the emperor of Zhou tilted his head slightly: "the royal family's direct line, can we go to the ancestral hall?"

"My Lord, you have already gone to the ancestral hall." One of the shadows bowed his head.


Words Mo, Zhou Huang looked at Dragon: "let me see, who will win."


because miaokong was forced to show his true nature, the whole emperor began to boil.

The eyes of the dragon like a lantern are full of blood: "I really underestimate you. Even in this imperial capital, you can use your skills wantonly."

Jiang Ting's face remained unchanged: "what else do you want to do when you've shown your real body?"

"Yes I've been playing for so many years, but I forget that I'm not a monk. " With the exclamation or angry murmur, Jiaolong bravely shot, just like the tail of a hill toward Jiangting.

Jiang Ting chuckled: "it may be difficult to kill you, but it should not be too difficult."

After that, he flashed slightly, avoided the tail for a moment, and then made a bold move The three feet green front turned into three feet and cut it down toward the dragon's tail.

"Ding..." The sound of gold and iron is repeated.

Where the sword edge collides with the dragon's tail, sparks are everywhere.

"Well?" Jiang Ting's brow was slightly wrinkled.

"Ha ha, even in the imperial capital

In the laughter, miaokong In other words, Jiaolong showed his disdain: "my real body has begun to turn into a dragon. Do you want to break my defense? How ridiculous

Jiang Ting was not angry. He exclaimed: "although it's not dragon scale, you do have some abilities. The scales of your whole body have begun to transform into dragon scale. You have almost three points of defense ability of dragon scale."

I have to say that Jiaolong is really a talent.

The world can't bear the real dragon at all However, the dragon has found a new way to turn itself into a dragon.

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