Jiang Ting, who wakes up, leaves the river of time directly and stands on the edge, quietly looking at the flowing river, instead of pursuing the location of the ghost world.

The strong are always lonely.

Climbing on the road, only not weaker than his companion, can accompany.

Although when he left, he could leave the ghost world with Honglian However, on the lonely road, only the pride of the same generation can accompany us.

If you are predestined, you will meet one day. If you are not predestined He didn't think that he would be predestined with Hong Lian.

Seventy years of company is enough to repay.

After a while, Jiang Ting's mood completely recovered as usual: "the mood has improved a little, but it's also interesting."

Maybe it was the 70 years of ordinary life that he would hardly be in the mood of promotion and got some promotion Of course, the extent of improvement is better than nothing.

On the whole, no loss.

The time of origin, in his induction, only a few years have passed.

Soon, Jiang Ting closed his eyes and felt the origin of the world in his body, with a smile on his lips With the origin of the world, he can start to evolve the second world.

He was curious about the power of the 9999 worlds.

"Jiang ting." Chai Ying's voice suddenly rang out in his heart.

Jiang Tingmei Yu, who is waiting for the evolution of the world, quietly chooses The sound came from the feeling between him and Chai Ying.

In short, Chai Ying is in the origin world at the moment, and only when she is in the origin world can she contact him with the help of that induction.

Chai Ying, come to the origin?

As soon as he read this, he stopped and said, "where are you?"

"I am I leave my mark, and you follow it. " Standing somewhere in the wilderness, Chai Ying gives up her plan to describe the place name.

The origin realm is more vast than the divine realm. It's too troublesome to say place names. It's better to leave coordinates directly.

Jiang Ting, who is in the long river of time, immediately feels the mark of coordinates passed by Chai Ying.


In the world of origin, Chai Ying lived in a wilderness.

Here, is the vast plain, countless creatures.

After Chai Ying left her mark, she stood still and waited, looking forward to it.

If we don't count the meeting that Jiang Ting left qinglingshi in Shenyu before, they haven't seen it for thousands of years To put it simply, it took about a thousand years between Jiang Ting's departure from Shenyu and her departure from Shenyu.

It has been a while since she came to Shenyu, and she has never felt Jiangting. Before, Jiangting appeared in the long river of time, and the feeling rose, so she contacted Jiangting.

Let's go for a second.

"Xiaoying." With light laughter, the space in front of Chai Ying is broken, and Jiang Ting comes here directly from the long river of time.

Chai Ying also showed a smile: "Jiang ting."

But soon, her smile began to subside Today, she is still the king of gods, or in other words, the rule of two territory.

It was not a day or two since she came to the world of origin, and with the news engraved in the void, she naturally knew the state of strength at the moment.

Jiang Ting laughed: "Why are you not happy? Who's upset you? Tell me, I'll take it out on you. "

Chai Ying just ready to answer, face suddenly a Zheng: "you seem, is not such a gentle person?"

Jiang Ting breathed a little, then shook his head without any trace In the ghost world, gentle too long, now even subconsciously some not used to.

It's true that he never liked tenderness.

The acquaintance with Chai Ying was also an agreement between the two elders. In addition, they recognized each other and naturally got together.

It's not that his gentleness is not enough. It's just that he or Chai Ying is not the kind of person who likes to hiss and ask questions Strictly speaking, two people are transposition and think, respect each other?

Two people together may not be warm enough, but relaxed enough.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting shook his head: "I'm used to capturing the origin of the world in a lower world. I'm affected for a while Don't talk about that. Do you have a clue about breakthrough? "

The three realms of rules are the peak of the world of origin, but they are also the beginning of the peak of the world of origin!

Chai Ying did not ask. She shook her head: "I don't have a clue for the time being. Except for you, I haven't even seen any rules."

Isn't it If you enter the three realms of rules, it is not difficult to find the three realms of rules. But if you are not the three realms of rules Under the three realms of rules, even if we see the existence of the three realms, we can't recognize them.

If it's someone else, Jiang Ting is naturally too lazy to explain, but if it's Chai Ying Since he is bound up with each other, he will not hide himself.

After all, we can rely on each other's back!

Chai Ying obviously did not prepare to intrigue, but directly asked: "I feel that breaking the realm should be different from the divine realm, how to do it?""The evolutionary world."

After a pause, Jiang Ting whispered: "you know the difference between Tianxin and Tianqing The method of swallowing the spirit is the most hopeless method. There is no world blessing in the body. Even if you break through, you are just a mole ant. Only when you break through with heaven's heart and heaven's ten thousand li can you reach the acme. "

Chai Ying said: "how to evolve?"

Jiang tinggang is going to explain Between the words but quietly stop.

The evolutionary world is simple, but What about the light of detachment?

As the threshold of the three realms of promotion rules, the first world to evolve, which world does not need to transcend the origin, but needs the extremely precious light of transcending.

He has no light of detachment.

Even if there is, he can't transfer it to Chai Ying It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't do it. Let alone that he doesn't have detachment light in his body now. Even if he does, he can't control it.

"Can't you tell me at all?" Chai Ying frowned.

"Not really."

After a little pause, Jiang Ting had a headache: "it's not difficult to evolve the first world. What's difficult is the light of detachment needed to evolve the first world."

Chai Ying's face was slightly heavy: "it sounds like some kind of treasure. With your help, is it difficult to capture it?"

"If there is a place to take, it's a good thing."

After pondering for a long time, Jiang tingcai whispered: "the light of detachment does not exist anywhere in the world of origin. If you want to find the light of transcendence, you have to constantly sharpen your own state of mind and gather in the dark."

He didn't know the existence of detachment light at first, but he knew it after he was promoted.

Detached light, the right way of cohesion, as he said, constantly sharpen their own state of mind, and then in unspeakable, unspeakable strange artistic conception of cohesion.

He clearly knows how to agglomerate However, just like the mysterious and mysterious way, we can't explain it.

Another example is the rule Even now Jiang Ting has already gone beyond the rules to reach the three realms of rules. However, he can't really explain the rules in detail so that everyone can understand them.

Mysterious and mysterious, only meaning can not be expressed, want to understand, can only rely on their own.

Chai Ying nodded: "sharpen the mood Although still a little puzzled, it's enough to know how to do it. "

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