Jiang Ting quietly waited for half a month on the island, but still didn't wait for anyone. With anger, he decided to swim to other places by himself.

His anger is not without reason To be reasonable, although he came to the world to lift the closed loop, he also saved the world? Let the world not be infinite reincarnation, not free?

As a result He can't use his own strength, and he can't inspire strength to come Because of the existence of the way of heaven, he is a real baiding now. He can't even use some power to help, like the ghost world.

It's like, although he needs the origin of the world to help the way of heaven in the world, as a result That bullshit way of heaven has all kinds of restrictions on him, hot face and cold buttock.

He is just going to seek some trivial world origin, as for it.

"Maybe if I scold the way of heaven, the way will not respond that day. I'm afraid that the aborigines in this world will be killed by the way of heaven in some way?" With a murmur, Jiang Ting returned to the center of the island.

Here, he has opened up a large area. There are also many wooden spears, and many dried fish that have been baked and cut by vines.

In the past half a month, he will not wait foolishly. Instead, he will reserve dry food and wait at the same time.

The best way is to make a boat However, he didn't have the craft or the tool, so all he could use was a few sticks stuck together.

The wood was his back hand to prevent sinking into the sea, and it was also the package he used to place dry food After all, according to the line of sight, once you enter the sea, you can't go to other islands or meet other people in one day or two.

In his mind, Jiang Ting began to sleep with his back against the wood This island is too small. In the first few days, he could cook well at night. Now, there are no dead branches for him to burn a fire.

Not long.

The whole world turned dark in an instant.

Jiang Ting didn't care He has lived in this world for half a month, and he has a little understanding of this world.

The sun and moon in the sky will not disappear at all. At least, for half a month, he has never seen the sun and moon disappear. The hanging sun and moon have not moved.

As for day and night The time of a day should also be twelve hours, which is also due to his extremely high level of essence. He also controls the rules of time. Otherwise, he may not be sure of the passage of time without reference.

Unlike other worlds, the light of day and night in this world is not provided by the sun and the moon The sun and the moon don't seem to shine.

He didn't know where the light source of the world came from.

He only knew that once it was night, the whole world would become dark, and once it was day, the darkness would disappear instantly The sun and moon on the same day seem to be purely for decoration.


the next day.

The rising sun Ah bah, the sun is in the East. It hasn't moved for half a month.

Looking at the bright world, Jiang Ting, like a savage, drags the wood tied by him to the seaside with a weak body.

Then Jiang Ting went back to the center with no expression, holding a lot of baked dried fish, and turned to the beach.

After four trips to the sea, he put all the dry food and logs back Later, instead of rushing to go out to sea, he fixed the dried fish on the wooden rafts, which could barely be called wooden rafts. It took the boss's efforts to push the wooden rafts into the sea and float them on the sea.

"I hope to meet people earlier. If not, I'll be gone for half a month at most. I'm afraid I'll have to tell the world that I'll never see anyone again." With a whisper, Jiang Ting entered the sea without expression.

One hand is holding the wooden bar to make sure it won't sink into the sea, while the other hand is constantly rowing towards a certain direction.

Swimming, swimming Because of the constant swimming, the body was hungry faster. Jiang Ting ate dried fish four times.

Night, too.

Limited by the human body, Jiang Ting can't see far But under, can only choose to stop swimming temporarily, hands lie on the very narrow wood, eyes closed to sleep.

As for the monsters that may exist in the sea He didn't care.

He can't wait all the time on that island. If he is bitten to death by a monster in the sea It can only be said that the world origin of this world has nothing to do with him, and he has nothing to say.

………… In the twinkling of an eye, about ten days passed.

About one fifth of the dry food prepared by Jiang Ting is left.

Originally expected to support half a month of dry food, but now it can support up to two days.

After drifting on the sea for ten days, he could not see any Islands If he had not been able to tell the direction by the sun and the moon, he would have been lost.

It was about noon.

"If I starve to death in this empty sea The first thing I do when I go back is to kill you. " After eating dried fish, Jiang Ting looked at the sky and scolded.All around, the vast sea, can't see half an island If there were not too much water in the world, he would not be so embarrassed.

After all, if he wasn't in the sea, he could always find people walking around.

He also felt that maybe he would starve to death on the sea Come to this world to toss for so long, nothing, clay figurine also have three points of anger, not to mention that he is not a good man?

If he is forced to leave the world in such a mess, Jiang Ting tie will take action outside the world and directly smash the way of heaven in the world to vent his anger.

It's none of his business whether many creatures will die because of the collapse of the way of heaven.

After ten days, Jiang Ting repeated what he had done Swim in the right direction.

………… ...

maybe it's because the way of heaven is also afraid of death? Of course, the most likely is luck.

This time, less than half an hour later, I suddenly saw a boat about ten feet in size on the right side approaching him.

According to the speed of the ship, it will be close to him in half an hour at most.

Jiang Ting, like a savage, was immediately overjoyed: "time has changed..."

As for whether the people on the boat were good or evil, he didn't care, as long as he could get him out of the sea.

Then he stopped swimming and waited quietly.

About a quarter of an hour later, the ship appeared in front of him, about thirty feet away.

Jiang Ting can even see that there are many evil spirits on the ship. You can see that they are not good people, thugs?

Those people also saw him, and his face seemed to be sarcastic As for what he was saying, he couldn't hear it. For ordinary people, how could they hear it clearly?

Of course, it doesn't matter.

Jiang Ting exhaled slightly and then sank into the Dantian.

Then, Jiang Ting opened his voice: "help..."

Voice, heartbroken, straight to the heart.

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