After nine Island owners fall into the dense forest with their hands, they find that they have completely lost the trace of Jiangting and can't find the direction to pursue.

Can't help but, she began to turn and roar: "waste, a group of waste!"

After her, the minions began to approach one after another. They bowed their heads in a hurry and did not dare to refute.

"Nine younger sister, what's the matter?" A hearty laugh rang out.

Then you can see a strong man jumping in the distance, and several ups and downs are close to here.

"What's your business?"

With a sneer, the nine Island leader looked around: "give me chase, how far can he run in his state!"

"Yes..." Many minions scattered.


dense forest, grass somewhere.

Jiang Ting squats quietly in the grass and looks at the nine island Master and the strong man in the distance Although there is no way for him to astringe his breath, with his vision, there is no need for Dharma. Simply astringe his breath is not what these people can see.

After talking with the strong man for a while, the nine islanders flew to the deep forest together, leaving only the minions who kept searching.

"Just because you want to find me..." With a whisper, Jiang Ting turned around and left with the help of the grass.

It's easy for him to leave Even in the encirclement, however, with his vision and ability of astringent breath, he left directly and did not disturb anyone.

Soon, he made a detour to the back of the mountain.

As you can see here, this bright island is very big At least, at a glance, there are a lot of mountains and peaks, but we can't see the end for the time being.

Looking around, Jiang Ting jumps onto a branch and hides his body with the help of the branches and leaves. He looks around through the leaves to warn, while While opening the previous box, start eating.

I'm still thinking According to the state of dealing with the nine islanders before, with his current strength, if he is not hungry, even if his strength is not enough, he should be able to kill the nine islanders head-on.

As long as we solve our worries, the strong one in this area should not be his opponent.

According to the information I heard on the ship before, the leader of lieguang island is the ultimate combat power of Qijing, that is to say, he is a strong man at the level of breaking the sea To deal with duanhaijing, it should not be enough for him to just forge.

Then, as long as he breaks through the atmosphere, it should be very simple for him.

As for the others From his point of view, the so-called minions can't hurt him at all.

In his mind, Jiang Ting also finished his meal In fact, he would not have been too hungry if he had not broken through to forging last night and burned a lot of blood and Shouyuan.

Now, after eating, although he is not full, as long as he doesn't burn his blood, he will not be hungry in three or five days.

After eating, he dropped the food box on the ground: "it seems that we need to continue to create skills first, and then break through to Qi state according to the way of the world."

Last night, he only created the practice of forging body. Later, he broke through to jiuzhong. Because of physical reasons and lack of time, he did not continue to create the practice, but tried to break through by force.

It turns out that he didn't make it.

Between the words, Jiang Ting, who had recovered a lot of physical strength, leaped to the left quickly.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that at the beginning of the meal, Jiang Ting was not only thinking, but also looking around His current position is not inside the island, but outside the island.

He is ready to hide in the mountains by the sea, and at the same time, he creates subsequent skills in the mountains to make a breakthrough.

The plan is simple instead of careful But it's enough.

It was long after he left that the minions searched here.

The minions looked at the food boxes on the ground and looked at each other.

After a long time, one of them said: "quick, inform others, we have found a clue..."

………… ..

at the same time.

Jiangting has been under the cover of dense forest and grass, escaping into the mountains.

In the mountains, birds sing and flowers smell If you don't meet the people of lie Guang Island, it's a beautiful place.

He has been jumping up and down in the mountains for a long time. He has been close to the depth of the mountains and has not found a suitable hiding place.

Keep looking?

After a moment's hesitation, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "well, they should have found the trace left by me when I ate. However, according to the extent of their previous search, it will take at least one day to find it One day, for me, is enough. "

It's very easy for him to create these skills that are too low to be in the low level.

At this point, Jiang Ting stood on the top of the tree, leaning against the trunk, closed his eyes and quietly began to turn his mind, intending to see from a distance, as if in a daze.

Soon, almost an hour passed.

Jiang Ting, who closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes: "now, it's time to look for monsters."

It took him an hour to create a follow-up method, and his level should not be low.Of course, the method he created at the moment can only break through to the first level of Qi to open the river He can't create the skill of dividing the river and breaking the sea for the time being.

Because there is no skill to learn from.

Although there is no skill to learn from, he can also create However, if there is no reference, it will take a long time. By contrast, it is better to find a partial method for reference, which can be created in a short time.

Where to find the monster?

Jiang Ting looks around with his eyes open His face sank quietly.

He just remembered that after he entered the mountain range, although he could see many wild animals, they were just wild animals, not monsters!

In other words, after he came to this world, it seems that he has never seen a monster?

Continue searching?

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting shook his head again: "no, this is lieguang island. It's also the base camp of those islanders of lieguang island. Even if there are monsters, I'm afraid they have already killed them. It's not realistic to find monsters in lieguang island."

If lieguang Island doesn't, should he go to Nana?

The sea Maybe we can only go to the sea.

After a moment's silence, Jiang Ting jumped towards the sea with his feet a little bit: "I hope to find the monster in the coastal area, otherwise..."

In the sea, God knows what kind of monsters there are. In case of meeting those extremely powerful monsters But now, if he wants to break the border, he can only leave lie Guang island and go to the sea to have a look.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person.

If it's an ordinary forging jiuzhong, I'm afraid it doesn't have the ability to enter the sea at all, but Jiangting is not He can't survive in the sea, but if he wants to, how easy is it to create some ways to breathe in the sea?

Not to mention, he could have learned these methods, and there are many more!

In the process of jumping, Jiangting soon appeared at the edge of the mountain range, only a mile away from the seaside Covered by trees, it's easy to see that scattered people are patrolling by the sea.

Judging from the trend, if he dares to appear, there will be nothing to hide his body. Once he appears, I'm afraid he will be chased and blocked by the people of lieguang island.

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