Looking at the raft made of vines, Jiang Ting pondered for a while, then cut off an ancient tree with his sword. It was the light of the sword that divided the ancient tree into more than ten finger sized trunks.

Then the sword light power condenses on the side of the raft. The sword light passes through, and the raft is punctured with a dozen finger size holes by his sword light... Then the raft flies into the air, and the trunk just passes through the hole.

A complete raft, shaped.

Looking at the raft in front of him, Jiang Ting sighed again: "it's true that you can be calm only if you have strength in your body."

Now he is looking at the sky, and does not want to pay attention to the way of heaven.

If you don't want to fail when you don't have the slightest strength in your body, even he will be angry, just as he used to scold the way of heaven before, which is the manifestation of words.

But now, although the vitality in his body is very small, with strength, his mood naturally sublimates, which is completely different from ordinary people.

Of course, it's not that Jiang Ting's state of mind has been really improved... It's just that his incarnation state of mind in the air sea world at the moment has become slightly different.

Although the state of mind is still the state of mind in the past, it is different from the state of mind when it was a mortal.

It's mysterious and mysterious.

In his mind, Jiang Ting grabbed the edge of the raft with his feet a little. He didn't want to save energy in his body. He soared over the hillside manor and landed on the beach.

But instead of rushing out to sea, he put the raft on the beach and began to recover.

There is so little energy in the air sea world to open the river... He gathers three feet of green front, uses his sword light to make rafts, and flies from the dense forest below the mountain top to the sea. It seems inconspicuous. In fact, he consumes nearly 50% of the energy in his body.

The speed of recovery can't keep up with his previous consumption.

Maybe, when he breaks through a new realm, the situation will be much better... Unfortunately, he has no skills and can't make a breakthrough. The only good thing is that although he has little vitality, it is enough to be in the nearby sea area for the time being.

When he arrives at Ziwu Island, everything will be different.


About a quarter of an hour later.

A red shadow leaped out of the manor, constantly jumping between the hillside and the dense forest, and soon jumped to the place where Jiangting was.

Wearing a red dress, perhaps because of just bathing, her face looks very lovely, her hair is shawl, her skin is jade, at a glance, it is quite amazing.

But who is Jiang Ting? The beauties she has seen are like stars, which naturally won't arouse her heart. The only thing that people can't believe is that this amazing looking girl is the dirty looking girl on the top of the mountain.

If you can't feel the breath, I'm afraid no one dares to believe it!

The woman said tentatively, "master, shall we start now?"

Maybe it's because of her appearance. She is amazing. Under the temptation, she looks rather distressing.

"Well." Jiang Ting got up and pushed the raft into the sea.

Two people jump on the raft, and then Jiang Ting sits in front of the raft, and Jiang Ting pushes it with a wisp of vitality... The raft starts to travel rapidly on the sea.

Direction, for the West!

After bathing, she stood at the end of the raft and looked at the motionless Jiangting sitting in front of her. Her eyes showed some strange colors... She thought that after bathing, Jiangting's eyes might have other expressions.

The result... The result didn't change at all? As if she was dirty before or amazing now, there is no difference?

And what makes her most disheartened is that until now, Jiang Ting doesn't even ask her name!

She might have other thoughts at other times, but she didn't dare to ask because of Jiangting's blood washing the high-rise of lieguang island and the indifference and even cold-blooded of the mountain peak before.

Yes, cold-blooded... In her opinion, it's too merciless for Jiang ting to kill Li Wei without saying a word before. Although those old men are seeking their own way to death, they just kill people frequently

Of course, she just thought about it in her heart and didn't dare to show it.


But Jiang Ting didn't know what the woman thought. Even if he knew, he didn't care... He was constantly using his power to speed up the recovery of vitality. At the same time, he was constantly pushing the raft to sail on the sea.


In a flash, about two days passed.

In the past two days, the raft has gone through the sea for about 500 li... Maybe it's because the raft is floating on the sea. During this period, they haven't encountered any monsters.

At the same time, the two did not have any conversation... Jiang Ting was too lazy to talk, while some women were too afraid to talk.

Motionless, like a picture.

Another day, early in the morning.

The sky is bright.

The woman looked around at the boundless sea and hesitated to say, "master."

The River Court turns its head and looks the same.

The woman saw this, although palpitating, but still said: "we are far away from the strong light Island, I'm afraid we will meet the monster next... Would you like to slow down?"

"Slow down?"

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head: "the speed is slow enough. It's only 500 Li sea area for two days. According to the current speed, it will take six days to reach Ziwu island."

In Jiang Ting's opinion, this speed is really slow enough... If he didn't have much energy and didn't dare to use too much energy to push the raft, how could he be so slow.

Five hundred miles in two days... How could it be so slow on land.

"Are you not afraid to meet monsters?" The woman forced a smile.


At the end of the speech, Jiang Ting looked forward: "Ziwu island and lieguang island are only two thousand li of sea area... The monsters near their respective islands will be cleaned up from time to time. After all, in these two thousand li of sea area, at most one thousand li will encounter monsters, and the monsters they will encounter are only two-level at most. What's to be afraid of?"

"The second level..." the woman's face is more and more reluctant... She can't even beat the first level, let alone the second level, it's still the boundless sea, once the raft is broken by the monster?

You know, she or Jiang Ting can't control the air... No, Jiang Ting can fly, but it can't control the air for long. It's no different from not being able to fly!

On the other side.

Jiang Ting was about to say something. He suddenly looked forward: "trouble..."

Five hundred Li, maybe the edge of the safe area... After leaving the 500 Li area of lie Guang Island completely, Jiang Ting felt that under the sea, there were five monsters who had not yet reached the first level, and they had already focused on the floating raft.

If other people, may also have a headache, worried that once the fight will lead to more monsters.

Jiang Ting is not, but with a wisp of mind vigilant, at the same time light language: "say, what's your name?"

The woman hears speech, don't know why, suddenly some tears in her eyes... Two days!

They have been sailing on the sea for more than two days. Now, Jiang Ting finally remembers to ask her name

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