Jiangting went to the edge of the mountain, because he could see the destiny, so he was sure that xiahouning was breaking the battle.

"Gululu..." Xia Hou Yun's face became more difficult, even more unbelievable... Fen Jiang Jing?

Although she does not know the strength of Wang Yi in the end geometry, but as the pride of the three purple ring is not false.

With other people, Tianjiao, one of the duanhaijing, took five or six duanhaijing, and was killed by Jiangting? I'm afraid the spiritual realm above the Qi realm can't be so simple and easy.

After a long time, Xiahou cloud just forced convergence mood, show apology: "before not intentionally hide, also Wangjiang brother don't care."

"Click..." the ripples on the top of the mountain began to break.

The array is broken.

Xia Houyun takes a look and ignores it. In her opinion, it should be that she has lost the host of Wang Yi and others, so the array will break itself.

But Jiang Ting is not. He looks at the hidden breath approaching the destiny, and his mouth is full of fun... If he breaks the array, he will need at least 20 breath if he is limited by his cultivation.

As a result, the fate of the people that day, the appearance of ten breath broke the big array... Is it because of the heart of heaven tears, or because Xia houning already know the details of the array?

He doesn't know, but he won't care.

Originally, he has not yet decided whether he wants to seek Tianxin teardrop... After all, he does not know what Tianxin teardrop is and whether it is good for him after getting it.

But now, since Xia houning is hiding around, he doesn't mind turning over to see what Tianxin's tears are.

If it's useful to him, he'll spend some time on it. If it's useless... Since it's useless, he won't bother.

Until that day, Jiang Ting said, "how can Jiang not understand the girl's words?"

Xia Houyun hesitated for a while, but still laughed bitterly: "brother Jiang has already known who I am before. I didn't mean to hide it, but the treasure is too precious..."

"Why do you have to explain, girl? The rain of tears in heaven is really precious. Besides, the girl just conceals it."

After a pause, Jiang Ting's eyes showed a little smile: "if the girl really feels bad, how about giving Jiang the tears that day?"

The bitter smile of Xia Hou Yun's face became stiff and his eyes narrowed.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting moved a huge stone and sat on it in his spare time: "who do you think so much of Jiang that I can't detect him?"

"Who else?" Xia Houyun's pupil dilated.

Around. No response.

"It seems that I want Jiang to invite you out." Jiang Ting didn't care either. With a wave of his hand, dozens of sword lights went to the East Cliff of the mountain top.

"Who are you?" With a hoarse murmur, a black robed man flickered from the bottom of the mountain to avoid the sword light.

Jiang Ting did not answer, but licked the corner of his mouth and looked at the sky: "it's a little interesting."

At the moment of his hand, he suddenly sensed a stream of malice... A stream of malice from the way of heaven.

It's not accurate to say that it's the evil of the way of heaven... To be exact, it should come from the evil of the destiny.

Under the influence of fate, his next luck may not be very good.

If the average person's chance of choking to death is one in ten thousand, then the chance of choking to death should be one percent.

Xia Houyun looked at the black robed man and said, "are you..."

She felt that the person was familiar, but she couldn't see who it was.

Jiang Ting takes back his sight and laughs: "isn't he your brother?"

"What?" Xia Houyun's face changed.

The man in black robe was silent for a moment, then he took off his black robe with a wave: "how do you see that?"

Under the black robe, there was a pale, not handsome, but beautiful young man... Of course, Xia houning.

Xia Houyun lost his voice: "brother..."

Xia houning did not answer, but looked at Jiang ting and said, "how can you see that?"

"You don't understand."

After a pause, Jiang Ting tilted his head slightly: "it's said that the rain of tears in heaven's heart is caused by the heart of the world... I'm a little curious about what it is. Why don't you take it out and let me have a look?"

"What if I don't?" Xia houning's eyes are slightly cold.

Jiang Ting laughs: "do you think that can beat me?"

Xia houning's look suddenly became ugly... His realm was not low.

At least, it's higher than Jiangting... Because it's duanhaijing, and it's the later period of duanhaijing!

But in the face of Jiang Ting... Even though his heart is tough, he still can't stop his palpitations when he recalls Jiang Ting's just sword.

He knew that he couldn't stop the sword,

Although he is confident that his strength is stronger than Wang Yi, the reason why he has been afraid to appear is that Wang Yi has other people to assist him... But he has to say that Wang Yi's strength is not low, at least, he is limited.

With a single sword, Jiangting can suppress Wang Yi and other duanhaijing. This terrible strength... Is it really the river boundary?

I can't help but feel confused.

He never thought that he would be like anyone... If Jiang ting and he were in the same realm, he could be more confident, but Jiang Ting only separated Jiang Jing and his realm was lower than him!

Xia Hou Yun's voice became trembling: "Jiang... Brother Jiang, are you kidding?"

How shocked Jiang Ting's strength before, how scared she is now... Even if her brother and sister join hands, she doesn't think she can stop Jiang Ting's sword.

She can only hope that Jiang Ting is only joking.

On the other side.

Jiang Ting looked at the confused Xia houning, his face became strange... He saw that Xia houning's destiny had weakened a little, which should be about 10%.

No reason to reduce? No... he knows the reason. In the final analysis, it's heart!

Xia houning was hit too hard and began to doubt himself... Therefore, his destiny weakened, permanently weakened.

Jiang Ting also understands Xia houning's current state of mind... If he is crushed by a person with a low level, he will do the same. After all, Jiang Ting is also a supreme pride.

He is not afraid of failure... Failure is just the sharpening of the way forward, but if it is a failure crushed by the low realm in all directions... For Tianjiao, the blow is extremely terrible.

Feeling so, Jiang Ting look unchanged: "you see me, like a joke?"

"So, you save me, just a conspiracy?" Xia Hou Yun's face and voice trembled more and more.

"Not really."

Pause a little, Jiang Ting right hand side face: "in fact, to save you is just a coincidence... Originally, I have no interest in Tianxin tears, but, who let you use me?"? In that case, it should be nothing for me to recover some interest. "

Xia Hou Yun stepped back two steps, revealing the inconceivable: "use?"

Seeing this, Jiang Ting began to sigh... It seems that he is thinking too much. After all, Xia Houyun is only an 18-year-old girl, and his mind is not as deep as he thought.

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