When he heard that the three families were coming, Jiang Ting immediately told Bao Yutang to do it again.

Then he saw that Bao Yutang was afraid and knelt on the ground again. In other words, his legs were broken last night and he couldn't stand up at all. Leaving his chair, he could only lie on the ground or kneel on the ground.

The strong man who was ready to unload the arm of Bao Yutang showed a little disappointment, and then he grabbed it like a chicken and put Bao Yutang back on the chair.

Bao Yutang first laughed at the strong man, then hung his head down on the chair and did not dare to speak.

Su Jiu looked at him and said in a low voice: "young master, he seems to have a grudge. He can't stay after that."

The voice is very low, at least, although the distance is close, Bao Yutang can't hear it.

Jiang Ting face unchanged: "I have my own opinion."

Between the mood, Jiang Ting began to ponder silently, this world, the form of aristocratic family.

The families in this world are totally different from those he has ever seen.

Although there are still so-called main branches and direct branches in this family, in fact, the division is not so clear.

To put it simply, the lineal branches are all family members. The reason why the lineal branches are separated is to separate families... For example, Jiang Ting has established a family. After a hundred years, his descendants can't live together and will choose to separate families.

After the separation, there will be the difference between the lineal branches... No, it should be said that the main branch is the difference. Although they are all family members, they just don't live together, but they still belong to the same family.

As a result, they formed a huge family.

The so-called main vein... Which family has the strongest power and the most wealth is the main vein, while the branches are the weak.

Of course, there is no branch of the main vein in this world. Most of them say that a family is divided into two families, that is, big house and two rooms. If it is divided into three families, there are three rooms, and so on.

There are also many details, as well as whether they have the qualification to become a single room, which is not described here.

As for the birth of the world, the birth of the right wife is the birth of the right son.

While Jiang Ting was thinking, the servants of the county government came to the hall with today's guests.

The first three people are all middle-aged people... And Jiang Ting, they don't know each other.

Su Jiujiao said: "Mr. Bao, don't you introduce us?"

Bao Yutang immediately recovered and looked up: "ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you..."

In the introduction of Bao Yutang, the three people who came into the hall were also known by Jiang ting.

The person on the far left is different from Bao Yutang, who has a big stomach. He is a very pure fat man. Judging by his sight, he has a weight of 300 Jin, just like a small meat mountain.

He is the leader of the seven rooms of the Wang family. Wang Liang... The seven rooms are the main vein of the Wang family.

The middle one is Luo Zhi, the leader of the Luo family. His face is rather chilly, and his eyes flash a little cunning from time to time. It gives people the feeling that he is an old fox.

The last one is min Hua, who is in charge of the second room of the Min family. His appearance is regular and not brilliant. The only thing that makes him brilliant is that he looks a little bookish.

It seems that Min Hua's image is the best... In fact, it's not. In Jiang Ting's opinion, min Hua is perhaps the least brilliant. Ordinary is equal to ordinary!

It is worth mentioning that among the three people, min Hua has the highest right to speak alone, because min Hua is not only the leader of Min family, but also the head of Min family.

At this point, I have to mention that there is no one in charge of the main branch of the aristocratic family. There is also a patriarch in charge of the whole family... Of course, the patriarch has only nominal management power.

Whether we can really manage other houses depends on different means, and it's just management. It's pure delusion to want to get money from other houses in the name of clan leader.

However, this is because it belongs to the feudal dynasty, it belongs to the era of aristocratic families... The head of a family can use the law of the clan. If someone in the family makes a mistake, he can be rightfully killed without being responsible.

Even if the dynasty governs the world... The royal law governs all the people, and the clan law governs the family... If the result of a certain person's treatment is contrary to that of the clan law, the clan law is the first.

In this way, we can see.

Of course, no one is stupid enough to fight with Wang FA.

When Jiang Ting looks at Wang Liang and others, Wang Liang and others find a place to sit down and also look at Jiang Ting, with the escort behind them.

They are not idiots... Bao Yutang is just like an angry bag, and his legs are broken. Jiang Ting is sitting in the master's seat, and behind him there is a beauty who is not like the world. Every smile and every twinkle affects their mind... Naturally, they can see who is the master.

Min Hua watched for a while, and her eyes showed a little surprise.

Wang Liang's eyes flashed, showing a bright smile that didn't match roushan's: "Mr. Bao, don't you introduce us?"

"Er... Er..." Bao Yutang couldn't speak for a long time.

He doesn't know Jiang Ting, and Jiang Ting hasn't told him his name. How can he know how to introduce him? Besides, it seems that he hasn't seen Jiang Ting face to face yet?

Perhaps it was because the arrival of the three main family leaders gave Bao Yutang a lot of courage.

He gritted his teeth, summoned up courage and raised his head: "uncle, your name is..... Are you Qin liang?"

At the end of the speech, Bao Yutang lost his voice and his face was incredible.

"Qin liang?" Wang Liang and Luo Zhi look at Min Hua with an inexplicable look.

Jiang Ting frowned, then said: "this seat, Jiang ting."

"Jiang Ting?" Wang Liang and Luo Zhi look strange.

Min Hua's face began to be cloudy and sunny, and he didn't know what he thought. Sometimes he was angry, sometimes he relaxed, sometimes he was lucky.

Jiang Ting didn't care, so he waved his hand: "in order to let us have a pleasant conversation, let's go out first."

Luo Zhi's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "you don't know something. The people under our hands have some dead brains... Even if it's a confidential matter, they have to protect them. Even we can't direct them."

It's obvious that it's embarrassing.

"You may as well do it." Jiang Ting didn't care. He was just going to make Liwei and let these people understand what danger is.

When Luo Zhisan heard the speech, he looked slightly stunned... I don't know whether he was surprised that Jiang Ting was so talkative, or he was secretly laughing at Jiang Ting's ignorance.

Jiang Ting then casually pointed to a person, not anxious not slow: "you, kill them all, dead people think will be very obedient."

"No The accused man bowed his head with respect, then his face became ferocious.

"To die!" Luo Zhi and other three people behind the guard with the moment became angry.

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