When Jiang Ting heard Bao Yutang's words, he thought for a while and found that with his fighting power and soldiers, it was not difficult to guard the door.

Only by taking the door by himself can Nan lie succeed at one stroke.

But nanlie dare!

As long as nanlie dares to fight, Jiangting dares to kill!

Moreover, nanlie only brought more than 1000 people. If he conquered Qianqing village, he would be hurt... He guarded the city with more people than nanlie.

No problem.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting chuckled: "Three Dharma protectors, you go to the kitchen and let the people in the county government begin to cook. 1500 people are trained and need a lot of food."

The three surviving Dharma protectors in Qianqing village are the big Dharma protectors, the Three Dharma protectors and the seven Dharma protectors.

"No The third Dharma protector turned and left.

Jiang Ting got up and said, "big Dharma protector, you can find some people to send letters to the three families. You say that the county government is too small to afford the expenses of 1500 people. Let the three families also bear the expenses. After all, they are all their people."

"No The Dharma protector also turned and left.

"Seven Dharma protectors, be careful of hunting in the South and attacking the city in the middle of the night... Although the county soldiers and officers of the county government are a little wasted, they should still be able to guard." Jiang Ting enters the room in the courtyard and quietly begins to practice martial arts.

The seven Dharma guards left with the remaining two minions.


At night.

Yuwen County, one mile outside the city.

South hunting led a large army to crush the city.

In the center of the army, there are many tents.

Central ledger.

An elite scout dressed up quickly approached and knelt down on one knee: "commander, the city walls are full of beacon fire, patrollers, more than 100."

When the tent curtain opened, nanlie could see the city in the distance, and his eyes showed the haze... Still, it was slower.

According to his original idea, on the day Jiangting disappeared, he attacked the city... Unfortunately, it was too unrealistic. The army was not an iron man.

They come from Jiangyuan county and fight with Qianqing village. They are already exhausted. If they don't take a rest, they will attack the city... They can't fight at all.

He has tried his best to shorten the repair time, but it's still late... Just a county. At midnight, there are many wars and patrols. It's obvious that he has made preparations.

After a moment of silence, nanlie drank softly: "Herald, have a good rest tonight, attack the city tomorrow morning!"

Although it's a little late, it should be easy to break the city. The soldiers under his command are all elite soldiers, veterans, not waste without training.


South wall

Jiangting, with Su Jiu and Han Zhuo, appeared on the wall.

With the skill of three people, you can naturally see the cooking smoke a mile away.

"Young master, I'm afraid we can't guard the city. Seven Dharma guardians risk approaching. After careful observation, there should be 1100 soldiers under the South hunter."

After a pause, Su Jiu's face was slightly ugly: "all the soldiers under his hand are elite soldiers, but all those under our hand are waste of temporary training. If he is not careful, he will be scattered by the elite soldiers of nanlie, and even the pigs will be inferior."

"The direction you see is too narrow."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "as you said, there are only 1100 soldiers in nanlie's hands... Do you know that nanlie can only specialize in one side? If you want to encircle the city on all sides... Hehe, Yuwen county is not big, but it's not small. It's only a thousand people. How can you encircle the city on all sides? "

Su Jiu's face narrowed when he rongdun.

Jiang Ting's eyes showed a little disdain: "if he really dares to divide his forces around the city, I will dare to let his subordinates go out of the city to hang, and turn the people of Qianqing stronghold into sharp swords, which makes it difficult for him to deal with the elite soldiers of all battles, just like a turtle in a jar, and all of them will die!"

Han Zhuo nodded and agreed: "what the young master said is not bad. If they specialize in one side, they only need to send four or five teams to prevent accidents in other city walls. They hunt in the south, and there is no hope to enter the city."

Jiang Ting looked around and closed his eyes: "have a rest, they should attack the city tomorrow... Nanli is not a fool. Now that we are aware that we have been prepared, it will not be easy to attack the city tomorrow."


The next day, early in the morning.

"When the rebels attack, Yuwen county is on guard. All people are forbidden to go out. Those who violate the order will be treated as detailed punishment!"

"When the rebels attack, Yuwen county is on guard. All people are forbidden to go out. Those who violate the order will be treated as detailed punishment!"

"When the rebels attack, Yuwen county is on guard. All people are forbidden to go out. Those who violate the order will be treated as detailed punishment!"

The county soldiers and officers of the county government are riding on horses in the streets of Yuwen county.

The people of Yuwen County, who had never been aware of it, fell into a state of tension in an instant.

Twenty five squads guarded the southern wall. The remaining five squads were responsible for one wall, while the other two squads patrolled between the three walls to avoid the city gate being broken by surprise soldiers.

South wall.

"BAM... BAM... BAM..." with the dull sound of footsteps, Nanli led the army and stopped 30 feet away from the city wall.

This distance is just the range that ordinary crossbows can't kill.

The southern hunting army is extremely quiet.

Then look at the city wall garrison... One by one, face flustered, eyes around, even, there are countless comments.

"It's really... It's really coming."

"I feel like I'm going to die..."

"Damn it, these rebels don't go anywhere, they have to come here..."

The more the discussion, the more the morale of the army is scattered and the more flustered it is.

Jiang Ting took a look at the South hunting army, and then looked around. His eyes became cold... Although he knew yesterday that these nursing homes were vulnerable to the real army, he didn't expect that they were so useless.

I'm so flustered before the war.

Fortunately, there are only three teams on the city wall. The others are between the buildings, or at the gate... If all of them are like this, what else can they fight? Just surrender.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Ting looked to his side: "seven Dharma protectors, this time, you will be a messenger... Tell them that we have 1500 people, and the other side has only 1000 people."

After a pause, Jiang Ting's eyes became cold: "at the same time, tell many captains, don't forget the military discipline of yesterday's training, who dares to violate, let many captains, kill!"

"No!" The seven Dharma guardians turned and left. At the same time, there were more than ten heralds.

Under the wall.

"Step... Step... Step" with the sound of the horse's hooves, nanlie rode a horse from nowhere, slowly approached from the Chinese army, and soon approached the front position of the army.

After approaching, nanlie looked at the city wall and grinned: "there is no military discipline, no rules and regulations. Our army will crush this small city in half a quarter of an hour at the latest!"

The atmosphere of the city wall was frozen.

"I only need three arrows to break all your life!" With laughter, Jiang Ting suddenly picked up a big bow from the side.

Bow and arrow.

When Nan Lieh saw this, his pupils shrank in an instant... He didn't dare to underestimate the arrow of rule three, even though Jiang Ting's rule three was just coming!

However, he is not afraid of... The army here, he is the commander, even if there are arrows across the sky, he also has a dead man to block the sword!

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