Although the screen is not transparent, Jiang Ting can infer from his breathing and a little sense of martial arts that what is hidden behind the screen is probably a woman.

Because he can feel the breath behind the screen, not as strong as a man, but a little weak... Of course, if the two people behind the screen are Niang human demons, he has no way.

Min Hua with a little meaningful voice: "what are you looking at?"


Jiang Ting turned back in an instant, then chuckled: "the past, Jiang has forgotten, today's Jiang is just a rough man, I don't know what the Min family invited to the banquet, what's the matter?"

Min Hua's eyes suddenly narrowed, and soon he began to smile: "I haven't introduced you yet... Your side is my uncle, my second son..."

Under the introduction of Min Hua, Jiang Ting also knows the identities of the three young people.

Well, they are all min Hua's sons.

Second son, min Wen.

Sanzi, min Yang.

Si Zi, Min An.

Knowing the identities of the four people, even Jiang Ting's face was slightly stunned... Isn't min Hua the only daughter of Min Yun? Besides, he has no other children?

"Brother Jiang ting." The three young people, with a little bit of fear, got up and saluted Jiang ting.

Jiang Ting said with a smile, "I've met three of you."

Looking at Min Hua again, it seems that he knows his idea: "family dinner is all. There are so many rules one by one... Eat, eat."

In the chatter, the family dinner began.

It's called a family banquet. In fact, there are so many dishes... Just six people, but they have 24 dishes... I don't know how much wealth the Min family has. A family banquet is so rich.

Or, the so-called family dinner is not just a family dinner.


In a moment.

It was also because of the many conversations at the banquet that Jiang Ting learned that... Min Wen, the three of them are indeed min Hua's sons. However, they are all born of concubines. Well, in other words, they are not from Xia Kexin.

Although they were all raised under Xia Kexin's knees... But because of their status as concubines, according to the clan law, unless their parents are especially kind, they are not qualified to inherit min Hua's family property.

Min Hua has only one daughter... It's reasonable to say that his property should be divided among min Wen and his wife. Unfortunately, min Hua only dotes on her daughter. Therefore, min Wen and his wife are worried about their future.

Gradually, all six people stopped chopsticks, and the maid also took away the leftovers.

Min Hua says to Xia Kexin: "you go back to the hall first."

"Don't disturb your ceremony..." Xia Kexin got up gracefully, saluted slightly, and left from the deep door of the classroom, while the people behind the screen also left with Xia Kexin.

The family dinner is over.

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed... He didn't believe that Min Hua simply invited him to the banquet, there must be other things, now should be the time for discussion.

Min Hua whispered: "nephew, have you ever thought about it in the future?"

Jiang Ting's face remained unchanged: "I don't know, where does that come from?"

Min Hua took a deep look at Jiangting, and then said, "go and close the door."

When Si Zi min settled down, he got up, walked quickly to the door and closed the door.

When Min An turns around and sits down, min Hua says, "is my nephew still angry with my uncle?"

Without waiting for an answer, min Hua said to himself, "now my nephew is different from what he used to be. In that case, my uncle won't beat around the bush with you... When the Qin family was in complete decline, I did intervene. My nephew is angry, which is what I should do."

Jiang Ting's brow suddenly wrinkled... He wanted to know how much min Hua's brain was pumping. He even thought that he was Qin liang?

Maybe that Qin Liang as like as two peas is similar to him. But at the very least, he is similar. His appearance is just like his real body.

It's not polite to say that, except for the existence of the will of the three realms of rules, if not, no one can match him in terms of Junlang's degree and just the lower boundary.

Can't min Hua see such a big surprise?

"You don't have to be angry, my dear nephew. I'm a member of the Min family. I can't hand it over to other people with yun'er's marriage. My uncle used to think that when you have a reputation, you'll join my min family and take over my min family's property."

Without waiting for an answer, min Hua waved again: "now it seems that my nephew is not very human."

Jiang Ting interrupts directly: "Min clan chief, what do you want to say?"

He is not interested in listening to the twists and turns of the Min family. His mind is used to think that it is not enough to deal with other people. How can he have time to calculate with the Min family.

Min Hua breathed a little, and then her eyes narrowed: "I think my nephew's experience in recent years should be wonderful... What do you think about the engagement between my two families?"


Jiang Ting's brow is more wrinkled... He's here to unify the world and capture Hunyuan yundao tree. He's not here to look for trouble.


Jiang Ting is not so... For the time being, he still needs the help of the Min family. Without the help of the Min family, it will be very troublesome for him to control Yuwen county. For the time being, he doesn't want to have problems with Yuwen county.

That's it, that's it!

If you get something, you always get something.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting slowly said: "Jiang Mou, surnamed Jiang MINGTING, is not what you think, Qin liangqin Yunlong."

Min Hua's eyes narrowed slightly, and a touch of light gloom rose.

In his opinion, Jiang Ting has made a choice.

Looking at Jiang Ting, the corner of his mouth rose slightly: "Jiang, an orphan since childhood, has no father or mother. If my uncle wants to, Jiang will come to propose marriage after he leaves."

Min Hua's face began to be cloudy and sunny. She didn't know what she was thinking.

After a long time, min Hua said: "it seems that my nephew is not willing to face the past... Also, with my nephew's straightforward nature now, if there are countless elders out of thin air, it's really not beautiful."

Jiang Ting's face became calm again: "the past is like dust, but Jiang has no past."

Min Hua's face became warm again: "does my nephew have plans for the future?"

Jiang Ting did not think about it: "the world is in chaos, since it is, rise up!"

"My dear nephew, are you afraid that my min family has leaked the news? Or do you have confidence in the rebellion in Jiangyuan county? " Min Hua laughs.

Jiang Ting smiles and doesn't speak.

Seeing this, min Hua frowned, and then said, "my three sons are good at writing, but my fourth son is good at writing, and my third son is good at writing."

Jiang Ting still didn't make a sound and showed his exploration at that time.

"I want one of them to follow my nephew. I don't know who my nephew likes more." Min Hua is not in a hurry.

"Min Wen."

After that, Jiang Ting got up and said, "now that the barracks are practicing day by day and there are many things to do, Jiang will leave first. If my uncle wishes, I can ask min Wen to look for me in the county government tomorrow."

After that, Jiang Ting left without hesitation.

Only Minhua, who is thoughtful, minwen, Minan and minyang, who look at each other face to face.

When Jiang Ting left completely, Min An said: "my father, he... He is too unruly."


After a moment's silence, min Hua tilted his head and said, "he's going to rise up. Do you have rules with him?"

"Er..." Min An was looked down.

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