When Jiang Ting saw that the soldiers began to attack the Wangs and Luos, he did not watch, but returned to his own courtyard.

At the same time, he was helpless and unpredictable. He didn't know whether the trusted generals he forced out could be used.

If a few Dharma protectors really make mistakes, and they can't find a trusted person to replace them for a while, it will be a big trouble.


Wang family.

At the end of the year, the whole family is reunited.

The children of the Wang family, whether they were outside or whatever, all rushed back to the family on this day, and the whole palace was full of laughter.

Because of the special day, the number of Wang family members, even if the number of bodyguards and servants is a little less, in fact, the total number of Wang family members is much more than usual.

"Ha ha, drink, drink!"

"On the day of the end of the year, we will not come back drunk!"

"Three, you come back only once a year. You have to have a drink today..."

"Seven elder brothers, you this maid looks quite water spirit..."

The bustling sound reverberated in the whole Wang family, and many servants and maids were waiting on them... These servants and maids who had not yet left were all servants who had signed a contract of sale.

Their life and death are in the hands of the Wang family. No matter whether there is any family, there is no more for them.

Not long.

In a certain courtyard, some of the Wang family's children are playing in the courtyard, playing... Ugly.

With a bang, the gate of the courtyard was suddenly broken.

"Who is it?"

"Yes, I don't want to live!"

"Hum, the master of the family is so kind that they dare to break in..."

A lot of swearing voices disappeared before they were spread. The children of the Wang family saw that there were about 50 soldiers outside the door.

Most of these soldiers have no shelter, and a few have coir raincoats and bamboo hats.

The most important thing is that these soldiers are all armed with long knives... Where the blade of the long sword is, you can clearly see the color of blood red.

The first coir raincoat waved gently: "kill!"

As soon as the eyes of many soldiers brightened, they rushed into the yard one after another... With bursts of screams, blood began to spread rapidly on the ground, mixed with the rain.

shed blood like water.


The Luo family.

The situation of the Luo family is the same as that of the Wang family.

In the center of the Luo family, there is an open space square.

Although there is rain tonight, the Luo family has sent someone to block the sky with some cloth that is not like silk, and reinforce it with the surrounding buildings. There is not much rain falling on this big square.

Luo Zhi, Luo Yuan, Luo Chun and other senior members of the Luo family are all here.

These high-level officials have a certain degree of advance and retreat, and the elderly are full of kindness.

With a bang, the buildings around the open space were broken one after another, and at least 200 soldiers surrounded the area.

On the roofs of many buildings, at least 50 archers appeared quietly. They arched with bows without firing.

The lively atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

But for a moment, Luo Zhi got up and showed a touch of anger: "Lu Yuan, what do you want to do?"

"My eyesight is really good. I'm the master of the Luo family." With the words of appreciation, a man with a bamboo hat waves his hand to take down the bamboo hat, revealing the appearance of the Three Dharma protectors of Qianqing village.

Because of the removal of the hat, Lu Yuan's hair was instantly wet.

Lu Yuan did not care, but grinned: "today is really busy, you Wang family has died nearly 200 people, you actually know nothing."

"What?" Luo Zhi and other senior members of the Luo family look shocked. They suddenly get up and stare at Lu Yuan.

"The general has orders. The Luo family colludes with the rebels in Jiangyuan county to try to fall into Yuwen county. There is no amnesty for killing them!"

At the end of the speech, Lu Yuan's eyes showed a cold light: "shoot the arrow!"

"Hoo Hoo..." the archers in the surrounding area shot their arrows in an instant, and the small arrow rain went towards the human community.

"Ah... Damn..."

"Don't... Jiang Ting, how dare you order to kill me... Kill my Luo family... Er..."

"Spare my life, I don't want to die..."

Scream, howl, roar and so on.

But Lu Yuan didn't see it. He just surrounded the place, and many archers kept shooting. Only three waves of arrows rained down, and the whole square was killed.

Blood splashing, countless delicacies dyed red.


Min family.

The Min family is different from the Wang family and the Luo family.

Although the bottom of the Min family are enjoying the beauty of the end of the year... But the top of the Min family are all gathered in the ancestral hall.

Inside the ancestral hall, there is a large area of black kneeling. Outside the ancestral hall, there are dozens of people waiting quietly. They can't see the beauty of the end of the year at all.

Maybe it's also because of the rainy night. Even if it's already midnight, these people don't look sleepy.

"Dong..." I don't know how long later, the sound of a bell rang out in the Min family center and spread to the ancestral hall.

Inside the ancestral hall.

Min Hua kneels in front with a gentle woman.

At the sound of the bell, min Hua looked up at the countless memorial tablets in front of her.

After watching for a long time, min Hua said, "is it half the time?"

The woman behind him whispered: "father, it's just half an hour since the clock starts. The end of the year is over. It should be the day of the head of state."

Sound like a nightingale.

"The day of the Fuehrer."

After a murmur, min Hua got up slowly: "what happened to the Wangs and Luos?"

He turned and looked at many min's children in front of him. He sighed. He just felt confused and didn't know whether it was a blessing or a disaster.

Min Wen knelt on the ground and did not look up: "father, just came the news, the Wang family and the Luo family are killing, now the voice has begun to reduce, want to come... Want to come, those two families have been destroyed."

"Patriarch, Jiang Ting breaks the rules so much..." several min family members make a sound.

They're all old men who look like they're seventy and eighty.

When min Hua heard the speech, he was silent for a while and then said: "rules, rules only exist in peaceful and prosperous times... Since countless extraterritorial demons came from outside two years ago, the world has begun to be in chaos."

Another clan old man said with a little meaning: "how about recruiting soldiers with my min family's wealth and inside information?"

"The Min family can't compete with him." Min Hua sighs.

People in the ancestral hall frowned one after another.

Seeing this, min Hua suddenly sneered: "do you need me to tell you all kinds of dirty things in the clan? Soldiers... In the past, my min family kept 600 guardhouses and 300 green skins. These are all soldiers of my min family. But what are these people? Do you need me to say about the battle of guarding the city half a month ago? "

Although some people are unwilling, they don't know how to refute it.

"Alas..." with a sigh, min Hua looked back at your trump card: "the upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked, and you elders are not short of right and wrong discriminators. Even if our min family really recruits soldiers like him... It's just to raise more green skinned thugs. In the future, the people of Min family will be out and clean."

"Good." Countless min's children nodded that no matter what they thought, they would not come out at this time.

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