After su Jiu finished the intelligence, she waited for a long time without getting an answer from Jiang ting. She couldn't help but ask Jiang ting what he thought... She needs to know what Jiang Ting thought in order to decide what to do next.

Jiang Ting heard the speech and immediately recovered his mind: "you send people to min's house to accept it."

"Do you really want to marry her?" Su Jiu looks shocked.

In her opinion, how terrible is Jiang Ting's existence? How can she marry a mortal? And it's because of something else?

"If I don't marry, will I destroy the Min family?"

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting looked up at the sky: "it's easy to destroy the Min family... Unfortunately, after that, I lost my morality and reputation, and I didn't need to get married. All I needed was stability. It's OK to marry a vase and put it in the back."

"Xiao Jiu is going to send people." Su Jiu nodded and turned to leave.

Although she doesn't think min Yun is qualified... But since Jiang Ting has decided, no matter how incredible the choice is, she won't say anything.

She knows where she is.

Looking at her back, Jiang Ting added: "after nacai, tell min Hua that I will hold a banquet in the county government and invite him to the banquet in the evening."

"Good." Su Jiu nodded and then left.

This time, Jiang Ting did not continue to block.

It's more troublesome to get married in this world. It's not to mention asking for a marriage and then bringing people back.

There are six rites for marriage.

Nacai, ask for name, Naji, nazheng, ask for time, welcome... A series of things, not half a year.

Natze is to propose marriage!

Asking for names, exchanging birthdays... It's interesting to exchange birthdays between heaven and earth at the end of the Dharma.

Naji, after exchanging birthdays, will inform the result, at the same time also began to prepare betrothal gifts.

Nazheng, it's easy to give betrothal gifts.

Please agree on the date of marriage.

Pro Ying is to take the bride home for the wedding.

Six rites, also is a complete marriage process, cumbersome and cumbersome.

Thinking about it, Jiang Ting couldn't help looking at the sky: "don't tell her, or I always feel that something will happen..."

Here she is, of course, Chai Ying.

The lower world is nothing but a short journey of his life.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting tilts his head slightly and jumps out of the county government with his feet a little bit... He wants to go to min's house to have a look.

With his martial arts, even in the daytime, the Min family did not find out his truth. He wanted to see what it was like to be born with blood jade.

If it is really a kind of magic method that can be allowed under the final law... He may be able to take the opportunity to develop other means, such as curse!

If he can... In a world where the end of the law, he alone, want to win is not easy? It's exciting to think about it!

It's just, maybe it's just fantasy... The end of the law, the end of the law, where to come from!


Min house.

The deepest, a garden.

Min Yun and his maid are walking slowly in the garden, enjoying the rare beauty.

At the end of the year, the general situation is winter... But in the mainland, where does winter come from?

Although this world is the world of the end of law, it is true that there is no distinction between spring, summer, autumn and winter. Sometimes there are regional differences and seasons like spring.

Although there are December in this world, January is also the 30th, and there are four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter... But the four seasons in this world only represent the excess of some time.

Min Yun with the maid, walking in the garden... Suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, miss?" Asked the maid in the pink dress.

Min Yun, who likes a light green dress, shakes his head slightly and looks at the roof opposite the garden. His eyes show some confusion.

The maid followed and said, "Miss, is there anything there?"

"I don't know..." after that, min Yun was confused: "I just feel that something important is approaching..."

In the distance of Min Yun's sight, the roof.

Jiang Ting sits on the roof and hides his body with the help of his profession.

Eyes quietly looking at the garden: "this is the heart... Interesting, interesting, really, interesting!"

It's the fate of all ages.

He believed it.

When he saw min Yun, he knew that this world really ended the law... It was not the law that affected both sides.

It's the power of the world.

If he is really Qin Liang, that little influence will be enough to make him live and die with min Yun... Unfortunately, he is not Qin Liang.

He is Jiang Ting! He is the terrible supreme being of the three realms of rules!

The power of the world could not affect his heart.

Maybe min Yun and that Qin Liang did love each other for two generations, but they couldn't... why does the power of the world love each other? He doesn't know, and he's not interested in studying deeply.

Every world is different. Maybe that's what makes this world special?

Soon, Jiang Ting looked back and whispered: "it's a fact that she was born with blood jade in her mouth... Then, it's clear that Qin Liang, who had a destiny with her, died. How can he become me?"

What do you look like? In the eyes of ordinary people, it may be appearance... However, Jiang Ting controls three worlds in his hands. He knows that the world consciousness is not so stupid.

The world is never what you see. For the world, there is no difference between what people see.

Pondering for a long time, Jiang Ting's pupil suddenly shrinks: "is it not, replace?"

It suddenly occurred to him at the moment that... For the lower world, his body of will is an outsider and a domain outsider.

It is reasonable to say that the world will rebound against him, and he will be punished by heaven as long as he appears... But the fact is that every time he enters, he has never been punished by heaven.

It is because he has provoked the way of heaven that the sky and the sea are condemned by heaven.

There is only one way for him to avoid the curse of heaven. For the world, his identity is not an alien, but a native.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting suddenly shook his head: "also, how can I forget that I am the three realms of rules... Even if I have never paid special attention to them, I am a great terror to the lower world. World consciousness and the way of heaven have always been two things."

When he enters the lower world, he is a great terror to the world, and the world consciousness obviously will not irritate him... Therefore, at the moment when he enters the world, the world consciousness has arranged a native identity for him.

It's just that he never found out.

Since he will be given an Aboriginal identity... Then, his identity is, who looks like him, who will be his Aboriginal identity.

He doesn't know the identity of the empty sea world and the ghost world arranged by the world consciousness.

However, he has found out that Qin Liang is similar to him. Therefore, he has replaced Qin Liang. Because of this, min Yun, who has a lot to do with Qin Liang, has been transferred to him.

"When I go back, if I have leisure, I'd like to see why the world consciousness arranges a so-called fate." With a whisper, Jiang Ting ignored the garden and left in hiding.

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