Jiang Ting just gave a little smile: "girl, don't worry about it. Besides, your younger martial sister also needs this elixir. I have something else to do. Goodbye."

Jiang Ting is still so faint, and he is going to leave the cave.

However, Shangguan Lingxi still blocked Jiang Ting's way. She took out a silver talisman from her arms and said to Jiang Ting, "Young Master Yu, you saved our sisters. Our sisters have nothing to repay. We found this silver talisman from those people just now. Let's give it to the young master. I hope you can get a good place!"

Jiang Ting is willing to take this. He is worrying about it!

He quickly took it over and hugged Shangguan Lingxi and said, "then I would like to thank Shangguan girl!"

Put the silver talisman into Linglong ring and turn away.

Behind him, Xiaoqing also carefully followed, Jiangting just let Xiaoqing plate on his shoulder.

This time, instead of avoiding people, Jiang Ting slowly approached the crowded place.

The first one he found was Zhang Jia, whose disciples he used to be familiar with were basically all together and had set up a tent. It was night now, and someone was patrolling and on high alert. It was not for ordinary people to enter.

Jiang Ting wanted to leave, but suddenly he heard a burst of Jiao Chuan. It turned out that in a tent in the corner, the man who had been acting on Zhang Xinyan that day was staring at Zhang Xinyan with a wicked smile, and his big hand was rowing down Zhang Xinyan's snow neck

"Brother Yang, take it easy. People can't stand you like this..."

"What did you say? Again? " The man's face crossed a touch of unhappiness. Although he stopped the action in his hand, he didn't leave Zhang Xinyan.

In a word, Zhang Xinyan's face turned white with fright. He said with a smile to the man, "brother Yang, you have to keep your word. You said you would save my life, but I've given you everything!"

"Now that you know it, be good and take it off yourself!" Men are still with some cold, no feelings, but the fundus surging lust!

Zhang Xinyan looks at the man in a hurry, does it by himself, takes back his clothes, and kneels down at the man's feet

Jiang Ting was not in the mood to peek at these, but he realized what Zhang Xinyan should know!

If he didn't create a little confusion, he couldn't get something from Zhang Xinyan's mouth. He took a look at Xiaoqing and Jiang Ting noticed!

"Xiaoqing, you go there and create some confusion for me!"

However, after Jiang Ting finished this sentence, for a long time, Xiaoqing didn't respond at all. Jiang Ting could not help but be surprised. He almost didn't breathe. Xiaoqing's eyes focused on the living spring palace through the gap of the tent!

In an instant, Jiang Ting was covered with black lines. He shook his shoulder and said, "Xiaoqing, did you hear me?"

Xiaoqing was shaken by Jiangting for a while, looking at Jiangting with an unhappy face. It was clearly written on her face that it was so hard to see the picture once in a while. What kind of chaos did you make!

"Xiaoqing, you are still young. You'd better watch less and do some serious things quickly." Jiang Ting had no choice but to move and leave this position, which made Xiaoqing look sad.

"In this way, you help me finish my work, and I'll give you yuan Dan of any monster in the future, OK?" Jiang Ting had to coax Xiaoqing like this.

Xiaoqing nodded with satisfaction, and the expression of a small face was in place, indicating that she would do well what Jiangting had given her.

Jiang Ting then pointed to the tent far away from Zhang Xinyan and said, "if you go there, whether it's to attract some monsters, or you make trouble yourself, in a word, just lead the man in the tent. But you should pay attention to your own safety. This man is the fourth level cultivation in the bone refining period!"

Xiaoqing nodded, but immediately, Xiaoqing suddenly looked at Jiangting with a very strange look, as if Jiangting wanted to enter the tent to do something!

Jiang tingqi's nose is crooked. How can this little guy be so dirty? He can't help roaring at Xiaoqing: "don't you go quickly!"

Xiaoqing had to go with a smile.

Jiang Ting is very helpless, this kind of thing can't explain, because the more description, the more black it is!

When the time of a stick of incense passed, Jiang Ting's lips couldn't help but draw. What method did Xiao Qing use? So many monsters?

Make Zhang Jia immediately disorderly feet!

Zhang Xinyan, who used all his means to cover up the man, suddenly let out a look of panic when he heard the chaos outside. He quickly hugged the man and said, "brother Yang, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

The man frowned, pushed Zhang Xinyan away and said, "wait here until I come back, don't leave this tent, you will be OK!"

With that, the man left the tent. Before he left, a ban covered the tent, and he rushed to Xiaoqing.Jiang Ting also heard the man's low voice complaint.

"If I didn't need a silver talisman, I wouldn't bother to come to such a place. The women in the brothel have more taste than you!"

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly.

As soon as the man left, Jiang Ting came to the tent. After a little look, Shen Zhi understood the prohibition. After a few simple decisions, he opened a gap in the prohibition on the tent. Then he moved and walked in.

Zhang Xinyan is still surrounded by a quilt, even clothes have not had time to put on!

However, even to see such a Zhang Xinyan, Jiang Ting was still as calm as water.

Zhang Xinyan grabbed the quilt and asked in a trembling voice: "you Who are you

"You don't care who I am, just answer my question!" Jiang Ting deliberately changed a voice and said coldly.

Zhang Xinyan swallowed hard.

"What's the danger of Zhang's disciples in this ice fire forest calendar training?" Jiang Ting asked very frankly.

Zhang Xinyan was stunned. She could hear that although the voice was cold, it was totally different from that man's cold. Or, could this man be the one who could solve the disaster of Zhang Jia?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xinyan didn't care that he had nothing on him. He got out of bed and knelt down in front of Jiang ting. He kowtowed and said repeatedly: "please, help me, help Zhang Jia."

Jiang Ting was not moved at all, but said faintly: "tell me, what happened?"

Zhang Xinyan grabbed the quilt and wrapped her body. She had never seen such a calm man!

"I just heard Zhang Xinli say that they won't come. This time, the three great families will be hit hard. I There is no way, I want to live, I just I beg for publicity and come to the forest of ice and fire! " Zhang Xinyan said with a choking voice.

Jiang Ting's heart quickly analyzed this matter, did not see Zhang Xinyan cry.

"Uncle Jiang, I can't manage anything else, but no matter who the Jiang family is, I can't let the people of Panlong mansion succeed!" Jiang Ting tells Jiang Qianqiu.

"Boy, do as you can." Jiang Qianqiu reminds a way.

Jiang Ting nodded slightly, then continued to ask Zhang Xinyan: "Zhang Xinli and others, where did they come from?"

Zhang Xinyan shook his head, lowered his eyes and said, "I don't know. None of us knows where they came from. In a word, now, even the owners of Zhang's family have to listen to them!"

Jiang Ting nodded and left without a word.

Zhang Xinyan finally saw a glimmer of hope. How could he just give up? Despite the fact that his quilt slipped, he hugged Jiang Ting's calf and said, "young master, please help me!"

"Save you?" Jiang Ting's mood, I don't know what it feels like. If this woman never leaves her, he will do whatever she says. But at the beginning, what she chose was to leave heartlessly, so Jiang Ting won't be soft hearted!

Zhang Xinyan nodded and pleaded: "young master, please save me, you save me, whatever you want!"

"Ha ha..." Jiang Ting stretched out his hand, pinched Zhang Xinyan's jaw and said faintly, "you are very beautiful..."

Zhang Xinyan quickly showed a smile that she thought was the most charming. She really didn't want to compromise under that man. That man was a pervert. It was torture to her!

Once, Jiang Ting would like to see such a smile, but now, he has no feeling for such a smile, just coldly said: "it's a pity, I don't like bitches!"

With that, he left Zhang Xinyan and left the place.

Zhang Xinyan firmly remembers this person. She feels like she is dreaming, but when she wakes up, she still has to face the cruel man!

Jiang Ting left here and took Xiaoqing away. What will happen next to Zhang Jia? He doesn't care. He continues to look for the people of Jiang family!

In front of Jiang's camp, people are sleeping quietly to replenish their strength. The campfire outside the tent is burning, dispersing the darkness of the night.

In the very quiet night, suddenly a scream rang, all the disciples of the Jiang family woke up!

"Who is it?" The night watchman immediately ran to the place where the accident happened. Jiang Bao, the bodyguard leader of the Jiang family, also rushed to the place and asked coldly.

"Ha ha, those who want your life!" The other side's voice said coldly, standing in front of the Jiang family.

"You are "The shadow killer pavilion?" Jiang Bao has seen a lot and recognized this man's identity soon!

"Ha ha, you have insight!" The man in Black said coldly, "since you recognize my identity, are you suicidal or waiting for me to do it?"

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