Because the army entered the city, and because some of the soldiers turned to attack their former comrades, the battlefield was extremely chaotic.

At this time, Jiang Ting didn't fight for credit, just stood on the chariot outside the city and watched quietly.

About a quarter of an hour later.

It is obvious that the resistance of the county city is coming to an end in the process of cleaning.

"General, except that a very small number of people who resisted entered many people's houses and courtyards to hide, there was no more resistance in the county and city." Lu Yuan and other three with many generals quickly close.

The hidden meaning in the words is that the county city has won.

"Not bad." Jiang Ting sighed.

Lu Yuan's three people smile.

After a while, Jiang Ting, who didn't know his name, frowned: "general, although the county city has been in control, many aristocratic families still exist. When we fought just now, we carefully checked that all the soldiers guarding the city are soldiers from the government and newly recruited soldiers. The courtyard of aristocratic families has never appeared. These aristocratic families have no resistance, so we can't attack them."

Another general nodded: "yes... There are too many aristocratic families in the city. If they are framed, there will be too many flaws."

Jiang Ting's eyebrows quietly picked... He knew what the general meant.

The power of aristocratic families is not low. At least, it's not difficult for each family to gather hundreds of nursing homes. There's no reason to start. The county and city will be in turmoil.

Thinking for a while, Jiang Ting whispered: "how many families are there in this county?"

Between the words, Jiang Ting saw that the flag belonging to the state of Zhao had been cut off at the head of the county city, and he set up a new flag with the character of Jiang!

Xie Hong took the lead in saying: "five."

"So much?" Jiang Ting's eyes showed an accident. He thought there were only three.

After all, no matter where you are, tripartite confrontation is the best... Tripartite confrontation can ensure that unless you have the advantage of crushing, if not, no family dares to open the war in advance, so as not to be profited.

As a result, there are five?

It should be said that it is worthy of being a county city.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting raised his head: "Han Zhuo!"

"General." Han Zhuo approaches quickly.

Jiang Ting looked at him for a long time and then said, "you don't seem to have made a move in this battle?"

Attack county city, Han Zhuo, a person did not kill, even did not advance near the county city, just looking at.

After a moment of silence, Han Zhuo knelt down on one knee: "after all, the county city is the hometown of the last general. Even if the last general doesn't fight, the general can easily take the county city. I hope the general will make atonement."

At present, it is impossible for the army to be alone... Everything should be done according to military discipline.

Looking at Jiang Ting again, he pondered slightly for a while and said softly: "according to the custom, that part of the hidden rebel forces will certainly find a way to turn to the aristocratic family, or try to escape."

"Don't worry, general. There are xuanqingwei. They can't make waves." A man who had not been dressed in armour uttered a respectful voice.

Look carefully, who is that person not Chu Bai.

At this point, I have to mention that xuanqingwei, a special force formed by Su Jiu half a year ago.

Xuanqingwei is not a soldier. There are only 3000 people in xuanqingwei. Su Jiu manages them. Every one of them is selected by Su Jiu himself. They are all first-class experts. They are good at information for the time being.

Once the power increases, all kinds of bad things may appear, and there may be deception, so xuanqingwei will appear.

Su Jiu's two former followers, Chu Bai and Qi Feng, were also at the top of xuanqingwei. Of course, although Su Jiu was in charge, xuanqingwei's original intention was to let Jiangting take charge.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ting is not interested in these, so Su Jiu is always in charge.

Looking at Jiangting again, after taking a look at chubai, he thought for a while and then said, "Han Zhuo."

"The end will come." Han Zhuo responded quickly.

Jiang Ting slightly tilted his head: "you should understand my temperament. No matter what city, I only need a family to take care of me for the time being. In the future, even if I need to support the rise of a new aristocratic family, I will only support a poor family, not an old family."

"I understand." Han Zhuo's mood suddenly became cold... He knew that the destruction of the county did not mean that the blood would stop.

County City, next will encounter a cleaning, a cleaning for aristocratic families.

As if knowing what he thought, Jiang Ting said slowly: "you've been with me for a long time. I want you to know that what I don't like most is playing tricks with aristocratic families."

"I understand." Han Zhuo exhaled slightly to suppress his uneasiness.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting gently waved: "set out to the sheriff's house... I will give you the right to transfer the two armies at will, and then give you five hundred Xuanqing guards... Half a month, half a month later, I only need one family in this county city. As for which one is left behind, you can do it by yourself. I only ask that the family left behind know the advance and retreat, and know the current affairs."

According to Jiang Ting's division of the army, there are 1000 soldiers in one army and 2000 soldiers in two armies!

It's not Jiang Ting's nature to do everything by himself. Some of the most unimportant aristocratic families can be left to the people under his command. He is not alone. Why bother?

As for supporting Han Zhuo as the main vein, let Han Zhuo become the main vein as the family and clan leader... Is this difficult? Jiang Ting gave him two thousand soldiers and five hundred xuanqingwei, but he couldn't solve it... A waste, not qualified to occupy a high position.

The chariot moved slowly into the city, and with the support of the soldiers, it headed for the prefecture.

"Half a month..." looking at Jiang Ting's back, Han Zhuo's face was slightly heavy.

There are five families in the city... The four families that have been cleaned can't be attacked without any reason. That will affect Jiang Ting's reputation. He needs reasons to clean up.

Reason... It's really not difficult to find a reason. As long as he can let the Han family only have his voice, it's not too easy to find a reason to clean the four families with the help of the Han family's records.

"Brother hanzhuo, although the young master criticized you for five hundred xuanqingwei, you know that we had almost no foundation in the county before xuanqingwei."

With the voice, Chu Bai and Qi Feng close, look helpless: "the Xuanqing guards in the city, there are only less than 20 people, the rest want to come, at least 10 days."

Han Zhuo looked back at them for a while and then said: "this is what the young master ordered. It delayed the great event of the young master. Even if I was severely punished, you two would be involved. After all, except Miss Su Jiu, xuanqingwei is the most powerful one."

Wherever it is, there is a fight.

These people, except because of Su Jiu's various training and influence, maintain their loyalty to Jiang Ting... But if they are human beings, they will have selfishness. If they are in a high position, they will start to fight.

For example, at this time.

Chu Bai and Qi Feng's faces sank quietly.

However, these are almost under the control of Jiang ting and Su Jiu... If all the people under his command have only one voice, then either they are just puppets without thoughts.

Or, those people are cheating!

The reason why people are people is that people's minds are unpredictable!

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