Many aristocratic families in Wuxi County have been disarmed by Jiangting, so no one dares to raise private soldiers.

Even if there are, there are only dozens of people who can survive. The army of Jiangting is in hand, and the aristocratic families are just jumping up and down. Su Jiu is there. He is not worried, but just makes him feel sick.

What he cares about is that the anti rebel army of the state of Zhao... In Tielong pass, he has deployed 50000 troops. In addition, there are only 52000 soldiers to fight.

If he doesn't let the ten thousand soldiers of Ke Yang's garrison rush to help, he wants to deal with Zhao's army, which is not easy.

When he thought about it again, Han zhuoche whispered: "son."

Jiang Ting's look suddenly shocked... Heirs?

On the other hand, Han Zhuo's words made him feel relaxed. He bowed his head and said, "the end will surpass... However, the foundation of the king is to fight for the king alone. Now, although his wife lives in the county, she has no children under her knees. It's hard to gather people's hearts."

The more he said, the more fluent Han Zhuo's words were: "Wang's martial arts are superior and invincible, and no one can cause damage to him, but others don't know the truth... In other people's eyes, when fighting, there is no eye for swords and guns. If Wang has a slight accident in the battlefield, there will be no successor. At that time, the army will be scattered."

Jiang Ting's eyes slightly pick... I have to say that Han Zhuo's words, in this world, are indeed extremely transcendent, but they are also from the heart.

Han Zhuo has already knelt down on one knee: "the aristocratic families attach the most importance to inheritance. Now the king has no children. No matter how brilliant the king is, no one will be like a rootless duckweed. No one dares to take risks. If the king has a future, the great cause can be inherited and people will gather together."

Leave the children?

Jiang Ting's eyes are more and more strange... It seems that he has no children all the way up to now, right?

Keep one?

This idea disappeared before it was raised. It's just a lower bound. How can he leave his children here... And if he does, it's more trouble.

It is impossible for his descendants to stay in the world of the end of the law and sink in this world... Not to mention, what he pursues is to see what kind of elegant demeanor the detached realm is.

Here, it's just the scenery of the past, a very insignificant scenery in his memory.

Of course, these words are not enough for external humanity.

In such a state of mind, Jiang Ting's face remained unchanged: "don't be in a hurry... Prepare to deal with the Zhao army first."

People here look at each other and look at each other.

After a while, Lu Yuan said: "Tielong pass, flat terrain, Zhao army, not stupid enough to Tielong pass outside and confrontation with us, must be in the pass and confrontation with us..."

Jiang Ting shook his head: "I don't understand the art of war. You consult with each other and tell me the result."

He really doesn't know the art of war, and he doesn't want to learn it... Of course, he doesn't know it, only for his level. Second time, he knows the art of war.

However... He is the king, not the general!

For example, Ke Yang, who is the king of Zhenyang, always asks the commander of Nanli to fight in person.

So, even if he knows the art of war... However, his goal here is to stay in peace, not to compete with these subordinates.

"There is no place to ambush in the pass. When the army comes, we have to fight them."

After a pause, Lu Yuan said with a smile: "but it's not bad. When the army of Zhao comes, we can only make a detour. As long as the army of Zhao comes, we can cut off the supplies of Zhao. They go deep alone. Without supplies, they can't consume us."

Gai Yi also nodded: "yes, with our army's many military formations, plus four veterans among them, fighting in military formations, although the number of people can't match Zhao, but the confrontation is not difficult. For a longer time, Zhao soldiers without supplies must be in chaos."

"In that case, prepare." Jiang tingdian didn't say anything.

He has better strategies. For example, if he leads the army, he will certainly set up a plan to lead the Zhao army into the Jinning mountains, and then turn it away from the mountains with bows and arrows, and set the mountain on fire.

He is the king, not the general.


In a twinkling of an eye, twenty days later, Zhao's anti rebel army finally arrived. The distance between the two armies was only three li, and there could be a encounter at any time.

Tielong pass.

Because the two armies were about to fight, the residents and merchants of tielongguan had already left.

Guannei, a plain near the mountains.

Fifty thousand troops of Jiangting are camped here.

Living in the tent, Jiang Ting can clearly see that all the soldiers, whether they are still on sentry duty or undergoing routine training, are not squinting and stand upright. Moreover, all the soldiers seem to be powerful.

During the practice, they were even more in good order without any chaos.

On the surface, none of the soldiers were miscellaneous soldiers... But Jiang Ting knew that more than half of the soldiers were recruits, but they had been specially trained for several months.

When there's no fighting, how many people can keep calm when there's blood flying around?

Fortunately, he is strict in military management and strict in military law, which can ensure military discipline to the greatest extent. As for more, he has no way.

Barracks, central ledger.

Watching for a while, Jiang Ting sat quietly in the first place, and below were nearly 20 people, including Han Zhuo, who were all powerful generals in the army.

After seeing everyone, Jiang Ting said, "the news can be found out."

"Find out."

With the voice, Lu Yuan got up and looked strange: "this time, the leader of Zhao state is Zhu Jin. He is the direct son of the commander of Zhao state's border army. He grew up in Zhao state."

"The direct son of the commander of the border army." Jiang Ting's eyes were slightly picked, and he didn't say anything.

A big general got up and grinned: "Zhu Jin, the last general has heard of... Although this man is the son of the commander in chief of Zhao's border army, the second son has never had a leader, and he can only talk on paper. It seems that Zhao thinks that we are doomed, and the commander in chief of the border army has sent his son here to gild us."

"Before we fight, we must first say we are defeated. Only in this way can we be cautious." Jiang Ting looks the same.

When the general heard the speech, he went around his head and kept silent.

Except for Han Zhuo, none of these generals is a descendant of a noble family. They all rose up in the army with military achievements... Well, even in this big account, except Han Zhuo and Gai Yilu yuan, Xie Hong, the others are illiterate, just ordinary people.

Only by daring to fight and kill, and even by making military contributions when expanding territory several times, and by gaining Su Jiu's recognition and trust, can we stand here.

On the one hand, they can't govern, but if they fight, these people are not bad, even if they can't be commanders, but they are first-class generals.

Another man said: "how to fight tomorrow?"

All the people glanced at each other, and then they all looked at Jiangting... Jiangting is here, so it's impossible for them to be the masters.

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