Facing the general's sneer, Zhu Jin's counselors began to sigh, and her voice was full of worry.

Many generals continued to sneer: "ha ha, what if you don't go into the mountains? We are stuck here, losing the overall situation of Yunjiang king to stabilize Wuxi County. I'd like to see if Wuxi County can still be stable! "

"Before that, we will die first." The counselor took a look and whispered.

Zhu Jin frowned slightly: "why do you say that?"

When the counselor heard the words, he was silent for a while and then sighed: "compared with the rebels, we have no way out... The three armies have not moved, and the grain and grass are in the first place, but the grain and grass of our army can not be replenished three days ago."

All the people here suddenly changed their looks.

After a while, Zhu Jin's eyes showed cold: "Damn, the marching speed was too fast before, the grain road was not suitable for marching... Calculate the time, our army should have half a month's grain."

The Counselor's face was also very ugly: "we didn't expect that the rebels would hide in the mountains... We could hold on for half a month, but Wuxi County, even if there was no Jiangting in charge, had Jiangting's cronies personally handle the government affairs. Wuxi County could not afford to be in chaos for at least three months."

Zhu Jin looks more and more gloomy: "send scouts into the mountain."


In a flash, five days passed.

These five days, Zhao Jun has been sending scouts into the mountains.

However, as long as their scouts enter the mountain, they will be killed.

If any scouts are lucky enough to come back alive, the report is that the Jiangting army has set up an ambush in the mountain forest with the help of the mountain forest.

And Zhao Jun... well, it's not chaotic. After all, there is no shortage of food and grass for the time being.

Another noon.

Zhu Jin looked at the mountains, only feeling very angry... If the confrontation, even if he lost nothing, after all, inferior.

But... Jiang Ting fought with them in the mountain forest.


It's really irritating!

"The rebels are cooking again." Several counsellors approached Zhu Jin.

They can see a lot of smoke in the mountains.

Zhu Jin secretly scolded: "damn the rebels."

"There are ten days of food left."

After a pause, a counsellor whispered, "we can't delay any longer... The rebels are now hidden in the mountains. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for us to eliminate them."

Another Counselor said: "Yang Mou, the rebels are just Yang Mou. We don't have enough food and grass to feed them. Otherwise, they won't go into the mountain so decisively."

Zhu Jin felt a headache when she heard the speech.

After a while, he said, "how about leading the army to the mountain?"

Here, the moment became silent.

For a long time, the counselor said: "the scouts saw the trace of the Ke Yang rebels in the mountain forest... If we go into the mountain, we will face two rebels."

Not into the mountains?

After a moment's silence, Zhu Jin said: "call back the scouts, let them eat and drink tonight... Tomorrow, enter the mountain!"

The counselors glanced at each other and looked hesitant.

When Zhu Jin saw this, she sneered: "you said, it's a conspiracy... It's being consumed. Once we lose our food and grass, our body will be weak. At that time, the rebels will randomly draw out ten thousand people to kill us. I'm afraid we can't stop it!"

In fact, he didn't want to enter the mountain at all... But he had to enter the mountain. If not, sooner or later, the army would starve to death.


The next day.

Under the leadership of Zhu Jin, the army full of wine and food entered the mountain.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to enter the mountain at the same time. Instead, he sent the former army into the mountain first... Then, the former army was attacked violently.


Tielong pass, the edge of the mountains.

Jiang ting with a few people hidden in the dark, standing in a higher place, looking at the movement of Zhu Jin's army, with a smile on his face.

After five days, he thought Zhu Jin would enter the mountain in three days at most. After five days, he entered the mountain on the sixth day.

Chu Bai was excited: "I'm afraid Zhu Jin didn't expect that we would let most of Ke Yang's troops change into our clothes."

"It's true that his former army was attacked, and then he would not doubt anything. He would order all the troops into the mountain..."

After a pause, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth Rose: "it's time for the war to end... Go to summon orders, and be ready to set fire at any time. Then he surrounded the neighborhood, and Zhao Jun, who ran out, gave them a ride."

"No!" Chubai retreats.

Then, after Jiang Ting's gaze, about half an hour later, Zhu Jin's army went into the mountains and rushed madly in the direction of Ke Yang's army.

After that

There are many fires in the mountains at the same time.

Less than 30 minutes later, the fire broke out, and the mountain beside tielongguan turned into a vast sea of fire.

If he was close, Jiang Ting might still hear the scream. Unfortunately, he didn't go there at all, so he could only see the sea of fire.

When the fire broke out together, he knew that the battle had been settled.


In the mountains.

The two sides who were still fighting raised their heads at the same time. They saw that there were fires in all directions, and so many fires appeared at the same time... It could not be a fire at all, it could only be that someone deliberately set the mountain on fire!

"There's a fire..."

"Damn the rebels... Are you crazy? There are still those rebel comrades here..."

"No... I'm not Jiang Jun, damned king Yunjiang. Aren't you afraid of my king's anger?"

"Run, the rebels are burning the mountain..."

Countless roars began to spread.

Because of the emergence of the sea of fire, the two sides no longer interested in fighting, they fled in the mountains and forests. The direction is the center of the mountains and forests... The sea of fire began to spread from the outside, and now the direction they can escape is only in the depth of the mountains and forests.

It's a pity... The sea of fire is merciless and vulgar. Who can resist the burning of the sea of fire?

This fire, once burned, burned for half a month, where the fire passed, everything was burned to ashes, the original lush mountains, under the fire, only the Black Mountains.


Tielong pass.

"Xili..." the storm is raging.

Jiang Ting stood at the head of the city with a tung oil umbrella. Looking at the mountains in the distance, he sighed: "setting fire to the mountains is really not a good thing."

That fire killed Ke Yang's ten thousand soldiers and all the Zhao troops.

Originally, he had sent thousands of people to cut down all the trees on the other side of the fire, in order to prevent the spread of forest fires.

Unexpectedly, his means were useless. After the mountains were completely burned, many of the people he photographed to contain them were burned to death, and even began to spread.

But fortunately, after burning for a long time, it suddenly began to rain, and the storm put out the fire... If not, Jiang Ting felt that the fire he set might burn the whole Jinning mountains.

"Wang, I have sent the news to Zhenyang king as you ordered."

With the voice, Chu Bai with an umbrella close, Gongsheng: "Zhao this 100000 soldiers were killed, want to come to Zhao in a short period of time can no longer levy."

Jiang Ting took back his sight: "then go back. Now Wuxi County is in the hands of the king. Let the craftsmen accept all kinds of veins, weapons and armor, and speed up the forging speed."

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