When the subpoena failed to get a response, Jiang Ting soon remembered that Chai Ying's rule was not time, or even supreme.

Even if Chai Ying evolved the world on his own, with his experience, Chai Ying could not increase the flow of time... According to the process of his previous evolution of the world and the time consumed.

Without the help of controlling the rules of time, even with his experience, Chai Ying would need at least 10000 years, even 20000 years to succeed.

Chai Ying got the light of detachment 3000 years ago... In the next 10000 or 20000 years, he couldn't find Chai Ying.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting whispered: "Xiaoying, I'll wait for you to break through..."

Open your mouth, but be silent.

All the sounds are left in the void through the imprint, waiting for Chai Ying to receive them.

His words are not complicated. He just tells Chai Ying that there is a world of science and technology. He tells her that there is no need to go down to the world and take the origin of the world. He tells her the general pattern of magic space.

After talking for at least half an hour, Jiang Ting stopped talking. He also thoroughly told the existence of Hunyuan yundao tree and the space of gods and demons, which is the origin of Gongji.

Let Chai Ying join in, and then she can send chessmen. When she gets the news from Yuanyuan Gongji, she will send chessmen to capture it.

And detached... He can't speak.

In his opinion, although the channel of detachment is difficult, it is not too difficult... It is just like the hint that emperor Shitian once left behind.

Understand, also can be detached.

I don't understand... Even if Jiang Ting tells Chai Ying how to do it, it's useless.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting can only say: "after everything is finished, don't care too much about the evolution of the world and the capture of Hunyuan yundao tree, leave all this to the chess pieces and insects to do... Detachment, more understanding of the mountains and rivers, more understanding of the world."

At this point, Jiang Ting hesitated for a while, but he still withdrew his mind from nothingness and stopped summoning.


The more you say, the more mistakes you make.

Everything needs Chai Ying's own understanding... Maybe the landscape world?

In fact, Jiang Ting is not sure... Even though he has realized it, in fact, he is still a little confused. He doesn't know how he suddenly realized it after he had been isolated for 200000 years.

He doesn't think too much... He can't help Chai Ying, so he can only give some advice, which is the only thing he can do.

After taking back his sight, Jiang Ting slowly closed his eyes: "the ninth reincarnation, the eighty first reincarnation..."

There are two ways to achieve transcendence, the ninth reincarnation or the eighty first reincarnation.

The ninth reincarnation... Forbid all feelings, mood and so on, only keep the most simple memory for reincarnation, also only nine reincarnation opportunities.

No, it should be eight times... Because Jiang Ting still needs eight kinds of Tao, and each reincarnation needs to cultivate one kind of Tao to the extreme and reach the point of controlling the rules.

Any failure of reincarnation means that there is no hope of detachment.

On the other hand, the reincarnation of the eighty first generation still only needs to control eight kinds of Tao. Does it look good?

However, if you choose eighty-one reincarnation, memory, perception... Everything needs to be sealed, leaving only a trace of the most simple spirit for reincarnation.

This second kind is almost impossible to choose!

Because, when you completely seal the memory, only when you practice to control the rules, the memory will recover... At that time, was Jiangting still Jiangting at the moment?

Is the memory of his first life just a picture for the second? An unimportant but secret memory that cannot affect the second consciousness?

Not to mention, there are eight kinds of Tao and eight kinds of memories left... Although it may be him in essence, he may not be really him.

Most importantly, after sealing memory, can you still go on the road of cultivation? If you are still mortal, you will be killed by robbers or something. After you start to practice, you will be killed by the enemy, and you will be killed by plotting... There are many ways to die.

After sealing everything, there are only 81 opportunities, but eight of them need to master the rules!

There are too many uncertainties and too many hidden dangers.

Indeed, it is not desirable!

The choice is the first one, the ninth reincarnation, to keep the memory... Even if you lose something, as long as you remember as always, Jiangting will always be the present Jiangting.

Not to mention, as long as he does not lose his memory, his vision is still there... His vision is there, and his experience is there. As long as he is careful and steady, no matter how talented he is, Jiang Ting has the confidence to re cultivate to the extreme of a certain road.

Just, how can it be so simple?

Looking at the world, Jiang Ting slowly closed his eyes... His transcendence is like this. Maybe it's difficult, but it's not very difficult.

After closing his eyes for a long time, Jiang tingcai whispered: "according to his words, no one in this era and the previous one can get rid of... The ninth reincarnation is so simple."

He in the speech, of course, is the only transcendent existence, Song Qing.

Whether it is really simple or not, he is not sure. Only when he starts reincarnation can he know.

Before long, Jiang Ting consciously gave Chai Ying's advice, and there was no flaw in his thinking about the ninth reincarnation. Instead of hesitating, he directly tore space and ran into the river of time.

It's a long time.

After the arrival of the separation, Jiang Ting's mind turns, and his real body flies out of the river of time... Before he disperses his incarnation and his will returns to his real body, his mind is in a daze.

He can feel that his real strength has soared nearly dozens of times!

Soon, Jiang Ting laughs: "yes, it's been 200000 years. I'm afraid the war between those who were ready to blend in before is over, and the reincarnation that was ready to take part in is over."

The avatar is gone and the will is back to the real one.

Immediately, he immediately realized that although his strength had increased countless, strictly speaking, his real body could not use much power.

His real body suppresses the magic space, countless forces spread in all kinds of world, constantly monitoring all kinds of chess pieces, changing tasks at any time and so on.

As for the magic space... There are not too many creatures in his magic space. There are only a few million in total. His strength, let alone, is almost his strength. He can recover it at any time.

There are more than 500 worlds in his body, which is quite different from that of the previous time when he was autistic. The only pity is that there is no stock of the origin of the world in the magic space.

If he didn't understand what is detachment, he might be very excited by the surge of strength... Unfortunately, knowing what is detachment, he suddenly wasn't very interested in the evolutionary world.

More than 500 worlds have evolved in 200000 years, which sounds very rare... But in fact, there are quite a few.

After all, there is no need for Jiang ting to take part in the task himself. It's all about remotely controlling all kinds of chess pieces to complete the task... It's not easy for a chess piece to be able to help Jiang Ting capture the origin of the world.

It's not just pulling a chess piece to kill insects, but pouring super high strength can start to carry out the capture task!

First, we need to cultivate the mind and the ruthless means

After a glance, Jiang Ting ignores the space and inner world of the gods and demons, and falls into the river of time... It is clear how to get rid of them, and the road ahead is clear.

It's time to start, reincarnation.

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