Reincarnation, such as Jiang Ting's ability or control of the rules, the reincarnation of other creatures... Unless the complete spirit is preserved.

If not, the reincarnation of the remnant will only add a little intelligence to the living beings, or maybe add a little talent, that's all.

Even without reincarnation, it doesn't matter.

Just like the world of origin, reincarnation and the nether world have destroyed many years, and the battle of the strong will affect many mortals... Can you try, the world of origin is not always strong, and there are countless creatures?

In such a state of mind, Jiang Ting ignored the external situation and was in a daze.

Slowly, in Jiang Ting's silence, his body slowly took shape in the woman's abdomen, hands, feet, ears, nose, mouth and eyes also took shape.

Although Jiang Ting could feel his new body, he didn't dare to move.

The unborn baby is too fragile. If he dares to move, there will be a big problem.

With the appearance of his body, his reincarnated parents also found that the woman was pregnant... However, Jiang Ting found that the woman was still working.

I'm afraid there's no hope for you to cultivate a noble family. Otherwise, pregnant people will not work.

Unfortunately, poor... Born ordinary people, I'm afraid the difficulty of his life's cultivation is much higher.

Still sighing, Jiang Ting's mood suddenly slightly flustered... I don't know when, he found that his memory was being covered with dust.

This is... The mystery of the fetus!

This is the suppression of the newborn by heaven and earth, the suppression balance of the reincarnation by heaven and earth, and the fairness to children.

Jiang Ting thought that, with his vast memory, heaven and earth could not be suppressed... But unexpectedly, heaven and earth could still be suppressed.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Jiang Ting knows that he is in big trouble.

If it is the reincarnation of the remnant soul, once it encounters the mystery in the womb, countless memories will be covered with dust. Sooner or later, it will grow into the food of new consciousness, just like the moon god king in the endless realm, which is the reincarnation of the strong.

But after reincarnation, the magic moon god is not the strong one in the last life, but a new consciousness.

The mystery in the womb... The balance between heaven and earth and living beings.

But he is different from Jiang ting.

His memory is too vast, and his split soul is not a remnant, but he split from the spirit.

Therefore, even if they encounter the mystery of the fetus, the baby will not be born with new consciousness. On the contrary, because of the dust of his memory, the baby will become a fool.

Only when he reaches a certain age and the ghost becomes stronger enough to carry his memory can his memory recover.

According to his estimation, it will take him 10 to 20 years to recover with the help of his real body and soul

An ordinary family, a fool... Suddenly he was a little flustered.

Don't drown this family before they recover their memory!

If so, his memory will not recover

"Damn... It's just detachment!" I can't help but hate Jiang ting.

The ninth wheel round is one side, but it can be detached... He had made a general plan, but unexpectedly, he had not been born yet, and he was about to suffer such a catastrophe.

Or, he can not grasp, can only rely on the hope of catastrophe.

After a moment of confusion, Jiang Ting suddenly became calm again: "I hope you don't be stupid, alas..."

Now, he can't influence anything.

In addition to waiting quietly, he can not.

I do not know how long later, Jiang Ting's memory completely dust, completely disappeared.

Also with his memory completely disappeared, the body has been thoroughly pregnant, with a cry... See the light.


A small mountain village somewhere.

The sun is in the sky.

A boy in coarse linen, who looks like he is about twelve or thirteen years old, is sitting quietly on the bench. Outside the fence, there are houses made of various boards.

They're all low rooms.

Several young boys passed by, laughing: "look, the fool is in a daze again."

It turns out that the boy sitting quietly on the bench is not very quiet... Instead, he is a fool.

True sense of the fool, do not love to talk, love to sit quietly.

And talk... Fool, can't talk.

A little boy with a little fear said: "let's go, fool's parents are coming back, be careful to be scolded..."

The boy in the fence yard didn't listen, but still sat quietly.

About half an hour later.

A dark man came near the courtyard from outside the village. At the same time, a middle-aged woman was also near. Her face was covered with frost, her hands were calloused, and her clothes were mended many times.

As soon as she approached, the woman called with a smile: "Wen er."

The boy in the fence yard, hearing the call, immediately looked up with a silly smile and did not speak... In other words, the boy has not spoken since he made his voice.

Just, subconsciously eat, giggle, stay, sleep... Well, that's all the daily life of the boy.

The woman sighed softly: "Alas..."

"Father, mother." A rather thin girl came out from the corner of the fence yard, with a crisp opening.

The girl is also a little black, and her hands are cocooned. She looks much smaller than the teenager. Her clothes have been sewn and mended many times. Perhaps the only bright spot is that they are washed quite clean.

"Lil." The men and women at the door smile and enter the fence yard at the same time.

Juvenile, still giggling.

When the dark man saw the boy, his joy faded and he became gloomy: "is the meal ready?"

"All right." The girl asked for credit.

"I have to be busy in the afternoon for dinner..." the dark man shook his head.

Then, the woman approached the boy, helped him to a square wooden table not far away, and let him sit beside the dark man.

And go to the deep corner of the stove, and the girl will be what the meal to the four sides of the table.

The dead began to eat.

After eating, the girl and the woman began to clean up.

At the same time, the woman even said: "his father, wen'er will sit after dinner, and you will take care of him."

Hearing the words, the dark man looked at the boy and became gloomy again.

But I didn't say anything. When I got up and got close to the boy, I was ready to help him.

But didn't expect... Teenagers seem to develop habits or inertia?

When the dark man approached, the boy got up first, then raised his feet... Unexpectedly, he was stirred by the bench.

Bang, the boy fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there are a lot of fences in the yard, but the boy's face and whole body are stained with a lot of fences, which seems nothing.

The dark man seems to have been used to holding the boy close to a stone bench not far away... But the boy who fell down has no other reaction except giggle.

Mud or something. It's all cleaned by a dark man.

The dark man didn't find it. When the boy sat down, his silly smile suddenly disappeared, and his eyes... Appeared bright.

After about half a breath, both eyes became bright.

If you look at it carefully, although the boy is young... How similar is his face to Jiang Ting's?

No, it should be said that he is Jiang ting.

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