In the face of Chai Ying's story of the origin of the changes, without waiting for Chai Ying's complete story, Jiang Ting is surprised to ask... The power of the causal rule has been enhanced, so the strong one who controls the causal rule is not rising?

In the future, apart from the ordinary rule and the supreme rule, will there be a causal rule more superior to the supreme rule?

When Chai Ying heard the speech, she was stunned and then responded: "yes, you can't feel it now... The causal rule is still the causal rule of the past."

Jiang Ting was more and more surprised: "what do you call enhancement?"

Chai Ying pondered for a while, then explained: "it's not the rule of cause and effect that strengthens... I'm explaining it now, and you can't understand it. You can think that there is another way in the world, which can only be controlled by transcending the realm, the way of cause and effect."

Jiang Ting's eyebrows were slightly silent, waiting for an explanation... If it wasn't for his current state of mind, he would not have made a sound just now.

Then in Chai Ying's explanation, he learned again.

The so-called way of cause and effect is not aimed at ordinary practitioners, but at the existence of the three realms of rules.

The most powerful can't escape into many worlds. As long as they dare to enter, they will attract cause and effect... Cause and effect will be entangled, karma will appear, and then the fire of karma will burn people alive.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the three realms of rules can no longer enter the world... If the three realms of rules want to enter any world, they can only enter in the form of incarnation. Moreover, after entering, they can't interfere in everything between heaven and earth, they can only sit and watch the ups and downs.

If you intervene separately, you can also lead to cause and effect, and then be burned to death.

This sudden change is a real shock to the three realms of rules... But for ordinary people, it's actually no change, because in the past, they couldn't see the three realms of rules, even if they were lucky enough to see them, they couldn't recognize them.

Except for a few strong people who like to play with heaven and earth and people's hearts, it seems that there is no change? They were forced to live in another place.

Knowing all the explanations, Jiang Ting's eyebrows become strange... Unexpectedly, this time his reincarnation, there is such a shock?

But suddenly, Jiang Ting's face changed again: "no... damn it!"

Rule three can't interfere in everything between heaven and earth?

It didn't look like much, but he suddenly remembered that his magic space, his real body who had been in town for a long time.

His space, constantly in each world to pull pieces, and then throw to other world to help him capture the origin of the world or something... When he goes back, his real body has been burned to death by the so-called fire, that's a lot of fun.

"Don't worry. Time is special."

After a pause, Chai Ying shook her head again: "I use the method you taught to create a space of reincarnation. Although it will attract a lot of karma in the world, karma cannot enter into the long river of time. On the other hand, we have agreed rewards and punishments..."

All in all, most tasks don't attract cause and effect.

Only some key tasks that can capture the origin of the world or Hunyuan yundao tree will attract causality. Only because there are rewards and punishments in space, even if there are causality, it will only fall on their pawns.

Even if a small part of the cause and effect falls on them, they can't get into the long river of time. In addition, the three realms of rules are not mole ants, and a small part of the cause and effect karma is enough to be dispersed and refined by them.

Generally speaking, it's not a big problem. As long as the pieces don't close up too much, the speed of dispelling and burning can exceed the speed of absorbing cause and effect.

And before Chai Ying left, her real body was close to Jiang ting. She had already helped Jiang Ting inform Su Jiu, who was in the magic space. She also left some means in the magic space to help him disperse a lot of pieces... Well, Jiang Ting's real body is OK.

Jiang Ting slightly exhaled: "it's ok... Is there any news?"

Chai Ying shook her head when she heard the words: "there are so many things... However, I can't say it. Besides, I'm afraid the way of heaven in this world is about to collapse. I can't hide the power carried by my will incarnation."

Jiang Ting was stunned at first, and then he reacted... Now, he's just an ordinary person, a 16-year-old boy, a secret of the origin, or is he able to listen to the three realms of rules and the secret of beyond?

If Chai Ying hadn't been here, and if Chai Ying hadn't used some means he didn't find out, he would have died by now.

Not to mention... He is a 16-year-old boy, there is no need to know the origin of the shock.

"You really don't need my help?" Chai Ying is still making a sound.

Hearing the speech, Jiang Ting said without hesitation, "no, if you help me, I'm afraid it will damage my practice."

He had to be resolute in his refusal, so that his mood would not be able to resist the temptation.


Chai Ying's eyes suddenly flash... The only practice in the three realms of rules is to evolve the world, upgrade the world, reincarnation and practice!

Seeing this, Jiang Ting gently shook his head: "before you understand, don't enter reincarnation. What's more, it's not good for you... If you have leisure, you should find a place to understand Heaven and earth, and you should improve."

Maybe it's feeling heaven and earth. Jiang Ting is not sure.

Although he realized the power of detachment, he did not achieve detachment after all, so he did not understand.

"I'll try to find a world with slow flow of time to feel, and maybe I can get something."

After saying that, Chai Ying gently waved: "I should go."

She's not stupid. Jiang Ting refuses to help now. I'm afraid her existence is not good for Jiang Ting at the moment. Therefore, it's inevitable to leave.

I don't know when I will see you again, so before I leave

After about three breaths.

In Chai Ying's hand, there is a red rope about one foot long... It looks very common.

"What's this?" Jiang Ting's eyebrows are slightly raised.

"A rope, sealed a small space of frozen time in it." After that, Chai Ying waves and the red rope disappears.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared on Jiang Ting's right wrist, just like a bracelet. At the same time, there was a streamer rushing into Jiang Ting's mind.

After all this, the load on Chai Ying seems to be great, and her figure becomes extremely illusory.

Jiang Ting's face became a little more wonderful, with a happy look and a touch of helplessness... He had some palpitations, and his intuition told him that he was in trouble.

Big, unpredictable, trouble.

"Don't worry, red rope can only store things. Besides, it can make you remember me."

After that, Chai Ying's figure completely dispersed: "if there is any change that needs my help, you can touch it with your mind. In addition, that mark has no other effect."

Chai Ying's willpower completely disappeared, so she left.

Looking around, I don't know when it's dark.

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