Jiang Ting's sword doesn't have enough killing power. Although it's not strong enough because the mana hasn't been used to both hands... But it's a sword forged many times. The blade is very sharp!

It's not enough to kill with one sword. You can also see the difficulty of rats.

Maybe it's a swamp. It's full of snakes, insects, rats and ants. It's half a foot in size. It's almost as tall as a person standing up. I don't know what to eat. It's so big.

The gray rat stares at Jiang Ting: "Zhizhi..."

As if, looking for an opportunity to attack.

Jiang Ting wanted to take out his bow and arrow against the enemy... But after thinking about it, he gave up.

Bows and arrows need to be aimed. He is only 16 years old now. His spirit is too weak and his mind is not enough. He can't shoot arrows while casting his magic.

How can the power of bow and arrow compare with magic?

Unfortunately, although there is no need to seal a spell, it needs to operate in a special track in the meridians. It can't be instant. Otherwise, it's not too difficult to kill a rat.

Now, he can only show his flaws at the moment of launching the magic, and lure the rats to attack.

His eyes flashed, and Jiang Ting secretly turned his mana in his body. He was ready to cast both fireball and wind blade once to see which one had more damage.

About a breath later, Jiang Ting's fireball technique is about to take shape.

Jiang Ting suddenly deliberately stepped back to show his flaws.

The green eyes of the mouse showed bloodthirsty, turned into shadow and put it out... But at this time, Jiang Ting's fireball skill instantly turned into a ball, and the head size fireball was put out on the spot.

You can't borrow money in mid air... Unless the mouse can fly, there's no place to hide!

Bang, the fireball hit the rat solidly and exploded directly.

"Crackle..." obviously, the hair of the rat could not be set on fire, because of the explosion and diffusion of the fireball, the hair of the rat was ignited instantly.

By this time, Jiang Ting was retreating.

Rats burned to death?


The mice on fire all over the body fall to the ground of the swamp and tumble. The flames are mixed with the swamp and all of them are extinguished in an instant... The gray rats are all dark.

Jiang Ting also saw that where the fireball hit, all the flesh and blood were blasted, and bone could be seen.

Compared with his sword, the attack power of fireball has undoubtedly increased at least ten times.

Different from Jiang Ting's joy, the rat kept roaring, and his eyes became more bloodthirsty and fierce... The wounded rat was no longer in confrontation. As soon as the fire went out, it was put out again.

Jiang Ting did not hesitate to transfer.

"Boom..." the mouse hit the position where Jiangting was standing before, and the big tree was broken by the mouse on the spot. If it hit a person... With Jiangting's thin arms and legs, once it was hit, I don't know how many bones would be broken.

"Shouldn't rats have sharp teeth? I'll go Jiang Ting, a young man, couldn't help scolding him secretly.

He was really surprised. He thought that the mouse might be a big threat, but the threat should be fangs... However, the reality immediately taught him to be a man. How could the mouse have such a big impact as the cow?

And it's obviously faster than him... No wonder he feels dangerous.

If it wasn't for his extraordinary knowledge, if it wasn't for his calm mind... If it were for the other three levels of refining gas, I'm afraid he would have been tired of running for his life.

What's more, the other alchemy Level 3 should have no time to use magic when they are dodging, right?

Jiang Ting... He can!

To avoid the attack, he cut through the sky with a wind blade, just hitting the mouse who had just broken the tree.

"Yi" sound, wind blade, into the meat at least three inches, bring blood flying.

"Zhizhi..." the mouse's anger broke out completely, and his eyes began to turn red. He rushed to Jiangting faster than before.

However, at the moment when the rat came out again, Jiang Ting jumped to the right again, and at the same time, he took the opportunity to refine the wind blade and cut it... The rat seemed to have learned to be smart. After the attack failed, he did not pursue directly, but ran in other directions, just to avoid the wind blade.

"How cunning." Jiang Ting's eyebrows suddenly picked... He doesn't have much magic power in his body. If he fails too much magic, he can't deal with the rat.

It seems that it should be difficult to clean up the rat quickly.

Between the thoughts, Jiang Ting began to avoid again.


About a mile away.

A man and a woman are walking through the swamp at a very fast speed. They don't search everywhere. It seems that they have a fixed direction?

Men's face slightly masculine, bearing for ordinary people, is extraordinary.

The woman wears a white tights, looks more gorgeous and radiant.

Age, from the appearance, is more than 20 years old.

Move on for a while.

The man suddenly stopped: "there's movement over there."

The woman also stopped and said in a soft voice: "is there a fierce battle between people and monsters? Go and have a look?"

The man pondered for a while, nodded: "the aura fluctuation is about a mile away, it's not too far, maybe it's the same person, go and have a look."

Then they changed their direction and jumped to the place where the breath fluctuated.

About a quarter of an hour later.

A man and a woman stop at the same time, just to see, not far away, there is a pretty young face and a half Zhang size, half of the body are some fleshy mice in confrontation.

The arrival of the two also alerted the boy and the mouse.

"Zhizhi..." the mouse roared at them, and the fierce light in his eyes overflowed.

And the young man's brow was slightly wrinkled, but for a moment, it turned into calm again... This person is not Jiang Ting, who is it.

Jiang Ting glanced at the bloody mouse and frowned quietly... The rat's speed was too fast, and his attack skills were only fireball and wind blade.

Entangle for a quarter of an hour. After paying nearly half of the mana, the mouse is on the verge of being killed. He can be sure that the mouse will die after two spell attacks at most.

As a result, there are still other people in the forest, and they are coming at this time?

After seeing the scene clearly, the man and woman said, "Daoyou, do you want to help me?"

"No, thank you." Jiang Ting looks calm, but the mana in his body is running secretly.

When the two men's accomplishments were full of mana, he could see that they were higher than him. He didn't know how much higher they were. After all, the jade slips didn't record what the breath of each different level was.

But even so, when fighting, he doesn't have to be afraid of these two people, even if he only has half of the mana... People and monsters are different after all.

It seems that rat's wind blade and fireball skill are all right when he resists him, but if it's human, he will almost die when he goes down with a fireball skill and a wind blade!

The man laughed and didn't care: "since Daoyou don't need any help, goodbye at the gathering place... Sister green bamboo, let's go."

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