When Jiang Ting passed the roof of the village center, he heard the faint wailing and noticed the disgusting and extremely uncomfortable fury.

He was instantly certain... That it was, that the living soul was wailing.

The violent breath is the unwilling resentment of the living soul.

Moxiu, right here... The alert from his previous life made him want to step back in an instant. He turned into a shadow and rushed out of the village. What's more, he quickly took out the mission keepsake of the sect, prepared to activate the keepsake and sent out a signal to inform others.

Kill Moxiu?

It's always right to call for support first... Now that Moxiu has started to try to break through to the building base, it must be difficult to provoke. Be careful, there is no big mistake.

"Get up A voice full of hoarse pity suddenly sounded in the night sky.

After half a breath.

A curtain of blood suddenly rises, covering the whole village like a veil. Under the blood light, everything in the village is taken care of as blood.

As if he didn't see it, Jiang Ting continued to rush out of the village, and the mana also poured into the keepsake.

Because of the surge of his mana, the keepsake trembled slightly, and a white light rose up in the sky... However, the white light was instantly ablated by the blood curtain after encountering the blood light.

This is, array!

Array, cut off the subpoena.

"Trouble." With a murmur, Jiang Ting continued to rush out of the village.

"Boy, I'm very alert." A hoarse voice sounded behind him.

Jiang Ting didn't look back... He wasn't sure if he could fight that demon repair, so he needed to make sure that he had a way back.

About ten minutes later, at the speed of Jiangting, he approached the edge of the village.

With the approach, the extremely pungent smell of blood began to spread.

The array is like blood.

Jiang Ting stopped, and the mana, which had already started to work, surged out in front of him and waved his hand.

A long flame sword appeared and cleaved toward the blood curtain.

With a bang, the blood curtain trembled slightly, and the flame sword disappeared.

It's a big problem.

The attack power of the flame sword is very high, but it just makes the blood curtain tremble a little?

According to his understanding of the power of the array... If you want to break the array, you need at least three times the power of the flame sword in an instant before you can force an exit.

Or, the weak point of the attack array, the array eye... Is it just that the array of the immortal cultivation world is the same as the array in his memory?

Does the array of the way of cultivating immortals have the array eye?

He didn't see how to arrange the array in Xiuxian world, so he didn't know.

"Boy, are you very alert?" The hoarse voice sounded again.

Jiang Ting turned to see, just saw, a whole body is shrouded in a black robe under the figure quickly close.

After a while, it stopped on a roof ten feet away. Under the black robe, there was a morbid white old face... Because of the appearance of the man in black robe, there were more and more disgusting breath.

Faint wailing, more and more rich.

Cultivation, refining nine levels!

This must be what Jing Peng said.

The black robed man Moxiu did not rush to start, but looked at Jiang ting with great interest.


Silent for a while, Jiang Ting shrugged: "if I say, I'm just passing by, do you believe it?"

Black robed people play with the taste: "you look at your clothes and then I believe it or not."


Jiangting's clothes are the standard clothes of zishuangmen.

"It seems that there is no need to talk about it?" Jiang Ting sighed, the palm of his hand capsized, and the Yin erosion needle quietly floated above his palm, blooming in the blood.

The man in black looked up at the sky and laughed: "six levels of refining, do you have the courage to try to fight back? Ha ha, I appreciate you very much

Jiang Ting's eyes flashed, and the Yin erosion needle turned into three silver lights. At the same time, a fireball and wind blade cut through the night sky.

The black robed man sneered: "it's up to you? Who gives you the courage to do it to me

The voice falls, the black robed person's whole body fluoresces a flash, a blood color thin film envelops the black robed person.

"Zizizi..." the noise of metal corrosion sounded.

When you look carefully, you can see that two of the three silver rays of the Yin etching needle have been engulfed by the blood film, and the last one is the real body of the Yin etching needle... But the Yin etching needle can't penetrate the thin blood color. On the contrary, the blood film seems to be corroding the Yin etching needle?

"Mole ant, can you break this blood shield?" Black robed people more disdain, also don't see what action he has, three water flow composed of Zhang Xu Python toward the river court.

Jiang Ting, regardless of the others, hastily cast his magic, Golden Eagle.

It is to jump toward the side in a hurry even more.

At the same time, I have some feelings. When I was in the divine realm and the origin world, when I used to use the magic method, in order to communicate with heaven and earth more conveniently, and in order to increase the power of the secret method, I not only had to seal the seal, but also had to shout angrily to shake the power of heaven and earth.

And in this immortal world, he doesn't know what the other side is casting.

"Zhe..." a giant eagle about the size of a half man appeared and rushed towards the man in black robe... For the maximum power of the magic in his body, he would not be stupid enough to gather three fist sized miniature eagles.

"I can't help myself." The black robed man sneered and made no movement.

The three boa constrictors pounced on the golden eagle, and then... One boa constricted the golden eagle, and the other two bit the wings respectively. With a fierce tear, the Golden Eagle full of killing was gone.

Jiang Ting didn't see it. A long sword of flame cleaved down with a thick flame.

"Well?" As if aware of the threat, the black robed man stepped back and threw a dark disc.

"Boom..." with the explosion, the disc directly smashed the flame sword.

Jiang Ting sees this, cannot help but secretly scold: "I depend on."

The cultivation gap is too big. It's hard for his magic to threaten the black robe. What makes people feel numb is that the black robe people have blood colored film to protect themselves. If they don't break the film, they can't hurt the black robe people at all.

Not to mention, the black robed people have the advantage of magic weapon and magic... How can they fight against all kinds of things?

"I'd like to see how you run." The man in black continued to sneer.

The three water boas rushed towards the river court again... The dark disc was "dribbling" around the black robed man, but it didn't rush out.

As if it was just a deterrent, or did the black robed people not find an opportunity to attack?

"I can't beat you. If you want to kill me, I'm afraid it's a little short!" Jiang Ting couldn't help but be ruthless, gave up fighting back and leaped between the roofs wholeheartedly.

"Boom..." where the anaconda passed, all the houses were destroyed.

"Loach?" The eyes of the man in black robe show haze.

He found that for a while and a half, his magic could not hit people, and he was dodged by Jiang ting for several weapon attacks.

Look at Jiang Ting again.

When he got up from hiding, he laughed: "you're up in a big battle. You're bloody. My elder martial brothers and sisters are not blind. As long as they come to support you, you're dead."

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