The man in black robe didn't come out of the room. Jiang Ting thought about it and tried to break through the battle, but he was worried that when he broke through the battle, the man in black robe was hiding close to the attack.

After all, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to prevent thieves?

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting takes out a spirit stone with a pain in his flesh. He takes out the spirit stone to recover his mana. At the same time, he takes out the Xuanlong gun.

When the mana is working, the tip of the Xuanlong gun starts to shine.

After half a breath.

"Ang..." with the sound of the dragon, the Dragon gun turns into a dragon and pours directly at the house where the black robed man disappears.

"Boom..." exploded repeatedly.

Jiaolong hits the house and brings out dust and smoke. Then Xuanlong gun turns into a silver light and returns to Jiangting. Jiangting stares at the room and doesn't relax very well.

After ten breaths, the smoke and dust dispersed.

The room where the black robed man disappeared had already been smashed. The bricks and stones on the front path of the Xuanlong gun had been smashed, leaving a deep pit several feet deep.

Even the walls around the room were knocked down by the Xuanlong gun, leaving only a piece of ruins.

Looking at it carefully, Jiang Ting's eyes coagulated again... He saw that there was a tunnel leading to the depth of the broken wall of the house, and he didn't know how deep the tunnel was.

As for the black robed man, there is no trace at all... He has been staring at the house just now, and it is impossible for the black robed man to leave. So, the black robed man entered the tunnel?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting jumped to the ground, turned the mana to his right hand, picked up a half human sized broken wall and threw it directly at the entrance of the tunnel.

It's not difficult for the man in black to come out, but it's almost impossible not to disturb him!

"We have to find a way to leave. We need to let Jing Peng and Fu Zheng do it." With a whisper, Jiang Ting's mind relaxed slightly, and his feet moved towards the edge of the array.

"Ah..." a scream suddenly rang out.

Before Jiang Ting got close to the edge of the village, he stepped a little... Then he ignored it and went to the edge of the village.

A gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall.

The ordinary people in the village may not be dead yet... However, God knows what means the black robed people left behind on the ordinary people? So many people, and most of them are disabled.

Even if you go to great pains to save them, you will die with despair in the future. It's better to ignore them.

Not to mention... The array that envelops the whole village, the bloody light curtain that looks chilling, God knows what's the use? Jiang Ting doesn't think that light is just a trap.

The longer you stay in this village, the easier it is to have an accident.

I saw that he mercilessly slaughtered ordinary people before. I'm afraid that the reason why the black robed people controlled the ordinary people to retreat is that the black robed people still had to use what means the ordinary people used?

In his mind, Jiang Ting returns to the edge of the array... There is still 70% of the mana in his body.

That shot just now consumed too much mana. With the previous consumption, even if he has been restoring mana with spirit stone, he can't recover it.

Looking at the blood curtain, Jiang Ting didn't rush to move. Instead, he stood quietly in the same place and sped up the extraction of Lingshi Lingqi.

About half a quarter of an hour later, mana returns to its full strength.

Jiang Ting didn't take back the spirit stone, but used the magic power secretly.

After two breaths, with the cry of the eagle, the golden eagle spread its wings across the sky.

Under the control of Jiang Ting, the Golden Eagle pounced on the blood curtain.

"Bang, bang, Bang..." the Golden Eagle quickly hit the blood curtain, and with each impact, the Golden Eagle became dim at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Ting didn't care. Instead, he quietly took out the Xuanlong spear and was in a fierce mood... More than 30% of the mana was used.

"Ang..." the Xuanlong spear turned into a dragon.

With a bang, the Dragon hit the place where the Golden Eagle kept hitting.

A faint crack appeared on the blood curtain... Then, the blood light on the blood curtain surged, and the blood curtain began to recover, and the visible speed slowly recovered.

Jiang Ting saw this, mood fell to the bottom: "trouble."

Even if the blood curtain doesn't automatically repair, he needs at least four shots to break the array.

His mana, in its heyday, can only pierce three shots. Where can he pierce the fourth?

After a moment's silence, Jiang Ting gritted his teeth slightly, holding the spirit stone in his left hand and the Xuanlong spear in his right hand. He stabbed out madly... Since he couldn't turn into a dragon, he just kept attacking with the Xuanlong spear and tried to break the battle with the help of the powerful power of the Xuanlong spear.

"Boom..." explosion sound, one after another.

With Jiang Ting's crazy attack, the cracks in the blood curtain can't be repaired, but slowly expand... The speed is not fast, but the cracks are really increasing.

In the long run, as long as you give him enough time, he can break the array.

And because he is attacking with the power of the Xuanlong spear tip, the cost to him is almost negligible... And there is a spirit stone to restore mana.

The mana in his body increases instead of decreasing.

About ten minutes later.

Jiang Ting is still stabbing Xuanlong gun steadily.

Close the gun, stab out

Once, when Jiang Ting was about to stab out, his pupil suddenly shrank. He saw that he was holding the Xuanlong gun's hand. I don't know when, there was a bloody silk thread... Vaguely, he could smell the smell of blood.

"Well?" With the cohesion of the line of sight, Jiang Ting suddenly found that, I don't know when, his Xuanlong gun appeared a trend towards red.

Array, in the impact of Xuanlong gun, even through Xuanlong gun began to affect him!

"Not good." Jiang Ting retreated in an instant and did not stab out.

"Zhe..." the Golden Eagle let out a feeble cry, which turned into fluorescence and scattered, with a faint blood light.

Jiang Ting didn't pay attention to it. He put the Xuanlong gun on the ground and sat in the body. The more he felt, the more ugly his face was.

I don't know when, the mana in his body has been tinged with some blood.

The array that enveloped the village not only trapped him, but also affected his magic weapon and his big body... Just because he didn't find any problem for a moment, he didn't even notice it.

If he didn't find the problem of Xuanlong gun, he wanted to find it. He didn't know when it was!

What's the use of the smell of blood?

Somehow, he thought of the black robed man's sudden retreat, thought of the controlled ordinary people.

As soon as he thought about it, Jiang Ting suddenly felt cold... No matter what kind of magic he used, he could not control so many ordinary people. He must rely on external forces.

What are the forces here?

Array! It must be array! The array covering the whole village!

I'm afraid that the reason why the black robed man retreated was to let the array completely erode him and then control his attention.

No wonder the retreat is so simple!

Although it's just a guess, Jiang Ting feels that it's not far from ten.

This village, can't stay long... Just, how to leave? If you want to leave, you have to break the array, but he can't break the array.

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